Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1153 Min Shan

Chapter 1153 Min Shan
"Chunxiang, stay at home and wait for me!"

Li Yuanba turned his head, made arrangements for Chunxiang, and immediately came not far away alive and kicking, lifted his drum beating urn and golden hammer, and was about to leave happily.

"Yuanba, be careful!"

Chunxiang was inevitably worried, although she had always known that Li Yuanba was very powerful, although he was stupid, he could be said to be invincible in the world.

But in the final analysis, there are people beyond people and heaven beyond the sky. There has never been a real number one in this world.

Some time ago, Li Yuanba was severely injured and almost died.Now when she heard that Li Yuanba was going out to cause trouble, she was naturally afraid.

"Ma'am, don't worry, the young master will be fine!"

Seeing Chunxiang's worry, Sima Xun couldn't help comforting her.

"Yes, yes, it's okay, Chunxiang, you stay at home and wait for me!"

Li Yuanba also yelled, with an innocent expression on his face.

While speaking, he hurried forward to hold Sima Xun's hand, and shouted: "Sima Xun, don't stand still, let's go!"

Looking at the appearance of the call, it seems that some delicious food was snatched up when it was late.

Sima Xun couldn't help being amused, but he still carried a long sword and followed him out.


Wangting, in another palace, is far away from Bihaiyuan on the south and north.

At this time, Donghu Khan Wang Minshan was sitting alone on a staircase, looking up at the white clouds in the sky quietly, falling into a daze.

For this scene, other people in the court seemed to be familiar with it.

No one cared about King Donghu Khan at all. Everyone in the kingdom knew that Min Shan was King Donghu Khan in name, but in fact he was a puppet without any authority.

Even a little maid would dare to humiliate her.

"Look, the king like this really has lost the face of my Great Khanate. He eats and sleeps all day long, or just sits in a daze, not doing any business at all, and I don't know why he sits in that position !"

"Who says it's not? If it were me, I would have given the throne to the God of War general a long time ago, so I can still occupy the latrine without shitting. What a waste!"

"What's the use of saying more? He has a thick skin, what can you do with him?"

Not far away, a group of guards and maids pointed at Min Shan, their eyes full of sarcasm.

Their voices were not low, and they all reached Min Shan's ears.

However, Min Shan just sat there quietly, as if he didn't hear it.

He has long been used to these discussions and doesn't take them seriously.

In the past, he would still be angry and unwilling.But as time passed, he had even forgotten what anger was, and he lived like a puppet, completely ignorant of what he should and should not do.

Maybe my own existence is born to be ridiculed by others.

At this moment, screams suddenly came from outside the palace.



The next moment, there was a chaotic sound.

A kind of maid and guard were taken aback and turned their heads to look.

Even Min Shan couldn't help but look back.

In front of the gate of the palace, more than a dozen guards were beaten into the air and fell to the ground, either dead or disabled.

Three figures walked in slowly from outside the gate, and the first person was Li Yuanba, the younger brother of the Great Qin Emperor.

Behind Li Yuanba is Sima Xun, the Great Qin Emperor's imperial guard.

There is also an old man, wearing a long-distance running jacket, who seems to be from Qin, but Min Shan doesn't know who it is.

"court death!"

In the palace garden, hundreds of guards were furious, it is really unreasonable for someone to dare to make trouble here.

Immediately, hundreds of people rushed forward and directly surrounded the three of them.

"Hey, you can hit whatever you want!"

Li Yuanba, a fighting maniac, looked excited, and was about to start fighting with a drum and a golden hammer.

But here, Sima Xun suddenly placed his big hand on his shoulder, shook his head and said, "Young master, wait a minute, don't mess around!"

Li Yuanba was taken aback for a moment, but he hadn't reacted yet, but at this moment, he heard a voice not far away.


Min Shan hurriedly got up and shouted loudly.

Seeing Sima Xun coming, he thought it was Emperor Daqin who invited him.

But he yelled loudly, and no one paid any attention to him.

In this palace, he has no right to speak at all, and everyone can ignore him as a human being.

Now that someone came to the door, these guards immediately became angry. It doesn't matter whether you are a Khan or not, unless General War God is here.

"General, it seems that these people don't listen to King Khan's orders at all. King Khan told them to stop, no one paid attention!"

Neither Sima Xun nor Li Yuanba could understand the Donghu official language spoken by Min Shan and the guards, but the old man could understand it, and immediately translated it aside.

Sima Xun was not stupid. Before he came here, he had considered the language barrier, so he specially brought a translator, so as not to be confused about some things and make decisions.

And this old man is the translator he brought.

"Young master, hit whatever you want!"

Hearing what the old man said, Sima Xun, who wanted to stop Li Yuanba, immediately let go of Li Yuanba and said with a smile.


Li Yuanba's eyes lit up, how could he be polite?

"bring it on!"

With a loud shout, the surrounding guards had already rushed forward.

Li Yuanba was also not polite, and charged forward directly, swinging a pair of drums, urns and golden hammers in his hands, vigorously, causing figures to fly up, screaming incessantly.

Not far away, seeing this scene, Min Shan couldn't help frowning slightly, and a look of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

Although these people didn't listen to his orders, they were still palace guards. How could they be so bullied on their own territory?

However, he can't even order his own people, so why should he order the people of Qin State?
At the moment, he could only stand there quietly and watch this scene happen indifferently.

On the other hand, Sima Xun did not intend to let Li Yuanba keep his hand.

He was ordered to come here this time to protect Donghu Khan Wang Minshan, and at the same time restore the last trace of dignity for him.

Now, a group of guards dare not listen to their master, how could he be polite?

Although he is also a guard himself, in his opinion, a guard who doesn't listen to his master is like a dog who doesn't recognize his master.

This kind of people are called bodyguards, they are all embarrassing, they are worse than nothing, and they are killed directly, which makes people happy to see.

If he didn't stop him, Li Yuanba's strikes were neither serious nor serious. In an instant, more than 100 people were all beaten up until they vomited blood and fell to the ground.

There was a faint wail, and it seemed that some of them were not killed, but they couldn't live anymore.

The sight of corpses strewn across the field made King Khan's expression not far away even more ugly.There seemed to be faint fear and some anger.

(End of this chapter)

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