Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1159 3 Gold Medals

Chapter 1159 Thirteen Gold Medals

When the [-] southwestern troops in front came back and received news of the enemy's cooking or leaving, Lie Yang personally led the [-] troops to fight back and forth among the enemy troops.

This style of fighting has lasted for more than ten days, and the 80 army was exhausted, and more than 15 were killed by him.

Now there are only more than 60 troops left.

It has to be said that their tactics have caused too much trouble to this army.

After all, the missions of the two are different. The mission of this Xiongnu army is to rush to the territory of Daqin for rescue at all costs.

So they don't have time, and they don't have the mind to pay attention to Lie Yang's army.

However, the mission of Lie Yang's army is to harass them and beat them specifically.

It's like two people fighting, one has a fixed routine and can only move towards one goal.

But the other one can do all kinds of tricks, and hit all kinds of dirty tricks at will.

Between the two, the judgment is made, and whoever suffers and who takes advantage can be seen at a glance.

Therefore, Lie Yang is taking advantage of this call and bullying others.

But the party being beaten can't fight back yet, and even if they fight back, they can only fight back in a specific area, otherwise, once the two sides open up their battles, Lie Yang's army will flee immediately.

At this time, the enemy can not pursue.Once you chase it, you don't know how long you will be chasing it.

In this way, not to mention the delay of the trip, the impact will be great.

So the battle along the way, speaking of it, really echoed that sentence, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, no one can blame the other.

I just don't know, if things go on like this, when the 80 army is freed from entanglement, how much will be left.

I am afraid that it is already remarkable to be able to maintain 60.

And on this side, while Lie Yang was still pestering the Huns army endlessly, on the other side, in Xianyang City, eight consecutive Tianmen gold medals had been hit in front of Shi Potian.

"My lord, this is already the eighth gold medal. Tianmen has awarded eight gold medals in three days. I really can't wait any longer!"

In that inn, in front of Shi Potian, stood a tall and burly man, with a bravery on his side, said with cupped hands.

"Yuan Hong, pass on the order, wait, wait!"

Shi Potian frowned tightly, looked at the general in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

This Yuan Hong can also be said to be a first-class general, one of the three rare top generals in the dark Qin forces under Shi Potian, who was once single-handedly promoted by Shi Potian, and he was loyal to Shi Potian.

At this moment, Yuan Hong could see the urgency of the situation, how could Shi Potian not see it?

It's just that he is biting the hedgehog now, and he has no way to start, so he doesn't dare to mess around.

Once the wrong target is chosen, the casualties caused will be unbearable for the soldiers themselves.

The people patrolling around Xianyang haven't got accurate information yet, and the information collected in the southern border has not been completely settled.

Originally, through one incident, he could barely see some clues.

That was Xianyang's move. If Xianyang couldn't wait to appease those rioters, he would immediately seize the opportunity.

Because from this point, he can completely conclude that Xianyang is empty, and all hidden dangers need to be eliminated as soon as possible.

In this way, although he can't continue to use those rioters, he can still take Xianyang if he seizes the opportunity.

And one thing he can be sure of is that Jun Wuyou and the others must have already started making preparations to appease the rioters.

This counts the time, and I am afraid that it has been prepared a few days earlier.But Xianyang City just didn't give an attitude, and didn't mean to appease the rioters at all.

Looking at that appearance, it seems that he is telling him clearly, I left these rioters to you, you should take advantage of it, you should hurry up and start attacking Xianyang!

The more Jun Wuyou and others were like this, the more uneasy Shi Potian became, he always felt that this was a trap.

But at the same time, he felt that this was a cover-up.

So in the final analysis, before he got rid of this blindfold, he didn't dare to do it at all, afraid of asking for trouble.

In this way, it is a story of ushering in eight gold medals in a row.

Facing his inaction, the Xiongnu fought alone, retreating steadily and suffering a lot.

How could the door allow him to continue watching the show that day, so he was urged again and again, and finally gold medals were delivered one after another.

In three consecutive days, a total of eight gold medals were sent.This shows how tense the situation is at this time.

It can be said that the situation is so tense that even Tianmen can't stand it anymore.

If it wasn't for worrying that the one in Donghu would be unhappy and take action to disrupt the overall situation, Tianmen himself would have already taken action first.

Under Shi Potian's strict order, the dark Qin's ambush forces around Xianyang continued to lie dormant for two more days.

On this day, even if Shi Potian wanted to hibernate again, he could do nothing.

No. 13 gold medals were delivered, and at the same time, the heavenly gate messenger arrived in person.

The Tianmen envoy walked into the inn holding the No.13 gold medal, and sternly shouted: "Shi Potian, what do you mean?"

"It has been five days since the Xiongnu army was besieged in the dense forest. The Xiongnu's support army was entangled and unable to move an inch. If you continue to open a gap here, you delay the opportunity again and again. Could it be that you have ulterior motives and don't take my Tianmen's words as a Can you do something?"

Shi Potian got up quickly, facing the envoy of Tianmen, he was like a courtier facing an imperial envoy.

His so-called Great Emperor of Tianmen, in front of the real Tianmen, just like what Jun Wuyou said, is worthless, nothing at all.

"Messenger, could it be that Tianmen can't even wait for these two short days?"

Shi Potian walked up to the Tianmen envoy, frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice.

For this matter, he is also anxious, even more called than Tianmen, but he needs to find a breakthrough.

"Shi Potian, thanks to the fact that you are still an invincible general in the former Qin Dynasty, don't you understand the reason why fighters are fleeting?"

"Let me tell you, no matter what difficulties you have today, even if you wipe out all the power of Anqin, you must fight me and take Xianyang, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The Tianmen envoy snorted coldly, and when the words fell, he saw ten figures walking out behind him.

These people are like the messengers of the Heavenly Gate, wearing black robes and masks.

It's just that the aura exuded from those bodies gave people the first impression of shock.

"Top ten top experts?"

Shi Potian's heart trembled, he knew that Tianmen was powerful, but this was too generous, right?
With a wave of his hand, there were ten top experts. With such power, he really couldn't figure out why Tianmen didn't directly use it against Daqin.

"Shi Potian, see clearly. From today onwards, I will be the Supervising Army of the Dark Qin. I will order you to fight immediately, otherwise, I have the right to deal with you on behalf of Tianmen!"

The voice of the Tianmen Envoy sounded again, mercilessly, threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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