Chapter 1156
Nehaman was silent, and after a long time, he said: "I like this sword very much too, if you want to keep it, then keep it!"

"Hold this sword in the future, don't let it down. Anyone who wants to kill, just kill, don't worry about everything!"

"But I hope you can understand that a sword is always a double-edged sword. It can hurt others as well as yourself. I hope you can control it!"

As he spoke, Nehman slowly got up and walked out of the palace.

"Are you going?"

Min Shan quickly raised his head, his voice was a little more gentle, and he called out to Nehman's back.

"It's time to go, the rush over there!"

Nihaman paused and said in a deep voice.

"You have to be careful, if you come back, this sword will not be on my neck. If you don't come back, this sword will send me to see you!"

Min Shan got up, holding the long sword tightly in both hands, and said in a sad voice.

"Protect the sword, and protect yourself!"

The lips under Nehman's mask raised slightly, and he took a sudden step and left directly.

King Donghu Khan stood behind, looking at the direction he was leaving stupidly, unable to recover for a long time.

"Protect the sword, protect yourself!"

"Can I protect you?"

I don't know how long it has passed before Min Shan muttered to himself, and two lines of tears rolled down unconsciously.

He took a deep breath, reached out to wipe away the tears on his face, and suddenly stood up straight.

He tightly held the hilt of the sword with his left hand, and his eyes shone brightly, revealing a faint light looking down on the world.

He walked towards the hall behind him step by step. At this moment, in front of the gate of the hall, a group of maids who had been frightened before were still sitting there.

Min Shan walked up step by step, and those maids looked at him with puzzled faces.

Min Shan came to these maids, stood still suddenly, and said, "There is a truth, it's time for you to understand!"

"The road of the king can never be blocked by a group of ants. The reputation that you are looking at can never be slandered by a group of ants!"

"It may be too late for you to know this truth today, because the price is very high. I hope you can understand it sooner in the next life!"

After the words fell, Min Shan pulled out his long sword abruptly.


"Do not……"

Along with streaks of blood, I saw him holding a long sword and slashing wildly. In an instant, more than a dozen maids were dead on the spot, leaving a lot of blood on the ground.

On Min Shan's body, blood was also splashed all over his body, including his face.

This scene made him look like a devil crawling out of Shura.

At this moment, his eyes became very horrifying, so horrifying that people dare not look directly at them.

Holding the blood-dripping long sword, he walked into the hall step by step, finally came to the throne, and sat down slowly.

The deserted palace made him feel what it means to be so cold at a high place.

The smell of blood made him seem to see through layers of fog the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood leading to the road to the king.

In the past, he would be afraid, but today, for some reason, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of excitement, as if that road itself should be the supreme avenue prepared for him.


"Oh, he refused to keep you?"

In Bihaiyuan, in the other courtyard where Nanyan was, Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, looking at Sima Xundao in front of him.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, as King Khan said, he will keep the sword. Thank you for your gift. If there is an opportunity in the future, it will be rewarded generously. However, King Khan does not need protection. If there is a need, Donghu talents will come out in large numbers, which is enough!"

Sima Xun cupped his hands and said respectfully.

"Hehe, okay... I finally didn't disappoint me. This is the demeanor that a looker should have!"

"Being born as a king, how can you accept other people's sympathy and pity. It seems that after today's events, this Khan has finally set his ambition. If you give him some time, maybe he can really unify Donghu and become the supreme king!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly when he heard this, and said with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty is saying that the Khan may become even stronger?"

Sima Xun was taken aback, and couldn't help but said.

"It will be strong. As long as it is a human being, it will become strong, let alone a generation of kings? It's just that he needs an opportunity to grow up. Today, I gave him this opportunity. Next, all he needs is time!"

Ying Shou looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"But Your Majesty, Daqin and Donghu have always been enemies. Isn't it because Donghu is strong that King Khan is strong? Donghu is strong and bears the brunt of the damage. Isn't it me, Daqin, who is hurt? His Majesty's way of doing this, is it breeding tigers into danger? nah?"

When Sima Xun heard the words, he couldn't understand what Ying Shou was doing, so he didn't understand.

"Is raising tigers a problem?"

"I am the Son of Heaven, not a tiger, so how can I deserve my support?"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, and said proudly, "General, there is one thing you have to understand. As a human being, you can't always look at your interests. Sometimes when you help others, you may also want to help yourself."

"Whether it's an enemy or a friend, it's always good to have more kindness. Even if you really want to fight to the death in the future, that's a matter of the future. It's not bad for everyone to leave a good impression on the other party's heart!"

Sima Xun scratched his head, looking puzzled.

This is going to be a fight to the death, what's the use of making a good impression?

He didn't understand, but he couldn't continue to ask more questions, so he could only cup his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the last general will take his leave first!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly, and said, "Go!"

Sima Xun turned and left, Ying Shou continued to stand here quietly, looking far away, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of soldiers and horses being mobilized in the royal city outside the royal court.

It also seems to be able to see the scene where countless armies rushed out of the king's city, gathered from all directions, and gathered outside the king's city.

It was a mighty team, the last remaining 50 troops of Donghu, and all of Donghu's current possessions.

And this army, from today onwards, will all go into battle.It was a life-and-death battle with Daqin.

If this battle is won, Great Qin will be completely annihilated.If this battle is defeated, Great Qin will unify the two great empires of Xiongnu and Donghu.

This was a crucial battle. After the army was assembled, Nehman put on the display rack, galloped away, rushed out of the city, and stood in front of the army.

"My sons and daughters, it's time for you to charge forward. Look to the south, what a land of abundant water and grass, and what a prosperous place it is? Today, take the knives in your hands and follow this general to attack Qin and take Qin. country."

"From now on, the money there will be yours, the treasures will be yours, the endless treasures will be yours, and those charming people will also be yours!"

"What are you waiting for, go west, go around the Yanmen Pass of Qin State, kill me, kill!"

Before Nehman rode his horse, he held two knives and roared angrily.




Countless soldiers Yang Tian roared angrily, and pulled out their scimitars one after another, waving them like a group of demons.

The army rode their horses, and with the momentum of landslides and ground cracks, they went straight to the territory of the Huns.

(End of this chapter)

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