Chapter 1150 Respect
"Well, I understand. If Concubine Lan is not feeling well, she should take a good rest first, and I will go out first!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly, got up and said.

"Thank you Your Majesty, the concubine is really fine, look!"

Being so cared by the man in front of her, Concubine Lan felt inexplicably warm in her heart, she couldn't help raising her head and said.

At this moment, the panic in her heart has passed, and it seems that her skin has recovered.

Ying Shou stretched out his hand to test her body lightly. His body temperature was normal. He couldn't help laughing and said, "In this way, I have misunderstood. It's fine!"

With that said, Ying Shou turned around and walked out.

As soon as he came outside, he saw a figure approaching from not far away.

"The last general pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty!"

It was Sima Xun who came. As soon as he saw Ying Shou, he immediately went to see him.

"Please, general, what is the matter in such a hurry?"

Ying Shou waved his hand and helped Sima Xun up.

"The final general will thank His Majesty!"

Sima Xun kowtowed to thank him and got up, before he respectfully said: "Your Majesty, just now there is news from the Black Ice Terrace, it's news about various battlefields!"

With that said, Sima Xun took out a letter and handed it to Ying Shou.

Ying Shou reached out to take it, opened it and read it, and burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, good... good..."

While speaking, Ying Shou folded the letter, handed it to Sima Xun, and said with a smile: "From this point of view, within half a year at most, the war will be settled, sure!"

In that letter, it was clear that the current situation facing Daqin had changed completely. For example, Shi Potian had stabilized, the battlefields in various places, the initiative had been firmly grasped by Daqin, and so on.

Although it seems that the enemy is strong and we are weak, in fact, it is only a matter of time before all the battlefields are won.

This letter was written by Jun Wuyou, Ying Shou never doubted the person he liked.

Since Jun Wuyou is confident in writing this letter to himself, it is enough to show that he has a plan in mind, so Ying Shou is naturally happy.

Even he himself did not expect that without his intervention, the situation in Qin State would be suppressed so quickly.

From this point of view, within two months, the Xiongnu Donghu will definitely be able to fight back, and within half a year, the dark Qin forces, the Donghu army and the Xiongnu army will be able to quell the chaos.

Immediately afterwards, he sent his troops northward, killed the Xiongnu, and then captured Donghu.The general trend of the world will be won from now on.

This is not an assumption, but a predetermined move.Of course, whether it will go as planned or not in the end depends on how those people show their talents.

"This is all His Majesty's wisdom and martial arts, otherwise, how could the Great Qin be prosperous!"

On the side, Sima Xun gave a rare flattery and said with a smile.

"You, you never talk nonsense, this sudden flattery really makes me a little bit overwhelmed!"

Ying Shou glared at Sima Xun with a funny face, and asked, "How is it? Yuanba's place is better?"

Sima Xun nodded quickly, and said: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, after taking the medicine given by Your Majesty, your son has recovered very well, and he is now alive and kicking."

"It's just going around his wife all day long, staring at that belly, teaching the children inside to call him daddy, having a great time!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said with a funny smile: "It's fine, just let him go, he's already a father, and he still has a childlike heart. It's okay, have fun, have fun!"

Sima Xun felt the same way, nodded slightly, then thought of something, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the last general accidentally ran into King Donghu Khan yesterday, and the king of Donghu Khan said something to the young general, I don't know if it is true or not. It should be conveyed to His Majesty!"

Ying Shou was puzzled, looked at him, and said, "What did he say?"

Sima Xun cupped his hands and said, "That's how it is. Yesterday, when the Eastern Hu Khan saw the last general, he asked from a distance if the last general was General Sima Xun!"

"The last general replied that he was the last general at the time, and then he said leisurely, admiring His Majesty the emperor's majesty, and hope to meet him once or twice if he has the opportunity!"

"This makes the general very puzzled. He is the king of Donghu, and now His Majesty is a guest in Donghu, in his palace. If he wants to pay a visit, why should the general inform him first? Isn't this a joke?"

Ying Shou was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and said with a sneer: "It seems that the life of King Khan is getting worse and worse, and he doesn't even have the freedom to see anyone."

"Well, I heard that Nehaman is reorganizing his army and preparing to send troops to Daqin from the Xiongnu in the past two days. I don't want to see him in the past two days. After half a month, after half a month, you can make arrangements to bring him to the Qin Dynasty. Come see me!"

"Besides, you don't need to follow me during this time, just go to the Khan King. If you have nothing to do, take Xu Chu and Yuanba for a walk. No matter how bad it is, the other party is also a king. The downcast king is still the king. , apart from other kings, how can a group of ants be bullied?"

"Anyone who speaks disrespectfully or slightly disrespectfully to King Khan, there is no need to report it, no matter who it is, they will be killed without mercy!"

Sima Xun was taken aback, he is the emperor's former general, his original duty was to protect the emperor's safety, why is he now being sent to protect the safety of other kings?
"Your Majesty is saying that the King of Donghu Khan is involuntary, how many days do you want Mo to escort him?"

Sima Xun asked cautiously.

"That's right, although this person is King Khan, it's a pity, after all, he is so young that he has lost power and has no room for autonomy!"

"But no matter what, the king is the king. Not everyone can be bullied, including me. Some things, if I don't notice it, it's fine. Now that I have noticed, how can I stand by?"

"General, you have to understand that my Great Qin ruled the country with propriety. The so-called propriety is nothing more than respect. Respect is the most precious thing. If you don't even understand the word respect, you will be a beast if you live! "

"Being a king, no matter whether he is a capable king or an incompetent king, he should be respected accordingly. Unless he submits, otherwise, I would rather kill him than humiliate him, understand?"

Ying Shou sighed and spoke earnestly.

After all, Ying Shou is called the emperor, but he is actually the king of Qin.As a king, he understands what the word dignity means to a king.

A king may have no rights, may lose everything, even his own life, but his dignity shall never be trampled upon.

Of course, those who don't even want dignity and just want to live are different.That kind of person is not worthy of being called watching at all, and he deserves to be humiliated.

So for Ying Shou, no matter how bad the Donghu Khan King was, he was still at the same level as him.

Unless one day the other party submits to him and becomes his subject, even he is not qualified to dictate to the other party.

Even if he wins Donghu one day, he can kill King Khan, but he will never humiliate him.

This is the respect Ying Shou can give the other party, and it is the only thing he can do for the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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