Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1157 Surrounding but not attacking

Chapter 1157 Surrounding but not attacking

The war was going on all the time. In the territory of Daqin, under the constant harassment of the Southwest Army, the Huns' army was miserable, and it could be said that they were exhausted.

They don't even have the slightest rest time.

The 30 southwest army was dispersed into countless small units, resting here and harassing there.Rest over there, harass here.

Occasionally, there will be a big strategy when there is no movement.

Every time they came down, the Xiongnu army lost a little bit, and then a little bit more, and before they knew it, they accumulated into a terrifying amount.

With an army of one million, only 50 were left in Daqin.

In the back, Wang Lin's army chased and killed in every possible way, and the scattered army was wiped out by more than 13.

After being harassed and strangled by the southwest army to kill 50 to 30 people, the [-] army now only has less than [-] left.

Under the unremitting efforts of the Southwest Army to harass, the depleted Xiongnu army met Wang Lin's army again after joining forces, and finally could not realize the future they should have.With one blow, the army fled in all directions.

Under the endless pursuit of Wang Lin's army, and under the deliberate isolation of the Southwest Army, the remaining 20 Huns were finally driven into an ancient forest.Outside, there are encirclements by the Qin army in all directions.

The army of more than 20 Huns was completely beaten and had no power to fight back.

"Bastard, where's Donghu's reinforcements? Where's my 80 army? And the army of Anqin?"

"Where, where are they all?"

In the jungle, under a mountain depression, Mao Dun was tortured to the point of madness. His style of play has always been tough.

However, in the face of the southwestern army, which uses softness to overcome rigidity, it hits a wall everywhere.So much so that when he encountered Wang Lin, who was constantly taking advantage of the general situation and was both feminine and gentle, he was defeated with one blow.

He wasn't even an opponent head-to-head, which doesn't mean that he made a mistake in command, nor that he was any worse than Wang Lin.

The key problem is that when he said that he was going deep into the battle, he was already alone and helpless in Qin State.

Originally, Donghu was going all out, while Anqin was going all out, and they cooperated together, and they could still play impressively.

But as the war continued, he discovered a problem. From the beginning to the end, he was the only one who had been fighting, and only his own army.

His own army of 80 was dragged behind, and Donghu's side seemed to be okay, and there was no movement for more than half a month.

Similarly, the dark Qin side also stood still.

At this time, if one of Anqin and Donghu is waiting for an opportunity, he will find a breathing space for him.But these people have no intention of helping at all.

Until now, it seemed that this was his battlefield alone.

On the contrary, looking at Daqin, it is grain and grass equipment, and there is an endless supply of them.

The armies of all parties cooperated with each other and fought side by side.It wouldn't be too much to force him to retreat in a row, but after repeated losses and harassment, the strength of this army was exhausted after all.

A powerless army, how can we talk about the general trend?
He was really oppressed so that he had no chance to breathe, he didn't even have any time to rest, otherwise how could he end up like this?

On weekdays, even if there were only 20 troops, he would dare to touch it head-on, but now, he really couldn't afford it.

Intense anger swept through Maodun's heart.

He wasn't angry at Qin's despicable and shameless way of fighting. On the battlefield, he never tires of deceit, and has never said that he is mean or shameless.

He was angry with An Qin and Dong Hu.The two bastards actually used him as a gunman and watched him fight alone.

At the same time, he was even more angry with Tianmen. At this time, as long as Fantianmen had some effect, he would not be reduced to such a point.

I am really angry.

"Report to Shan Yu, there is news from Tianmen, and Donghu has begun to send troops to the territory of our Xiongnu!"

At this moment, not far away, a general hurried over and knelt on one knee.

"Hahaha, are you sending troops now? It's too late, my army can't wait for their rescue!"

Hearing the words, he was immediately happy.Then roared angrily.

Now his army is trapped in the mountains, with no food and grass.Even if the enemy did not dare to rush in, they were afraid of being ambushed by him.

But as long as they are surrounded in front of them, sleepiness can also trap them to death.

Even if they eat weeds or gnaw bark, they should starve to death, or starve to death.

Even if they can't die of hunger, how can they have the strength to fight after eating those things for two or three days, six or seven days?

Now, the 20 army and him are finally at the end of the road.

"The last general, Wang Lin, pay homage to Empress Yinyue!"

Outside the ancient dense forest, Wang Lin's army completely joined forces with the Southwest Army.Wang Lin climbed the mountain alone, stood in the depth of the silver moon, folded his fists and bowed, saluting.

With her back to Wang Lin, Yinyue stood at the top of the mountain, and in front of her was a cliff.

Under the ten thousand zhang cliff is the place where the Xiongnu army hides, the ancient dense forest.

Standing in this position, even a woman still has an inexplicable sense of unrivaled arrogance, a feeling of seeing all the mountains and small things at a glance.

"Marshal, excuse me. Now that this army has been cornered, I don't know how the Marshal plans to deal with it?"

Yinyue didn't turn her head, and continued to turn her back to Wang Lin, but her voice was very gentle.

It seems that this is her natural character, her voice is always so gentle, whether it is for the enemy or for her own people, it will always be like this, making people unable to hear emotions.

Perhaps it was only in front of Ying Shou that she would reveal her other emotions.

"Reporting to Madam, according to the calculations of Master Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng, seven days later, there will be a downpour here!"

Wang Lin said in a deep voice.

"Oh, and then what?"

Yinyue's voice was still gentle, but without much emotion, she continued to ask.

"Heavy rain can put out a fire!"

Wang Lin said simply and clearly.

When Yinyue heard the words, the corners of her mouth rose slightly. These few words were enough for her to understand what Wang Lin meant, which was to prepare for a fire attack.

"Very good, otherwise the fire will spread and it will easily hurt innocent people. After all, this is in our Great Qin territory!"

Yinyue nodded lightly, and said softly: "This place is only six hundred miles away from Xianyang. After solving the matter here, within three days, we should be able to rush back to Xianyang for rescue. Next, what should I do?"

Wang Lin couldn't help being silent when he heard this.

Although he is the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the Great Qin Dynasty, now that Yinyue is in command, logically, he should obey his orders.But in the final analysis, Yinyue's body of ten thousand gold is the Great Qin Imperial Concubine.

If he pointed fingers at the Great Qin Concubine, wouldn't he be guilty of the following?
This made Wang Lin unable to speak for a while, and it was difficult to give orders.

"You are the commander-in-chief of the three armies. In Daqin, I am respectful and you are humble. In the army, it is up to you to call the shots. Just give your orders, and I am willing to obey!"

After not hearing Wang Lin's reply for a long time, Yinyue seemed to have understood his thoughts, and spoke again in a gentle voice.

(End of this chapter)

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