Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1160 Wind Direction

Chapter 1160 Wind Direction

Shi Potian smiled, a little helplessly. His name is the master of Anqin, but now, the master of Anqin is not something he can do after all.

Tianmen wanted to seize power from him, but it was just a word.

"Why, are you questioning the identity of this envoy?"

The Tianmen Envoy looked at Shi Potian coldly, his voice piercingly cold.

"Don't dare!"

Shi Potian cupped his hands, and said: "Since the order of the supervising army has been issued, let's carry it out. I will send the order down immediately, and the whole army is ready for battle!"

The Tianmen envoy nodded slightly, as if he was finally satisfied with Shi Potian's answer.

He came sideways and said, "Please!"

Shi Potian didn't dare to hesitate any more, disobeying Tianmen's orders would be a dead end.

When the first gold medal was handed out, he already knew that he should not go against Tianmen's wishes, but he always insisted that he was right, so he kept procrastinating.

In fact, the same is true, even if Tianmen's will cannot be violated, as long as he wins the first prize in the end, all mistakes can be resolved.

For this reason, he not only violated the first gold medal, but also violated twelve gold medals in a row.

Until today, when the thirteen gold medals arrived, if it was the same as before, he could still resist.

But when the envoys from Tianmen came and the overseer came, he could no longer make decisions.

After all, there are also ten top experts who come together, and the presence of ten top experts is enough to be the law enforcement officer and can take him down at any time.

"Come here, order Xianyang to prepare for battle immediately!"

"In the middle of the night tonight, at five o'clock, raise the flag inside and outside, and break through Xianyang!"

Shi Potian came to the door, gave an order, and the next moment, the entire inn was closed instantly, and a closed sign stood directly outside the inn door.

At the same time, all the guests in the guest battle, Stoudemire, etc., all left secretly.

Not long after, in the entire city of Xianyang, in countless corners and under countless houses, figures moved after hearing the sound.

The movement of these people is very small, but no matter how small the movement is, it is good that there are few people acting. This heartbeat is a total of forty to fifty thousand people acting at the same time, and they cannot hide it even if they want to.

The moment these people moved, another group of people in Xianyang City heard the news and moved, both sides were moving, you came and went, crossed.

At the same time, another group of people followed suit.

The people along the way were mainly Yamen and guarding officers and soldiers, and they took actions one after another.

"Master Zhang, Lord Jun, Lord Xiangguo, the wind direction in Xianyang City seems to be a bit wrong!"

The Ministry of Officials, the six ministers of the present have all gathered here, among them.

I saw Yan Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, coming to the hall, Jun Wuyou, Xiao He and Zhang Liang clasped their hands in front of them.

"Oh, what do you mean?"

Xiao He asked with a frown.

Since he was rescued at the beginning, he also came to the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Officials.

Outside the Minister's Mansion of the Ministry of Officials, it is heavily guarded, and it seems to be the military center of the Great Qin Dynasty today. Even if the people are rioting, they dare not break in randomly.

Therefore, these days, those mobs were quite quiet, while Xiao He continued to work in the mansion.

Now, as time goes by day by day, it seems to have reached the critical point of the final conclusion.This time, no one could sit still, almost everyone became quiet, listening to the general situation of the world, and watching the general situation of the world, even Xiao He was no exception.

This is like the tranquility on the eve of a storm, the depressing in that tranquility makes everyone almost breathless.

"I can't explain clearly. I always feel that since the afternoon, the actions of many people in this city have been abnormal."

"Now, the officers and soldiers guarding the city, as well as government servants in various government offices, are also on the move, always ready to deal with emergencies!"

Yan Xun shook his head, frowned and said.

"What, the officers, soldiers and servants have all started?"

"Didn't I give the order, before the final battle has completely started, no one can act rashly?"

When Zhang Liang heard this, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He was still waiting for the other party to jump out first, so what he did now, wouldn't it be a warning?

"But my lord, you have to understand that who in the imperial court doesn't know the sensitive situation in the world? If there is a slight movement, there is no need for an order. The people below will be alert. It is not possible to suppress it by suppressing it!"

Yan Xun looked helplessly at Zhang Liangdao.

"Hey, is it true that the wind and rain are coming and the building is full of wind, and the direction of this wind can't be suppressed at all?"

Zhang Liang sighed. In fact, he had already expected this point, but he held a trace of hope in his heart.

It's not so much that he wants to attack later, it's better to say that he still wants to continue to create an illusion for the opponent in order to confuse the opponent.

At this time, no matter what decision the opponent makes, it is beneficial to them.

But at present, all these plans can only be in vain.

"My lord, what do you think of this matter?"

While talking, Zhang Lianghe looked at Jun Wuyou.

Nowadays, regardless of whether there is no one in the other six books, or Xiao He, in fact, the most important thing to control is the internal affairs.

In this battle, in Xianyang, only he, the Minister of the Ministry of War and one of the chief military advisers of the Military Aircraft Department, can preside over the overall situation.

Besides him, there is another Jun Wuyou who can put his hands in and say a few words.

After all, Jun Wuyou is an imperial envoy specially appointed by the emperor, and his own rights are above all of them.

In addition, Jun Wuyou also has the same ability as Zhang Liang in planning this matter, so the two can completely discuss and deal with any situation.

"How to deal with this matter, don't rush to discuss it for the time being. After all, no matter what happens, the news from the Black Ice Platform is the main one!"

"Wait a little longer, since the people below have noticed that the wind direction is wrong, it won't be long before the specific news of the Black Ice Terrace!"

"As for this operation, it doesn't matter. Anyway, everything is ready now, and we only owe the east wind. The later the wind comes, the better for us, but even if it comes now, it's nothing!"

"The reason why we hold it still is to confuse the opponent's wind direction. Now that the opponent can't wait to blow this wind direction, we can only follow the trend, no wonder the people below!"

"There's only one thing we can do now, wait!"

Jun Wuyou remained silent all this time, but in the face of Zhang Liang's questioning, he finally spoke.

While speaking, he got up slowly, came to the door of the lobby, and looked out at the blue sky and white clouds.

It's already afternoon, and it won't be long before the sun sets, Jun Wuyou has an inexplicable feeling.

Those shadows who have been hiding in the dark, maybe tonight is the time for them to do it.

After all, for those who hide in the dark, darkness is the most powerful protection for them.

Not far away, Wu Hua, Minister of Rites, Mo Shang, Minister of Industry, Situ Feng, Minister of Household, and Du Tao, Minister of Punishment, also walked in.

The crowd waited quietly, but within a short period of time, a figure leaped to the front of the crowd outside the lobby.

(End of this chapter)

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