Chapter 1155 Gifts
Nihaman narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Sima Xun coldly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Does your sentence include this general?"

Sima Xun sneered and said, "It depends on how you understand this meaning!"

"There are two types of dogs, and there are two types of people. Evil people are like dogs, and good dogs are family members. It depends on what it does, whether it is a human or a dog!"

"Sensible and polite, that's called human nature, it's human!"

"Being ignorant and rude is called inhumanity, a beast, or a dog. I don't know what everyone thinks, are you sensible or ignorant?"

While speaking, Sima Xun sneered even more.

He is a general, yes, but he doesn't have the common qualities of many generals, such as vulgarity and arrogance.

On the contrary, he is modest and polite, and when he really wants to be dissatisfied, he can also swear without profanity, without any vulgar meaning at all.

As soon as these words came out at this moment, Nehman was immediately speechless.

He couldn't answer these words at all. No matter what she said, she had already memorized the dog's name. After all, she was comparing herself with the dog.

"Hmph, people in Qin really like this set of adjacent teeth!"

"Could it be that you came here today just to say these words?"

Nehman snorted coldly.

"of course not!"

Sima Xun shook his head slightly, then looked at Min Shan, and said, "His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor sits down to guard General Sima Xun to pay homage to King Donghu Khan, long live King Khan!"

This is the second time Sima Xun saluted, the first time Min Shan didn't have time to respond, this time he saluted again, Min Shan finally reacted.

He turned his head and looked, not knowing what to do for a while.

I was a little flustered in my heart, just now I heard that when I was young, when I was a prince, what I would do when others visited me.

Immediately he raised his hand and said: "General, get up, I don't know what the Qin Emperor sent the general to do this time?"

"Thank you King Khan!"

Sima Xun thanked him and got up, folded his hands and offered a long sword, saying: "I was ordered to come here today to offer a gift!"

Min Shan and Nehaman at the side looked at the long sword in Sima Xun's hand at the same time, and then at Sima Xun, both of them were puzzled, not knowing what this meant.

Why did Emperor Qin come here to present a gift for no reason?

"General, what does this mean?"

Min Shan asked strangely.

"Reporting to King Khan, this sword is a small favor of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, please don't refuse it!"

"My Emperor's Majesty said that this time Donghu is a guest, and there is no treasure. This sword is not a famous sword in the world, but it is the sharpest sword that this time entered Donghu and carried with the army. Let the last general pass it to King Khan!"

Sima Xun replied respectfully, he paused for a moment, couldn't help but look at Min Shan in front of him, and saw a flash of light in his eyes, as if he was slightly pleasantly surprised by the gift from Emperor Qin.

Then, Sima Xunfang continued: "In addition, His Majesty the Emperor said that if you are born a king, how can you not have a sword in your hand?"

"A king should hold a three-foot sword in his hand and level everything in the world. The princes will submit... or kill themselves, so that they will not be humiliated in the world. I hope that King Khan will not tarnish the name of this king!"

As soon as these words came out, King Donghu Khan trembled all over.

On the side, Nehman's heart also tensed up.

Before he knew it, the coldness in Nehman's eyes and his hostility towards Qin disappeared a lot.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable touch of emotion in Min Shan's eyes.

In fact, he wanted to own such a sword a long time ago, but he didn't have that right, not even the right to choose.

All along, he had hoped that someone could say these words to him, and the person he most hoped for was the one beside him, his own sister.

It's a pity that he didn't wait all this time. On the contrary, now, these words came out of the mouth of a foreign emperor. While he was moved by his new life, it was also very unpleasant.

He glanced at Nehman quietly, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help sighing.

Suddenly, Min Shan stretched out his hand, took the long sword from Sima Xun's hand, and said, "Thank you, General, for the gift, and I would like to ask General Sima to go back and tell the Emperor of Qin that I have accepted his kindness. If there is a chance, I will definitely honor it." report!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands and said, "King Khan is being polite. His Majesty the Emperor has said that when we come here this time, we will let the foreign generals serve King Khan!"

"From now on, if anyone in this world dares to disrespect King Khan, he will be killed without mercy!"

Hearing this, Min Shan's heart moved again.

He knew that Qin Huang really gave himself a big gift today.

However, can I accept this great gift?

He knew that Qin Huang might have seen his situation, and he wanted to regain some dignity for himself.

But in fact, his own situation was far more complicated than Qin Huang imagined, and it was not at all that Qin Huang could help if he wanted to.

"General, please be polite. Go back and tell your Majesty the Emperor Qin. Just say his kindness, and this king appreciates it. However, this king is very good here and does not need any protection. If necessary, there will be a large number of talents for Donghu, which is enough for us." Already!"

After pondering for a moment, Min Shan waved his hand and said again.

After all, he is still a king after all.

As a king, how can he accept charity, sympathy and mercy from others?

Even if the person who gave him alms, sympathized with him and pitied him was Emperor Qin.

He could accept Qin Huang's gift of a sword, but if he accepted Qin Huang's so-called protection, he might be able to maintain his humiliating dignity.

But that's not real dignity, he doesn't need it.On the contrary, this long sword might be able to regain the dignity he wanted for him.


Sima Xun frowned slightly, but looked at Min Shan, nodded slightly, and said, "In that case, Sima Xun will take his leave for now!"

Min Shan waved his sleeves and said, "The general is sympathetic!"

Sima Xun stopped talking nonsense, greeted Li Yuanba and the old man, and left directly.

Along the way, although the surrounding area was surrounded, Nehman did not give orders, and no one dared to act or stop them.

After waiting for a few people to leave, Nihaman waved his hand and said, "Let's all withdraw!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tens of thousands of troops were instantly withdrawn.

Nihaman turned around slowly, came not far away, sat down on a step at random, and said, "Do you want to keep this sword?"

Min Shan looked at the sword in his hand, hugged it to his chest, and said: "This is the first gift given to me by Emperor Qin, and it is also my favorite gift since I was a child. If you want to take this sword away , you can take my life first!"

Nehaman sneered, and said, "This sword may kill you in the future!"

Min Shan slowly came to Nehaman's side, sat down too, and said, "Do you think I care about life?"

"Actually, I used to care about you the most. Now, I have this sword again!"

"You are the sword that controls my life, and this is the sword that takes my life. Both are the most important to me. If one day, you are willing to turn back, maybe I will choose to put down this sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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