Chapter 1151
Regarding the matter of King Donghu Khan, we can't say that Yingshou is a woman's benevolence, or that he thinks too much.

After all, it's not like Ying Shou has never done such a thing as humiliating the king.

When he was in the southwestern countries, Ying Shou humiliated and hurt the king of Yelang Kingdom.He even made the kings of other countries kneel before him.

But in fact, there are some things that cannot be viewed in this way for a long time.

At the beginning, the reason why he humiliated King Yelang was that King Yelang listened to Han Xin's slander and took his own humiliation.

For Han Xin, Ying Shou's evaluation of him is that he seems to be servile, but in fact he is arrogant.

This statement seems to be contradictory and puzzling.After all, how can a person who can bear the humiliation of his crotch be so arrogant and domineering, who doesn't know what is good or bad, and who doesn't know how to advance or retreat?

But this is actually the case. It is precisely because of Han Xin's arrogance that he can mature into humiliation.

He is proud, not in his self-esteem, but in his heart.He has great ambitions, and has always boasted that he is number one in the world, but he didn't find a good opportunity, otherwise he would dive into the sea and soar into the sky.

Therefore, in Han Xin's eyes, he has never looked down on anyone, including Xiang Yu, Ying Shou later, and King Yelang who finally accepted him.

In his view, the humiliation of the crotch is nothing, it is just a test on the road to success.That's just Longyou shallow water being tricked by shrimps, this is his arrogance.

And precisely because of his character, his arrogance, he didn't care about many things, and finally bewitched King Yelang to plead guilty and humiliated in front of others.

And Ying Shou is also a proud person. His pride is different from Han Xin. As a king, the word dignity is the pride of a king.

Seeing that King Yelang, as a majestic king, is so servile, Ying Shou gets angry when he sees it.

Since the other party doesn't cherish his own dignity, why should Ying Shou give him face?Naturally, it was a serious beating. If Ying Shou hadn't finally softened his heart, he might have been tortured to death.

As for making the kings of the southwestern countries kneel down, what Ying Shou wanted was just an attitude.

What he wanted was submission, and of course the other party didn't have to take advantage of the submission or kneel down.But there is only one result, and that is to die with dignity.

On this point, it can not be regarded as humiliating the kings.

After all, those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish.It is true that you are the king, but you have no power to resist in front of you.I can make you die with dignity, and I can also make you surrender willingly.

As long as you kneel down, you are no longer a king in my eyes, you are just my courtier.I let my courtiers kneel down, what humiliation is there?

But today's Donghu King Khan is different, he has not surrendered, and Ying Shou has not won Donghu either.

So the respect that should be given must continue to be given. There is no need to talk about those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish at this time.This is the philosophy of Yingshou.

This concept is not only for others, but also for him and himself.

If one day, someone is so powerful that he has no power to fight back, he will choose to kill his concubine, child, and finally commit suicide.But never leave any opportunity for the other party to humiliate themselves.

As for surrender, he never thought about it.Maybe this is a way, but he can give this way to others, but he will never give it to himself.

"The general understands, and the general bids farewell!"

Sima Xun took a deep look at the emperor. All along, he only had heart for this emperor, but he didn't know when he started to feel admiration.

"Wait a minute, general, later you will find a sharp sword and send it to King Khan. Tell him that this is a gift from me!"

"As a man, he should stand upright, how can he be without a sword?"

"The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers. The king should hold a three-foot long sword in his hand. Either defend himself, level the world, and the princes submit. Or exterminate himself and not be humiliated by others. This is all I say. I hope he will not tarnish the name of this king. Number!"

Ying Shou nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said again.


Sima Xun handed over again.


Ying Shou stopped talking nonsense, shouted Sima Xun back, and then turned around and walked towards the courtyard where Nanyan was.

As soon as she came to the yard, she saw Nanyan from afar, with her big belly, who was embroidering a female worker stitch by stitch.

As time passed, Nan Yan's belly became bigger and bigger, and Ying Shou couldn't help but wonder if the same was true for Concubine Xue who was alone in the deep palace.

As Ying Shou approached, he saw that the female worker in Nanyan's hand was embroidering better and better, and there was a faint feeling of unique charm.

It has to be said that Nan Yan has always been a very smart and capable woman. As long as she puts her heart into one thing, she often gains more than ordinary people can imagine.

In terms of medical science, she is young, but compared to her father, who is a great doctor, she is indeed better than blue.

Now, in embroidery, the same is true.

"His Majesty!"

On the side, the two maids who were accompanying the queen saw Ying Shou and quickly knelt down to worship him.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, and Nan Yan also looked up, smiled slightly, and said, "Your Majesty is finally willing to leave Hongluan to see my concubine!"

"I heard that during these times, Your Majesty had a great time with the number one beauty in Donghu. Suddenly leaving that beauty and coming to my concubine's place made me a little uncomfortable!"

While speaking, Nan Yan didn't intend to stand up and bow down.

As time got longer and her belly got bigger and bigger, it became more and more inconvenient for her to move.Under Ying Shou's strict order, she was already exempted from bowing down.


"Bold servant girl, you have committed a capital crime, you know it!"

When Ying Shou heard this, his eyes sharpened, and he shouted angrily at the two maids beside him.

"Your Majesty, slaves deserve to die, slaves deserve to die!"

The two palace maids were startled, and quickly fell to their knees, terrified.

But during the conversation, the two women were dumbfounded again.

They thought about it carefully, these days, it seems that they did nothing wrong, why did they suddenly commit a capital crime?
However, companions are like companions to tigers. By the emperor's side, whether they are guilty or not is not up to them.

Even if you are guilty, if the emperor says no, then it will be gone.

And if the emperor is unhappy, even if he is not guilty, it is a serious crime, and no one can resist it.

The two women understand very well, so they dare not resist in the slightest.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing? Mei'er and Yu'er have been fine these days, why did they commit a capital crime?"

Nan Yan was also taken aback by Ying Shou's sudden sternness, she quickly put down her embroidery and asked puzzledly.

She wondered if the two maids had really done something that she didn't know about, if so, then there would be a big problem.

"What is the queen saying? Can I still wrong them?"

"I know that pregnant women like to eat sour food, but these two slaves are really bold. They dare to pour vinegar on my queen. Isn't this a capital crime?"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a look of displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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