Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1158 Keep Calling Me

Chapter 1158 Keep Calling Me

"Thank you, Ma'am, for your understanding!"

"According to the news I just received, the Donghu army has already set off to the territory of the Xiongnu."

"In name, these people want to use the Xiongnu to enter Yanmen Pass and enter the territory of our Great Qin. In fact, if there is no accident, the target of this army should be Mingyanghou!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands, thanked him first, and then said: "Judging from the current situation, the three major forces of Donghu, Xiongnu, and Anqin can affect the whole body."

"The Eastern Hu and the Xiongnu are alright. Although the power of the whole country is incomparable, it is a power on the surface after all, and the power of the dark Qin is incomprehensible after all. If it doesn't explode for a day, no one knows how powerful it is! "

"At least according to the current situation, the dark Qin's military strength is no less than one million, or even more!"

"Under such a situation that affects the whole body, the Maodun Xianjun has been trapped. Whether it is the Anqin, the Xiongnu, or the Donghu, the follow-up forces will be under great pressure and will explode in a short time. .”

"Therefore, the crisis lurking in Daqin is always on the alert!"

"At the moment when Daqin is employing people, the empress has two choices. One, go to the territory of the Xiongnu and entangle the Donghu army!"

"But, back to Xianyang, first prepare for the Xianyang war!"

After speaking, Wang Lin raised his head, looked at Yinyue's beautiful back, and waited for Yinyue's answer.

If you were an ordinary person, just a concubine, that would be rude.But here, there is no such thing.There are only soldiers in the army, regardless of gender.

On weekdays, women were not allowed to enter the military camp, but once they did, they did not belong to women in the army.

"Is there a way to have both, once and for all?"

Yinyue pondered for a long time before she spoke softly.

"Yes, the Xiongnu is vast. Even though the Donghu army has a large number of people, it is not easy to take down Mingyanghou, so it can be delayed."

"But Xianyang can't do it. If there is a slight mistake, it will be a failure. The last general has a character army, and he can hand it over to the empress and go to Xianyang. Once it is disrupted, the world can be determined!"

"When the situation in Xianyang is stable, the empress will immediately lead an army of [-] to the territory of the Xiongnu. She does not want to win the first battle, but to entangle the Donghu army. At the end, at the right time, she will order the defenders of Yandi to enter the territory of Donghu. Take down Donghu in one fell swoop!"

"At this time, the situation in Donghu is in turmoil, and the Donghu who have come out in full force are powerless to resist. The only choice for Nihaman is to take back Donghu and put an end to the chaos."

"At that time, he will be flustered, and the empress can annihilate Donghu's 50 troops in one fell swoop. At this point, Donghu's troubles will be settled!"

"At the same time, in the southern battlefield, in Ren Xiao's barracks, although those who were cleared were cleared, and those who were transferred to Xianyang were transferred to Xianyang, the remaining army is only about [-]."

"However, just in case, Ren Xiao has already summoned the old army and secretly accumulated an army of more than 40 to attack. Including the army in his hands, the total is [-]!"

"Even if they can't defeat the dark Qin forces in the southern border, it is absolutely impossible for the dark Qin to win the southern border in the short term. The general will take this opportunity to put down the 80 troops of the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, and take down the great trouble of the Huns."

"At that time, the troops will send troops to the south and join forces with General Ren Xiao to put down the chaos of the Dark Qin, and the crisis of our Great Qin will be completely resolved. Next, we will completely take over the land of the Xiongnu and Donghu!"

Wang Lin nodded, and with a few words, he revealed the queen's battle plan.

In front of Yinyue, he has no need to hide.

This Daqin was originally his country, and he was just fighting for others. Could it be that he was afraid that he would reveal his plan and cause unnecessary troubles?
Furthermore, although there are many tricks on the battlefield, isn't Wang Lin used to using tricks in battle?

He can calculate people, but in the end he always overwhelms people with power.In the actual confrontation, most of them are Yangmou.

After some planning, even if the opponent knew it was wrong, he had to jump into the pit.Therefore, Wang Lin is not worried about the leak of the plan.

"Well, the Marshal is a great talent. Since this is the case, then I will obey the Marshal's orders. The Marshal quickly gives the order to mobilize a one-word army!"

Yinyue nodded, she was very satisfied with this arrangement, at least under the dark clouds that oppressed Daqin, he saw a ray of dawn, which belonged to Daqin.

"Qi Niang Niang, the Yizi army is already waiting below!"

Wang Lin stood behind and cupped his hands.

Yinyue turned around and looked down the mountain behind her, where she saw three people, 250, waiting quietly.

After repeated battles, the previous 260 people still suffered casualties after all, and now there are only 250 people left.

But even so, this 250-person team is still the most powerful army team in the world, unrivaled.

Even Shi Potian's 250 tiger and ben army is nothing compared to the [-] three-person army.

Looking at the 250 three people standing quietly, like wooden stakes, motionless, an inexplicable murderous aura swept over Yinyue's heart.

It was a very powerful obsession, so strong that others could feel it, and couldn't help but be disturbed physically and mentally.

"very good!"

Yinyue nodded slightly, turned and left.

When they came to the foot of the mountain, Yinyue made a move and said, "Let's go, go back to Xianyang!"


250 The three of them agreed at the same time, followed behind Yinyue, and walked for a while, only to see that the place was already full of war horses.

Nan Yan got on one of the horses, and the rest of them also got on their horses.

Accompanied by a sound of scolding, the horses galloped, and this army went straight to Xianyang.


"General, the Donghu army has entered the territory of Donghu, which is less than a thousand miles away. Dare I ask if the general will continue to entangle with the Xiongnu army!"

In the territory of the Xiongnu, on an endless prairie, a general stood in front of Lie Yang, cupping his hands.

"Entanglement, of course we must continue to entangle!"

"Pass the order down, hit me... as long as they dare to move, hit me non-stop. I'll beat them until they can't move, and they won't be able to move!"

"Hmph, do you really think that moving out 50 Donghu troops can frighten this Marquis? It's really too easy to think, keep calling me until the Donghu army is within a hundred miles, and then withdraw!"

Lie Yang sneered and gave an order without hesitation.

If an army of Donghu were to scare him down thousands of miles away, he would not be Lie Yang.

Today, unless Donghu's army comes here and insists on fighting him to the death, he will continue to fight.

Anyway, if the problem is not serious, his biggest task is only one, to entangle the 80 army, and no matter what, he cannot let the 80 army enter Qin and destroy the occupation.


When the general heard the words, he promised and left.

Soon, another 20 of the [-] Southwest Qin army dormant around them were mobilized and headed straight for the Xiongnu army who had just set off on the road for a while.As for the rest of the Great Qin Southwest Army, they continued to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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