Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1152 Flirting

Chapter 1152 Flirting
"Ah...Your Majesty, when did they feed their concubines with jealousy?"

Nan Yan was stunned, why didn't she have any impression?

The two palace maids also looked astonished, how dare they feed the empress, their little palace maids?Not to mention vinegar, isn't that courting death?

"What does the Queen mean? Could it be that I blamed them by mistake?"

"Impossible. I smell it. The whole yard smells of vinegar, especially the empress. If there is no vinegar, where would the smell come from?"

Ying Shou also looked puzzled, scratched his head, and deliberately sniffed.

"Your Majesty, you..."

When Nan Yan heard this, her face darkened immediately.

The two maids were also speechless.

After talking about it for a long time, it was both intimidating and punishing. His feelings had nothing to do with him at all. It was purely the emperor and the empress flirting, right?

"Mei'er, Yu'er, get up first and ignore him. Your Majesty the Emperor is crazy now, and he's just trying to scare people!"

Nan Yan looked like I was very angry, and waved to the two maids.

The two maids look at me, I look at you, and finally look at the queen and the emperor.

In front of the emperor, even if the empress spoke, as long as the emperor did not let go, they would not dare to get up.

Although they all knew that the emperor was making trouble for no reason, but the more so, the more careful they had to be.

"Queen, look, these two slaves obviously don't take you seriously. It was fine to make you jealous before, but now they don't even listen to you. In this way, I will definitely help you teach them a lesson today." How about it?"

Ying Shou couldn't help joking when he saw that the two maids didn't dare to get up.

"Go away, don't worry about it!"

Nan Yan snorted coldly, waved her hands, and said, "You guys are still not getting up, why are you kneeling? Do you really want your emperor to punish you?"

The two maids had a bitter look on their faces. Look at it, it doesn't matter if they get up, or if they don't get up, they are also in a dilemma.

Who would have nothing to do and kneel, it's not that the emperor doesn't speak.

For a moment, the two maids were full of grievances, thinking: "This is really a fight between gods, and it hurts Chiyu. You husband and wife are at odds, why take out your anger on us little girls!"


Seeing this, Ying Shou couldn't help laughing, waved his hands, and said, "Okay, Meier Yuer, get up, for the empress's sake of taking care of you, I won't hold you accountable for making the empress jealous." thing."

"You go and get something delicious first, let my queen eat something first, to get rid of the vinegar smell!"

When the two maids heard the words, as if they had received an amnesty, they quickly got up and left.

"Your Majesty, don't you think this is fun? I'm not afraid to scare the little girl!"

Seeing the two servant girls fleeing away, Nan Yan gave Ying Shou a very speechless look.

It's just that for some reason, this small appearance looks a little coquettish at the moment.

"No way, who told them to make my queen jealous!"

Ying Shou shrugged, stepped forward and hugged Nan Yan's fragrant shoulders from behind, and said with a smile.

"I hate it, my concubine is not jealous!"

The corners of Nanyan's mouth rose slightly. Although what Ying Shou did just now was a bit condescending, she knew that it was clearly teasing herself.

"Aren't you jealous? I don't believe it, it's so sour!"

Ying Shou shook his head as if I didn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, the concubine is pregnant and cannot serve His Majesty. In fact, there is someone who can take care of His Majesty, and the concubine is very happy!"

"Your Majesty, please rest well. I was too busy in Daqin before. Now that I have decided not to interfere with Daqin's affairs, I should relax!"

Nan Yan sighed leisurely and said softly.

"Well, I knew that the queen is the most sympathetic to me!"

Ying Shou showed a warm smile and hugged the queen tightly.


"Daddy... boy, call Daddy quickly, do you hear me?"

On the other side, in another courtyard, next to the rockery, Li Yuanba circled around Chunxiang, pointed at Chunxiang's belly, and shouted with a serious look.

"I said Yuanba, can you take a break, this child hasn't been born yet, how can he be called Daddy?"

Chunxiang was speechless. These days, Li Yuanba seemed to be possessed by a demon, doing nothing but circling around his stomach all day long.

Every time as soon as he touched his stomach, he knew that the little guy inside was moving around, and he immediately danced beside him.

Either singing to the children, or asking the children to practice martial arts, or forcing the children to call him daddy.

The point is, it's okay to say that the child was born, but the child is still in the stomach.Where can I hear what you sing, dance and say?
"Well, it's different, it's not the same, other people's children are other people's children!"

"Some time ago, I was almost beaten to death by that old guy, but in the end I didn't die. The emperor brother told me, I said that the gods descended from the sky!"

"I am so powerful, my child is certainly not comparable to other people's children, he must hear me, and he will definitely call me Daddy!"

Li Yuanba shook his head and said with a serious expression.

"Okay, okay, but can you also take a break? The child is tired and needs to rest. You are still young, you think you are alive and kicking like you!"

Chunxiang's hair was black and her face was speechless, she really couldn't understand Li Yuanba's logic.

At the same time, he couldn't help complaining to the emperor. He knew that Li Yuanba was a stickler, but he insisted on talking about what he had and what he didn't. Isn't this causing trouble for himself?

"Meet the General!"

At this moment, a figure suddenly came from not far away.

Li Yuanba and Chunxiang looked up at the same time, and saw Sima Xunlong, the general of the imperial guard and the commander of the forbidden army, approaching at the same pace.

"Hey, Sima Xun, what are you doing here? Is your brother looking for me?"

Li Yuanba got up, pointed at Sima Xun and shouted.

"The final general has seen the young master!"

"Returning to the young master, His Majesty asked the last general to go to protect King Donghu Khan, and said that if the young master is fine, he can often go for a walk and help out. Therefore, I am here to invite the young master to go!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands.

"Ah, to protect others? So, is there a fight to fight?"

Li Yuanba's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.

"It depends on the situation. If necessary, you don't have to be responsible for killing him. Of course, the young master has to listen to the last general, otherwise the last general can't take the young master there!"

Sima Xun smiled.

"That's a good relationship. Besides me, who else can do this? Let me tell you, Sima Xun, you have been told such a good thing to Xu Chu. I'll go with you, and I promise to listen to you!"

When Li Yuanba heard that beating someone to death was not responsible, he immediately became happy.

For someone who likes violence, what could be more exciting?
"Sir, please!"

Sima Xun didn't talk nonsense, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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