Chapter 1148
Donghu King's Court, Bihaiyuan, and Longteng were on the ground, and the sound of even breathing continued to sound.

Concubine Lan lay lazily in Ying Shou's arms, her sleeping appearance was alluring and charming.

It seems that in this world, no matter if it is a pure woman, as long as she lies in the arms of a man, she will be full of enchantment.

Suddenly, her eyes moved slightly, and she slowly woke up from a deep sleep.

The beautiful eyes blinked lightly, and as soon as those blue sea and blue sky eyes opened, they saw the generous chest of the man in front of them.

She raised her head slightly, and saw the man's face with sharp edges and corners, with a very complicated expression in his eyes.

That look, I don't know if it's admiration, submission, or regret, but it just looks a little gentle.

Raising her slender jade arms, her slender jade fingers lightly slid across the man's face. Gradually, her eyes looked a little drunk.

This is the first man who walked into her life since childhood.

At first, she thought that she had no choice but to accept and commit herself to this man because of Loulan.

But after being together, as time went by little by little, she found that she seemed to have changed. She didn't know when it started, but the figure of the man in front of her kept appearing in the center of her mind.

Is it because he was the first to possess himself?

Concubine Lan didn't know how to explain it. When she thought of this, she couldn't help but recall the scene of that night in her mind.

That night was a night she would never forget in her life, and it was also from that night that he deeply remembered the man in front of him.

This man seemed to be engraved on her heart one by one with a knife, making her unforgettable forever.

"Hey, have you noticed that this Concubine Lan has become more and more attached to His Majesty the Emperor recently?"

"Others say that His Majesty the Emperor broke up the relationship between Concubine Lan and that Nehaman, and seized Nehaman. Why do I feel that Concubine Lan and His Majesty the Emperor are the real lovers of mandarin ducks!"

Suddenly, a small voice sounded outside the door.

Lan Fei's eyes moved slightly, and she couldn't help listening carefully.

She knew that this was the discussion of the maids serving outside.For some reason, she used to feel that she could not accept everything about Qin, but recently, she somehow wanted to blend in.

In other words, she wanted to integrate into this man's life.

"What do you know? You don't know it yet. I don't know if it's true or not. Anyway, I heard about the conversation between His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress last time."

"Nanihaman is not a man at all, how could he be the husband of Empress Lanfei? It's just that there are many things that people outside don't know, so they spread rumors!"

Another Gong'e's voice sounded and said in a low voice.

"Oh, really? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

The Gong'e who spoke before said in surprise.

"You didn't ask me, and there are rules in the palace. Some things can't be talked about nonsense, especially the words of the queen and the emperor. You can't spread them casually. Don't say what you said today, or I won't be able to bear it. Let's go!"

Gong'e who revealed the news said cautiously.

"Oh, that's it, then I understand!"

"If you say it this way, I understand!"

Gong'e, who was the first to speak, laughed softly.

"What do you understand?"

The maid who revealed the news was puzzled.

"It's very simple. I've often heard people say that this woman will never forget the first man who took possession of her."

"No matter what method this man uses to possess her, as long as he possesses her, it will be engraved in her heart forever!"

"Some are hatred, but some will slowly develop feelings. I couldn't believe it before, but now it seems that Empress Lan should have feelings for His Majesty the Emperor!"

The Gong'e who spoke first said like a wise man.

"Oh, that's how it is. Let me just say, why do so many princesses who were forced into political marriages in the past put their husband's family first after they got married? This is the reason!"

Gong'e, who revealed the news, had a face of sudden realization, as if she knew some great news.

On the bed, Concubine Lan listened quietly, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and she couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Is it really?"

She couldn't help but ask herself secretly.

She didn't know the answer, but she understood that she would never forget the man who hugged her, and she would never forget that night.

I can't even forget all the experiences I've had with her these days.

Is this the relationship between men and women?I really fell in love with this man?
Concubine Lan is a saintess of Loulan. According to the rules, she cannot marry in her whole life, and can only be the most holy woman.

On weekdays, almost everyone put an end to her contact with men, so she never knew what love between a man and a woman was.

She never understood the lingering feeling of a woman after being possessed by a man.

I don't even understand that it is a seed, a seed that will continue to take root and germinate in every bit of life.

In fact, there has never been such a thing as pure love in this world.

Love is something almost all women imagined by themselves.The so-called feelings are cultivated slowly after all.

It's just that with some feelings, at the moment of touch, there will be turbulent waves deep in the heart, and with some feelings, at the moment of touch, faint ripples will be caused, and even faint ripples cannot be brought up.

For example, it's like two people meeting on the road, just passing by with no souvenirs, and basically no chance to develop feelings for each other.

On the contrary, looking back and smiling is like stirring up ripples.

The difference between Ying Shou and Lan Fei is that it is a kind of irresistible possession, just like a stone that stirs up a thousand waves, even if you forget each other, you can't forget it.

And the more unforgettable memory at the beginning, the more intense the follow-up will be.

Now, unknowingly, she has indulged in this feeling.

She sensed it, but couldn't explain it clearly, and could only fall into deep doubts.

Just when Concubine Lan fell into deep thought, suddenly, the man holding her in his arms let out a long breath and woke up slowly.

Concubine Lan's heart moved, and she quickly closed her beautiful eyes.

For some reason, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated inexplicably, her pretty face was flushed, and even her body seemed inexplicably hot, making her even her closed eyes tremble, and her breathing couldn't be as uniform as when she was asleep, but instead seemed Some rush.

Ying Shou opened his eyes. He just woke up from a dream, his eyeballs rolled around a bit, he felt that he hadn't fully recovered, and he didn't want to move for a while.

But feeling the hot body in his arms, he couldn't help but look down.

"Why is breathing so heavy? And why is this body so hot?"

Ying Shou muttered to himself, frowning unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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