Chapter 1162 Action
"No, no, Lord Mo Shang and Lord Yan Xun may have misunderstood. The situation in the imperial city is the real situation in the world!"

"Nowadays, we can't borrow the power of anyone in this world, but the noble man in the palace is the only one that we can borrow and use inexhaustibly!"

Seeing that a few people started to fall into a dispute, Jun Wuyou didn't intend to let them continue to quarrel. Although it is not a time to race against time, it is not allowed for a few people to talk slowly.

"What does your lord mean by this!"

Yan Xun and Mo Shang looked at Jun Wuyou at the same time, and asked in doubt.

"Do you know who that noble man in the palace is?"

Jun Wuyou didn't answer, but asked back with a smile.

"Concubine Xue, isn't she the daughter of the Xiongnu Modun? Now we are not only facing a Modun, but a Tianmen stronger than Modun, even the Tianmen who can only be controlled by him .”

"Could it be that Mr. Jun, with my status as the Great Qin Imperial Concubine and the Xiongnu Princess, this Concubine Xue can protect me?"

Mo Shang was puzzled and asked in a deep voice.

Now, the question they care most about is whether they and others can survive.

It's not that they are greedy for life and afraid of death. If that's the case, it's safer than anything else to directly mobilize the army to guard the surroundings.

The point is for the sake of the overall situation, the army can't spare any power to protect them, they can only be a group of officials, appearing in front of everyone without any protection.

At this time, it is easy to create an opportunity for the opponent, a chance to clean the Great Qin Dynasty Hall anytime and anywhere.

And once they are cleaned, it is not just a small matter of personal life and death.In an instant, the entire Great Qin was paralyzed.

This is like a fight between two people. As soon as the fight started, one of them was beaten to pieces. Is it necessary to continue the fight?

These officials are now the internal organs of Daqin, and they are still unprotected. The internal organs exposed in front of the enemy, if they are a little careless, they will be torn apart alive by the enemy.

As a result, the Daqin Sheji Divine Artifact stopped functioning in an instant, as if all life was gone, and Daqin, a giant, would fall down in an instant.

Therefore, at this moment, they are saving their lives to protect the entire Great Qin. Such a dispute is not an act of abolishing the public for personal reasons.

"Hehe, there are some things that you don't seem to know!"

"Since that is the case, today Wuyou will tell you a big and earth-shattering secret. This Concubine Xue is nominally the princess of the Xiongnu, but in fact, he has nothing to do with the Xiongnu, let alone the daughter of Modun. She is really Her identity is Princess Tianmen, and her father is the Lord of Tianmen!"

"This contest between Tianmen and Wei Daqin actually started from the day His Majesty the Emperor saved Daqin from defeat!"

"In order to deal with my Great Qin, Tianmen's various plans for my Great Qin are not just the current three-party attack on Qin. In addition, many plans have already been laid, but the prelude has not yet been kicked off!"

"And this Concubine Xue is the key point of one of the plans!"

"Even though the relationship between Concubine Xue and Tianmen is not harmonious, in the contest between Tianmen and my Daqin, she also firmly stood on my side. But this can't change her identity as Tianmen princess, let alone change that plan!"

"Whether it's because of her status, or because of that plan, Tianmen can't touch Concubine Xue no matter what."

"Thus, as long as Concubine Xue is still in the imperial city, unless the entire Great Qin is completely sacked and reduced to the Tianmen, no one will dare to do anything wrong with the imperial city!"

"This is the imperial concubine's power, the inexhaustible power!"

"Of course, nothing is absolute, and there is no certainty that those people will really not attack the Imperial City. After all, they can try their best to avoid Concubine Xue!"

"However, have you ever thought about one thing? Even though there are countless amulets in this school year, how can my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor let the fate of my Great Qin Concubine fall into the hands of others?"

"So, no matter how many amulets this Concubine Xue has, the most important amulet is still His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Today, in the Imperial City, there is Lord Di sitting in command, and General Yuwen Chengdu. Besides, His Majesty has secretly arranged for Jixia Academy to send thousands of masters to protect the entire imperial palace in secret!"

"Once this opponent doesn't make a move, he will surely find his own death if he makes a move. This is the momentum of the imperial city!"

Jun Wuyou stood with his hands behind his back, and as he spoke, he told everyone something that was unknown to almost everyone in the world.

I don't know whether he was intentional or unintentional, it seems that these words are to give everyone a moment of reassurance and let them take advantage of the situation.

But in fact, these words are enough to push Xue Ning down in front of everyone and become the target of public criticism.

"Concubine Xue is the princess of Tianmen?"

"How is this possible? In that case, wouldn't it be..."

Everyone's hearts trembled, although at this moment, a major event affects the whole body, so they must not slack off.

But everyone couldn't help but stay on Xue Ning's identity.

What's more, everyone is not stupid, what Jun Wuyou said seems to be beyond doubt, but after listening to it, everyone seems to understand what the plan is?
Come to think of it, what else could that plan be?The praying mantis catching the cicada and the oriole followed, and instantly disintegrated from the inside out, taking control of the entire Daqin.

"Okay everyone, now is not the time to slowly think about the problem. Mr. Jun has also said what should be said. Although some news is indeed shocking, let's settle things now!"

"Currently, it is right to take advantage of the situation. But how to use it is the most troublesome thing!"

"After all, the gate of the imperial city has been closed for several months, and no one can enter or leave. If you want to take advantage of the situation, you must first knock on the gate of the imperial city and obtain the consent of Concubine Xue!"

"Regarding this matter, I think you'd better seek Lord Di's help, otherwise His Majesty the Emperor will obviously keep the Imperial City out of the picture, and you will have no way to break into it and take advantage of it!"

When everyone was contemplating Xue Ning's identity, Zhang Liang spoke up, forcibly pulling everyone back to reality, and said solemnly.

"That's right, the most troublesome thing now is how to deal with the imperial city!"

Situ Feng nodded and said helplessly.

"Okay, no matter how troublesome it is, many things still need to be resolved. In this way, you will immediately start sending orders to those people and gather all the officials and servants at the same time. Let these servants stay temporarily as a protective barrier!"

"You take care of everything first, and as for the imperial city, leave it to the truth for the time being."

"No matter what today, the truth will definitely knock on the gate of the imperial city, so that you will have no worries!"

As soon as Situ Feng finished speaking, Xiao He immediately answered.

After speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Not far away, a figure jumped out, followed behind Xiao He, protected Xiao He, and left here together.

(End of this chapter)

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