Chapter 1149
Ying Shou reached out and touched Lan Fei's forehead, his brows furrowed even more.

He pulled the other arm from under Lan Fei's little head, turned over and got off the bed, and shouted in a deep voice, "Come on, change clothes!"

The door of the room was backed away, and the two maids outside hurried in, and respectfully said: "I have seen His Majesty the Emperor!"

Saying that, the two women hurried forward to wait for Ying Shou to change clothes. After putting on a black robe, the two maids were about to comb Ying Shou's hair and erect the crown, but Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "That's it, immediately." Tell the imperial doctor to see what happened to Concubine Lan, she is so hot!"

The two maids glanced at Concubine Lan who was still pretending to be asleep on the bed, and seeing that her body was turning red, they were startled, and they agreed to leave.

"Your Majesty, no need, my concubine is fine!"

But here, Lan Fei quickly opened her eyes and said softly.

Ying Shou looked back, sat down on the edge of the bed, and said softly, "You are so hot, how can you delay!"

Lan Fei looked embarrassed, he couldn't say that he was flustered and shy because he thought something he shouldn't have thought, could he?

"Your Majesty, I'm fine, my concubine is fine, but I've slept enough and it's a little warm, and I'll be fine soon!"

Lan Fei hurriedly waved her hands, looking a little at a loss.

"OK then!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, since Concubine Lan didn't want it herself, there was no need for him to force it.

It's just that every time he saw Lan Fei's eyes like blue sea and blue sky, he couldn't help frowning.

According to the truth, whether it is Loulan people or people from the 36 countries in the Western Regions, although their appearance is slightly different from that of Central Plains people, Donghu people, and even Xiongnu people, the difference is not very big.

For example, at this moment, Lan Fei's complexion is normal, although she is very fair, like suet white jade.

It is even whiter than Nanyan, Yinyue and others, but it is also slightly yellowish, so it is not a real Caucasian.

Look at her hair again, brown, although there is a slight difference from black hair, but the difference is not too big.

According to reason, her eyes should be black, even the brown Ying Shou can understand.

After all, the 36 countries in the Western Regions are not really Western races.

Westerners have blond hair and blue eyes, but people from the Western Regions don't, let alone Loulan people. Therefore, Ying Shou has always felt that Lanfei's eyes seem a little abnormal.

"Your Majesty, what are you looking at?"

Being stared at by Ying Shou made her feel inexplicably guilty, Lan Fei couldn't help asking softly.

"You go down first!"

Ying Shou waved back the two maids.

After the two maids went out to close the door, Ying Shou just looked at Concubine Lan and asked softly, "Concubine Lan, if I remember correctly, no one in Loulan seems to have blue eyes, why would you fight with them?" Different, is this a characteristic of each generation of saintesses of yours?"

Concubine Lan blinked slightly when she heard the words, and said with a soft smile, "Your Majesty is referring to the eyes of the concubine?"

"Actually, that's not the case. Loulan people's eyes are mostly black and brown. It's just that the background of the concubines is slightly different from theirs, so there are some differences in some places!"

Ying Shou couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this, and said, "Oh, different backgrounds? Tell me!"

Concubine Lan got up slowly, wrapped her body in a quilt, hugged her legs, seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, and said softly: "About this matter, we should start more than a hundred years ago!"

"According to the time and history of the Great Qin Dynasty, it should be the period of King Huiwen or King Zhaoxiang after Shang Yang's reform."

"At that time, in the far west, a group of very strange people suddenly came to Loulan and other countries deep in the desert. This incident is recorded in many places!"

"Among them, our records in Loulan say that these people have blond hair and blue eyes, and their eyes are like those of concubines. Moreover, they are tall and tall, and their skin is as white as snow. Many people think they are monsters!"

"I found out later that these people are not monsters, but people who look different from us!"

"After getting along for a long time, these people began to integrate into the local life, and they didn't know how to describe their origin."

"Because the language is too difficult to express, people only know that they are from the farther west, but no one knows how far away!"

"In Chenqie's ancestors, there was a woman who married one of these people, and from then on, there will occasionally be a person with blue eyes in the offspring, and Chenqie just inherited this blue-eyed bloodline! "

"So, His Majesty the Emperor also saw this, the concubine's eyes are blue!"

Ying Shou listened quietly. After hearing this, he probably understood.

However, his frown became tighter and tighter. He seemed to know where those people came from and what their purpose was.

In the history of his previous life, there is such a saying.

Before and after the Great Qin Reform period, a god-like man appeared in the far western continent. His name was Alexander.

He single-handedly established the great empire of pressure mountains, and he fought all the way, and his troops moved across the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. Finally, he marched all the way east and hit the Himalayas, thinking that he had reached the end of the world, so he withdrew his troops.

In later generations, people often even make up some jokes based on this, saying that if Alexander had not withdrawn his troops back then, but had marched all the way east, he would have captured the western countries, and finally encountered the Qin State in the west of the Central Plains. What would have happened then.

Some people say that it was the collision between the Macedonian phalanx and the Great Qin phalanx.

Some people say that the Central Plains will be taken by Alexander the Great.

Some people also said that Bai Qi would bury his head in digging holes later, and kill as many pits as he came.

There are different opinions, but there is one thing that is regrettable, that is, there was no collision between Daqin and the legendary Alexander of the West.

As for whether Alexander the Great ever fought in the Himalayas, no one knows.

But from Lan Fei's mouth, Ying Shou vaguely guessed that perhaps Alexander the Great himself had already conquered the Himalayas, but for some reason he was unable to continue eastward.

Maybe it was because they couldn't fight against the Huns, or maybe it was because of geographical reasons that they couldn't continue to fight, or maybe it was because of other reasons.

Of course, there is another possibility that Alexander the Great didn't really fight over, but just sent troops to investigate. In the end, those people were lost in the desert and fell into the territories of Western Regions, Loulan Kingdom, etc., and became the ones that Concubine Lan talked about. wack.

Of course, all kinds of theories are reasonable, but with the appearance of these people, Ying Shou's heart is inexplicably ready to move.

Calculating the time, the former Macedonian Kingdom, that is, the Alexander Empire, has long been divided and perished, but the Roman Empire established in the West is now in the period of development.

Ying Shou has no chance to compete with the Alexander Empire, but he will definitely not let the Roman Empire go.The emperor's earning heart gradually became active at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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