Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1146 Confused

Chapter 1146 Confused
"My lord, there is news from Lantian Camp!"

In Xianyang City, or in that inn, Shi Potian had just returned to his room, and after a while, a voice came from outside the door and said.

"Come in!"

Jun Wuyou stood in front of the window, looking at the quiet street outside, and said coldly.


A big man came in from outside the door, cupped his hands and said: "I would like to report to all countries, this time in order to test the Lantian camp, I sent a total of more than [-] people, and finally wiped out the [-] soldiers who surrounded the Lantian camp. Today, among them, Sure enough, it was empty inside, and there was no one at all!"

"It's just that the 1 soldiers left behind are all elites. In this battle, our side has [-] people, and we lost more than [-]. I am really ashamed of my lord!"

When Shi Potian heard the words, he didn't care about the lost manpower, what he cared more about was the situation in the Lantian Camp.

"You mean that there is no one in the Lantian camp?"

Shi Potian asked in a deep voice.

"Back to my lord, there is indeed no one inside!"

The man replied again.

"Tell me in detail what you have seen. For example, all the environment in the camp, etc., whether a large number of troops have been stationed in it recently, tell me all about it!"

Shi Potian sneered, he did not believe that there would be no movement at Lantian Daying.

With 80.00% certainty, he can conclude that Xianyang City has already made preparations for a big battle, just waiting for him to fall into the trap.

If the Lantian camp continued to bluff today and sent troops to resist again in order to cover up the emptiness of the Lantian camp, he would instead doubt whether the Lantian camp was really empty.

But now the news is that there is no one in the Lantian camp, which is completely wrong.

He dared to bet that this was 100% a trick of those people, deliberately creating an illusion for him, an illusion that Xianyang City was empty and empty.

And once he believes in this illusion, an unprecedented crisis awaits him.

He has even deduced that if the Lantian camp is prepared, it must be dispatched from the southern border.

There were already few troops in the southern border. If troops were to be transferred from the southern border, he would immediately give the order to ignite the flames of war in the southern border.

At that time, he would like to see how Qin Guo cared about his head and disregarded his back.

After Qin Guo realized that everything was under his control, it would be tantamount to nonsense for those people to make a big wave.

Of course, all these plans have to be settled on one thing, and that is whether the Lantian camp is unprepared.

If the Lantian Camp is completely empty and Xianyang City is in decline, all the flames of war will of course start from Xianyang City.

And Xianyang City has long been prepared, and the southern border is bound to be empty.

Therefore, everything needs to be clear about the facts, which side is the most empty, and then start there first.

Otherwise, even if it succeeds in the end, it will be a miserable victory, which is not what Shi Potian wants to see.

"Returning to the lord, after our careful investigation, the emptiness of the Lantian camp is definitely not a car. The kitchen stove inside is full of dust, and the weapons and equipment have been stored for a long time. If someone has used it in the near future, It can't be like that!"

The man cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"No sign of any recent presence of troops?"

When Shi Potian heard the words, he was a little stupid immediately.

What does this mean?
What the hell are those people playing?
Is this Xianyang City, Lantian Camp, empty or not?

According to the logic, if there is really no one inside the Lantian camp, even if those people are trying to fake it, they should send someone to make it look like someone will use it at any time, at least it will give him the illusion of deliberately concealing the presence of the army. .

But now, there is not even a blindfold. Could it be that Xianyang City is really empty, except for the [-] to [-] defenders, there is no extra troops at all?
Unlike Shi Potian, the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong.If Xianyang City really had no defense at all, they wouldn't be so insolent, it's obviously to lure themselves into the bait.

Thinking about what Jun Wuyou said before, it seems to be telling himself that Xianyang City is empty, and it is a good time to attack.If he doesn't do it at this time, he will look down on him.

What does it mean?I can't wait to do it myself at this time.

But if this is the case, what good is it for him to do it himself?
From Jun Wuyou's body, what Shi Potian felt was treachery and cunning.Such a treacherous and cunning person, in fact, is this kind of person who is asking for trouble?

Shi Potian thought over and over again, after contemplating, he continued to meditate.

As time passed, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Perhaps, Qin Guo had already prepared for it, and everything he showed himself now was an illusion.

Or maybe, Qin Guo didn't have any preparations at all, and Jun Wuyou was deliberately leading himself to think wildly.

But after all, what kind of situation is it?

Shi Potian thought about it and couldn't figure it out.

Anyway, he just had a feeling that those people like Jun Wuyou would definitely not put Daqin in danger.

But the southern border is equally important, are they willing to let the southern border fall?

In the end, between the two, how will they choose and how to do it?

This is what worries Shi Potian the most at this moment.

"Pass down the order, don't like to pay any price, and explore within a radius of [-] miles. Search any place within a radius of [-] miles around Xianyang. I don't believe it. Xianyang is really not prepared at all!"

"In addition, pass down the order, and at all costs, talk about finding out the troops stationed on the southern border!"

After pondering for a long time, he really couldn't think of an answer, so Jun Wuyou had no choice but to order, seeing is believing.

"Yes, my lord!"

The man responded, and was about to turn around and leave, but he thought of something and couldn't help but said: "But my lord, it will take a long time to do this, will it delay the battle opportunity!"

Shi Potian snorted coldly, and said: "Even if you delay the battle, it's better than losing your life for no reason. Follow the order!"

Hearing the words, the man couldn't say anything more, so he handed over his hands and left.

As the person left, Shi Potian fell into silence again.

He suddenly realized that he was in a dilemma now, and he didn't know what to do was the right thing to do. After all, everything should be safe.

It has to be said that the trap that Jun Wuyou set up for him still firmly traps him in the end.

One link after another, among these sets, the most important thing is Jun Wuyou's adventure today, plus Jun Wuyou's words.

Originally, Jun Wuyou's plan was very risky. If it failed, he would have to sever his wrists and abandon his car to save his handsome man.Abandon the southern border and keep Xianyang.

But from the current point of view, his plan is clearly successful.

Not only won the princes, but also successfully confuse Shi Potian. In a short period of time, Shi Potian will no longer be able to make big waves.Da Qin can go all out to deal with the Xiongnu.

(End of this chapter)

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