Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1154 It's up to the owner to beat the dog

Chapter 1154 It's up to the owner to beat the dog

"Hey, it's not happy at all to finish the fight so quickly, it's not happy!"

Looking at the ground filled with mourning, Li Yuanba had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

In his opinion, if there are thousands of troops and horses in front of him today, it would be a bit messy, but the scene in front of him is not enough for him.

"Okay, on other people's territory, it depends on the owner to beat the dog. How can there be so many dogs for you!"

Sima Xun smiled helplessly and said, "Let's go, follow me to meet King Khan!"

As he spoke, Sima Xun stepped forward first.

Along the way, seeing her walking, those palace maids exclaimed in surprise and avoided her from a distance, just like avoiding the god of plague.

After all, this is human nature.If you are kind, he will bully you; if you are evil, he will be afraid of you.Only when I am afraid of you can I obey you obediently.

Of course, these were the maids of King Khan, and Sima Xun didn't mean to order them.

As he stepped forward first, Li Yuanba and the old man followed behind.

"His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor sits in front of the guard General Sima Xun. He has seen King Khan of Donghu. Long live King Khan!"

Sima Xun stood in front of Min Shan, cupped his hands and bowed in salute.

"Hey, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor's most powerful general pays homage to King Donghu Khan, long live King Khan!"

Li Yuanba imitated the example, he smiled and said, holding a pair of drums and urns.

"Long live the Khan!"

In the end, the old man followed suit.

Min Shan looked at the people in front of him in puzzlement.

When he first saw these people coming, he thought it was Qin Huang's invitation.In the end, there was a big fight before he could speak, which made him very disappointed. He thought that Emperor Qin had some objections and came to make a fuss.

As a result, after the fight, in a blink of an eye, these people were respectful again, clearly not making trouble, which made Min Shan a little puzzled for a while.

However, while Min Shan was silent, the movement here finally attracted the attention of other guards in the palace.

All of a sudden, countless voices came from the entire palace, and tens of thousands of guards from the imperial guards were dispatched one after another, coming towards this side, and surrounded the three floors and the three floors outside the palace.


Min Shan frowned slightly, raised his head and looked around, only to see countless imperial guards poking their heads out from one side of the wall, and countless bows and arrows aimed directly at this place.

At the same time, countless guards broke into the palace and surrounded it completely with knives.

"Who let you in, step back!"

Min Shan's eyes sharpened, and he couldn't help shouting angrily.

However, none of the people at the scene paid any attention to him. They all looked in the direction of the gate, as if they were waiting for someone.

Min Shan, Sima Xun and others turned their heads to look, only to see a figure slowly walking in from outside after waiting for a while.

The figure looked a little small, dressed in plain white clothes, with long hair hanging down vertically, like a woman.

It's just that she has a half-covered mask on her face, making it difficult to see her face clearly, and it is difficult to tell whether he is a man or a woman for a while.

"Meet the God of War General!"

As soon as this person appeared, inside and outside the palace, countless guards knelt down on the ground at the same time, paying homage loudly!

"Is it Nehman?"

Sima Xun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hey, it turned out to be this kid. He came at just the right time. He didn't beat him to death last time. It's his fate. I didn't expect him to show up today!"

As soon as Li Yuanba saw Nehaman, he was overjoyed immediately, wishing he could rush up and fight immediately.

"Don't be impulsive!"

However, before he could make a move, Sima Xun grabbed him and gave him a warning look.

Seeing this, Li Yuanba immediately had a dull expression on his face, so he had to retreat obediently.

"How did you come?"

In front of several people, Min Shan looked at Nehaman who was approaching, and asked in a deep voice.

"Others have bullied me to my house, why can't I come?"

"As the saying goes, it's up to the owner to beat a dog. Are you so indifferent when you see these guards being beaten like this?"

Nihaman said coldly.

Hearing this, Min Shan was speechless. Facing Nehman, he has never been tough, just like a child facing his own parents and can only be suppressed forever.

"Hmph, as soon as these people from Qin moved out, I got news that they wanted to come to you. I wanted to come and have a look, but I didn't expect to see the scene in front of me!"

"You have always wanted to meet the Qin people. Now that the Qin people are here, do you like this meeting gift for you?"

Nehman snorted twice, speaking sarcastically.


Min Shan was speechless, he had always wanted to see the people of Qin, to be more precise, he wanted to see the Emperor of Qin.

But what he wanted was a way out, not a way out.The way Qin Guo played today made him a little disappointed, even a little desperate.

"Sima Xun, Li Yuanba. You have been arrogant in Donghu for long enough. I don't need to pursue it."

"But now you are so disrespectful to me, Donghu and my king, what is your preparation?"

Seeing that Min Shan was speechless, Nihaman's eyes slowly turned to Sima Xun and Li Yuanba.

As she walked step by step, before she knew it, she had already come to several people.

"Hehe, look at what you said, as if you can hold me accountable if you find me unhappy, do you have the ability?"

Li Yuanba curled his lips, with a displeased expression on his face, and said, "Don't forget, who was almost beaten to death by me before!"

That's right, it doesn't give face at all.

It is said that you don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and you don't expose your shortcomings when you swear.After all, he is also a majestic god of war, so these words should not make people lose face?

Nehman's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Li Yuanba with a cold expression, his body trembling with anger.

She really wanted to rush up and tear this guy's mouth open immediately, but she knew that even if she rushed up now, she would not be the opponent's opponent at all.If you act recklessly, you can only ask for shame.

"Sir, don't talk nonsense!"

Just when Nihaman was angry, Sima Xun scolded Li Yuanba in a low voice.

Then, Sima Xun cupped his hands and said: "I was ordered to come here today to meet King Khan. The commotion may be a bit loud, but you don't need to blame all the faults on this general, right?"

"What you said just now, I think your Excellency's words are very reasonable. It depends on the owner when beating a dog. If it is a good dog, of course it has to give the owner three points, but a group of dogs that are against the owner, don't they have to do it before they beat the dog?" Ask the master if you should hit him or not?"

"At least, if my dog ​​goes crazy and doesn't recognize its owner, and someone beats it to death for me, I will only be grateful, and I will never be angry."

"I don't know, from your Excellency's point of view, these guards, no, they should be all the people in the palace... No, it should be said that everyone in the entire Donghu, are they a group of obedient dogs, or a group of people who don't treat King Khan as a king?" A human dog!"

"If it's a group of dogs that turn against their masters, in your opinion, should they be beaten?"

(End of this chapter)

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