Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1147 Situation

Chapter 1147 Situation



On this day, in the territory of Zhao, they rushed day and night, and finally arrived at Wang Lin's army in Zhao. With an order, they fought with the last army of the Huns staying in Zhao's territory.

The [-] Xiongnu army was killed and fled. They suffered heavy losses and were defeated.

So far, the Qin army has won the first real victory in the war with the Huns.

On the other side, the commander-in-chief of the Southwest Army, who had already received the order from Xianyang, and the current imperial concubine Yinyue, without hesitation, dispatched 40 troops from various places into Longxi, and contained the remaining 40 troops of the Xiongnu in all directions.

She didn't go head-to-head with the Huns' army, lest she kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred herself, which would cause heavy losses.

The only thing he has to do now is to entangle the main army of the Huns at all costs. You advance and retreat, you retreat and chase, and don't give the Huns a chance to rest, so as to create opportunities for Wang Lin's army who will kill later. Seriously The Huns were outraged by the beating.

Mao Dun is a king who sees all directions, and he is also a capable person.In terms of commanding troops to fight, he has many similarities with Wang Lin.

Other commanders, on the way of the art of war, most of them would respect Feng Linhuo in Sun Tzu's art of war, or follow the tricky and orthodox formulas in the art of war.

But Wang Lin is different. Wang Lin's view on the art of war is just one word, power!

No matter how you fight, momentum comes first.

As long as you grasp the general trend, you can achieve a greater general trend.

Therefore, whenever Wang Lin goes to war, the most important thing is to grasp the general trend.This general trend is either the general trend of heaven and earth, or the general trend of humanity, or the general trend of military strategists.

Anyway, every time he makes a move, there will always be an overwhelming momentum, where he will be invincible and invincible.

The same is true for the battle of Modun.

Use power to overwhelm people, use power to force people.You are strong and let you be strong, the brave wins when you meet on a narrow road, and in the face of any obstacle, just fight it strong.

But now, Mao Dun suddenly discovered that his own method, used to deal with the Great Qin Southwest Army, was hitting a wall everywhere, and he had no ability to use it at all.

The southwest army itself is very powerful in its individual combat effectiveness, not only not weaker than the Huns' army, but even worse.

However, their style of play still completely restrained themselves, it was simply a style of playing with softness.

For example, when the army of the Huns gathered together, they were all in one body, like a natural giant.

During the war, the Southwest Army would disperse, like a group of flies buzzing around a giant, not even flies, but a group of tiny mosquitoes.

Anyone who has seen that kind of small mosquito knows that it is densely packed and clustered in groups. If it does not appear, it will circle around a person's head and fly to your eyes at every turn.

Once you fall into it, it will make you cry.

And you want to slap them away with a slap, but when you slap them, before you touch them, the wind force from the injury will blow them away first.

Facing this kind of mosquito swarm, you can't kill it, and you can't get rid of it.

You advance and he retreats, you retreat and he advances.In the end you will find that instead of killing you, it can annoy you.

This is the experience given to Maodun by the southwest army today. Facing the harassment from all directions by the southwest army, his army attacked with all its strength, and the opponent fled in all directions immediately, unable to catch him at all.

If he sent a small group of troops to encircle and suppress them in all directions, they couldn't beat them.

This is really a burden of gathering power, scattered and being attacked, it simply makes Maodun have nowhere to display his strength.

But at this annoying moment, Wang Lin's army behind him was like a fierce tiger, killing him like a broken bamboo.

I want to gather strength to fight over, but the Southwest Army doesn't allow it.I want to destroy the southwestern army first, and the trouble is not counted. Once the entanglement is too severe, the command will create greater opportunities for Wang Lin's army behind.

The bigger it gets, the worse it gets. This feeling almost drives Mao Dun into madness.

This kind of thing happened again and again, and there was really no way, he could only keep urging the other 80 Huns to come to the rescue without stopping.

Otherwise, he would have to be consumed to death in the territory of Great Qin.

However, when the 80 army was ready to come after the assembly was completed, it was constantly harassed by another southwest army day and night.

In the same way, the enemy advances and we retreat, and the enemy retreats and we fight.

This is a southwestern army of 20. After killing the Huns, it can be said to have caused unprecedented damage to the Huns.

The purpose of the Xiongnu army entering the Great Qin is not to plunder, but to destroy Qin, so they did not harm the people too much.

Their purpose has always been only the Daqin government and the troops stationed in various places.

Similarly, this southwestern army did not offend the Xiongnu to death, but retaliated against them in the same way. You hit my court's government and killed my court's garrison.

Then I will also attack your government and kill your garrison, so as not to harm your people.

As a result, in the territory of the Xiongnu, almost two out of ten government stores have been robbed by this southwestern army, and they have found places to hide them.

Now this army is ordered to do whatever it takes to pester the 80 army.

The leader of the army is Lie Yang, of course Lie Yang is not polite.

Along the way, he led the troops to follow behind and by his side.

If there is nothing to do, he will take thousands of people up to harass.The action was a bit bigger, more than 20 people came forward to loot, patted their buttocks and left after beating, ignoring the pursuers behind.

For example, when the 80 army was resting and cooking, they would fight out, fight in, smash pots and burn down the camp, and finally leave a mess for the Xiongnu army, turn around and leave.

Or the enemy army didn't even bother to cook, and directly collected some dry food, such as beef jerky, for marching.

But before the things are fully obtained, they will be swarmed by an army of 20 and snatch them clean.

When this army couldn't bear it anymore and decided to destroy the 20 army before marching, they immediately ran as far as they could, accompanying the army in circles.

Anyway, just one word, I won't fight with you.

Of course, the big army can't fight, but Lie Yang can't keep his hands itchy. The tens of thousands of troops come and go, killing the enemy's corpses all over the field, which is a great stimulus to the enemy.

In this way, the original half-month itinerary, if it goes on like this, I am afraid that they will not be able to join the army for two months, which makes the Xiongnu army furious, but there is no way to do it.

On this side, Daqin began to slowly restore the situation, on the other side, Tianmen was also in a hurry and quit.

As a result, within the Daqin territory, the dark Qin forces who had been inactive all this time, and Shi Potian's pressure began to increase, forcing him to act immediately.

For more than ten days in a row, there was no news he wanted, and he was so angry that he was also furious.There is a feeling that a dog bites a hedgehog and has no way to bite.

(End of this chapter)

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