Chapter 1145 Plan
"I've seen it, I've seen it, and I've seen it too. It's indeed a big thing, but for you and me, isn't it a good thing, once and for all?"

Jun Wuyou grinned and said indifferently.

"Is this still a good thing?"

Zhang Liang was speechless. Now the 50 Huns in the territory have not been wiped out, and the dark Qin's hidden army of one million does not know where it is hidden.Now that Nehman is making a comeback, it can be said to be worse. Is this a good thing?

"Why is it not a good thing?"

"Hey, I said Zhang Zi, you must have not had a good rest recently, and your mind is confused!"

"I told you a long time ago that this busyness is busy, and you have to rest when you should rest. Only by recharging your energy can you handle major events better. Look at you, a person who is usually alert, but now It's so funny to be confused!"

Jun Wuyou stepped forward, patted Zhang Liang's shoulder and smiled.

"Oh, I said Lord Jun, Lord Jun, don't make fun of me now, okay? Let's get down to business. According to the latest news, it's not just Donghu who is mobilizing troops and horses now."

"Because of the tense battle, the Xiongnu's army has also started dispatching again. The 80 army has already moved towards Daqin! Do you know what this means?"

Zhang Liang had a bitter look on his face. He found that many things, he and Jun Wuyou were not on the same level at all.

That's right, he is indeed very tired now, and his mind is as messy as a mess, but it doesn't mean that he is so confused that he can't even tell good things from bad things, right?
"It's hopeless, it's hopeless...My Lord Shangshu, you need to rest now, take a good rest, otherwise you are really hopeless!"

Jun Wuyou shook his head and said, "It's said to be a good thing once and for all, you have to get entangled in these trivial details!"

"The mobilization of the Donghu army and the mobilization of the Xiongnu army seem to be troublesome on the surface, but if you follow your plan, what is it if it's not a good thing? Plan, plan, my lord Shangshu, the plan you drew up, Don't you remember anything now?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang was not only silent, but pondered for a moment, as if he really had some plan.

Jun Wuyou repeatedly reminded him, but he didn't think of it at all.

At this moment, he seemed to think of something, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and said, "You mean..."

Jun Wuyou snapped his fingers and said, "I finally remembered, that's right, that's it!"

With that said, Jun Wuyou came to the map, pointed with his finger, and said, "Most of the Xiongnu armies in our Great Qin territory are distributed in Zhao and Longxi. It's getting longer and longer!"

"As the Generalissimo took over Yandi and wiped out Donghu's 50 troops, Yandi is no longer in danger. Now, including those Jianghu people, a total of 15 troops are gathered to attack Zhaodi and begin to cut off its tail."

"It can be said that the Xiongnu army in the territory is already in danger. If they don't mobilize reinforcements, will they have to wait to die?"

"So, it will be the 80 Xiongnu army that will enter Daqin next!"

"However, the flames of war today are not only burning in our Great Qin, but with General Mingyang Hou Lieyang leading an army of 20 into the territory of the Huns, it will also cause great losses to the Huns. At this time, the Huns must allocate part of their forces to fight .But the last 80 troops of the Xiongnu are about to come to Qin to fight, isn’t it empty?”

"Therefore, I dare to assert that the last 50 troops of Donghu will not enter the Qin land again, but will go to the Xiongnu battlefield to fight against Ming Yanghou!"

"After all, today's Northwest Great Wall is actually stable. It doesn't matter that there are 50 troops guarding it, and there is also the famous general Lin Yuan sitting in it. Tianmen will not be stupid enough to continue to be fair at this time, otherwise the final result can only hurt a hundred enemies and self-harm. Eight thousand. Even if the Great Wall is taken down, there will be very little left of Donghu's [-] troops!"

"Therefore, they can only follow the path we designed. In this way, only the 80 troops will be left to join the battle!"

"On the other hand, in my Great Qin Dynasty, there are still 40 Southwest troops in the territory. These people are so powerful. Under the dispatch of the imperial concubine, they are inseparable from the Xiongnu army. If they are handed over to the Generalissimo, they will be invincible. It can be said The best of the best."

"In this way, gathering the Generalissimo's 15 troops will be even more powerful. Not to mention defeating the Huns in the short term, but holding on for a long time, and even taking down the Huns, will it not be a problem?"

"As for the southern border and Xianyang, we have also stabilized. At that time, we only need to break through the crisis a little bit, and we can crack it layer by layer. The key point is to see where to start to break and where to start to resolve. Tell me, is that plan right? Did it come in handy?"

Zhang Liang listened quietly, and when he heard this, he suddenly realized.

"Oh, look at my brain, Mr. Jun is right, why am I so confused?"

Zhang Liang patted his forehead, very helpless.

"Zhang Zi, it's time for you to take a good rest. Now, leave the rest to me!"

"The first step of the current plan is to find a breakthrough point for him first. This breakthrough point should be left on the hundreds of thousands of troops within the Great Wall of the Xiongnu!"

"We must take down the 50 Hun army in the shortest possible time and as quickly as possible. At least before the war between Xianyang and the southern border, and before the 80 Hun army join forces. Feel free to send orders immediately, let the general and the imperial concubine empress Let's join forces and make a quick decision!"

"In addition, after sending an order to Lie Yang, no matter what, we must find a way to delay the 80 Huns' army. Of course, this can only be delayed, not reckless. Otherwise, if the loss is too large, I am afraid that they will try to entangle Donghu 50 later. Wan Dajun is in some trouble!"

"Once this plan succeeds, the game will be broken to a hundred, the game will be full of dead chess, and it will be turned into work in an instant. The Great Qin crisis will be considered as the first step, and tomorrow's spring will be ushered in!"

Jun Wuyou chuckled, and as he spoke, he forcibly turned Zhang Liang's body, pushed him behind, and said with a smile, "Okay, leave the rest to me, Zhang Zi, don't worry anymore, I promise to give Zhang Liang It's done properly, without any surprises, okay?"

Zhang Liang wanted to say something else, but when he turned around, he saw Jun Wuyou staring at him, and said, "Hey, Zhang Zi, are you really diligent or fake diligent? How confused are you now, help me!" It can only be a disservice, you know?"

"If you are really diligent, go to bed quickly and don't make trouble. When you wake up tomorrow, there are still many things waiting for you to deal with!"

Zhang Liang was speechless, at this moment he was indeed very tired, and even his eyes were a little stinging.

In desperation, he had no choice but to cup his hands and said, "Since that's the case, Mr. Lao is over there, so I'll go down and rest first!"

After finishing speaking, he left reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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