Chapter 1163
"Everyone, let's act!"

As Xiao He left, Zhang Liang looked at the rest of the people and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jun, I will deal with official business first!"

Everyone responded, cupped their hands, and left one after another.

After everyone left, only Jun Wuyou and Zhang Liang were left on the scene.

"Master Jun just said, but is it the truth?"

Seeing the surroundings calm down, Zhang Liang suddenly turned his head to look at Jun Wuyou, squinting his eyes slightly and asked.

"Master Zhang thinks, at this time, is it necessary for me to lie?"

Jun Wuyou shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"Hmph, it's true that there's no need to lie, but Mr. Jun, you don't need to tell the whole story, are you so clear?"

Zhang Liang snorted coldly, his tone changed instantly, and his face also turned cold.

"Oh, Mr. Zhang, what do you mean? Could it be that at this time, Wuyou has to hide it from everyone, but it is a wrong decision to tell the whole story?"

Jun Wuyou pretended not to understand.

"My lord, we smart people don't speak dark words in front of our eyes. Don't tell me, you really just said it casually, or you are sincerely thinking about the overall situation!"

"There is one thing, Zhang Liang hopes that the Lord can understand. Now that His Majesty the Emperor is angry, leaving Hu Dong, leaving the Concubine Xue, and keeping the Imperial City out of the game, what it means is self-evident. I don't need Liang to remind me of my ingenuity!"

"But one thing, Liang must remind one or two, never try to intervene in His Majesty's affairs. The royal land is a forbidden area. If Mr. Jun wants to plant some foreshadowing at this time and do something to frighten the emperor, he will end up playing with fire and setting himself on fire. , don't blame Liang for not reminding me!"

Zhang Liang sneered, while speaking, stroked his big sleeve, turned and left.

After walking two steps, Zhang Liang suddenly stopped, and said coldly: "By using the power of the imperial city this time, it's against the emperor's will. You'd better pray that this matter won't bring any unforeseen consequences to Concubine Xue. Otherwise, Lord Jun can do it for himself!"

"Also, Mr. Jun, take a good look at your royal army. The southern army is still outside the city, beyond reach, so Mr. Jun, don't stretch out your hand. When the time comes, someone will naturally control this army!"

After the words fell, Zhang Liang finally left completely, leaving Jun Wuyou standing quietly on the spot alone.

The corners of Jun Wuyou's mouth rose slightly, a little amused, and he muttered to himself: "Tsk tsk tsk, Zhang Liang is Zhang Liang. It really is different before and after the beating."

"In the past, I only knew how to adapt to everything, but now I can directly adapt to the source. What a lovable opponent!"

As he said that, Jun Wuyou shook his head, and sighed again: "But I've clearly helped you a lot, now you don't want to give back, why are you getting into trouble with me instead?"

"It seems that life in the Great Qin Dynasty Hall will be difficult in the future, and the first opponent has appeared!"

Shaking his head again, Jun Wuyou didn't take Zhang Liang's reminder to heart, but left straight away, heading for Yelang Palace among the princes' palaces.

Eighty miles away from Xianyang City, there is a small town.

Outside the small town, countless troops gathered suddenly, mighty and mighty, and if you look around, there are more than a hundred thousand at least.

" drive..."

This army stayed on the ground of a grassland, and suddenly there was another rumbling sound not far away, and the sound of countless horseshoes came.

The [-] army turned their heads to look, only to see another army coming, looking at it, there were at least [-] people.

However, even the [-] army, in the midst of galloping, seems to be diving into the sea, and the sky is falling apart, giving off an aura comparable to a million army.

"It's the Huben Army, the Red Emperor's Huben Army is here!"

Someone exclaimed, and for a moment, everyone's eyes were on the [-] army that was rushing towards them.

"Shut up!"

The army rushed, and all stopped their horses.

I saw Dajun standing in front of him, the first person, with a burly figure and a sturdy body, with evil spirits lingering all over his body, his mighty face made people daunting.

"Yuan Ling, you are here!"

In front of the [-] army, a tall and thin man, holding a double axe, walked over quickly, came to the general in front, and said with cupped hands.

The man in front of the [-] army is called Yuan Ling, he and Yuan Hong, Shi Potian's general, are brothers, and at the same time, he is one of Shi Potian's three top generals.

Shi Potian has three top generals, one is Yuan Ling, the other is Yuan Ling's brother Yuan Hong, and the last one is Zhang Biao who commands an army of [-]!

Now, Yuan Hong is in Xianyang City, and he has no way to escape or leave, so at this moment, there are only two top warriors gathered.

"Zhang Biao, you must have been ordered!"

Yuan Ling got off his horse, came to Zhang Biao, and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, the lord's order, I have already received it. Tonight at [-]:[-] o'clock, go to the outside of Xianyang city, cooperate with the inside and outside, and take Xianyang in one fell swoop!"

Zhang Biao nodded and said solemnly.

"It's good if you understand. Although the three families are attacking Daqin, in fact, no matter whether it is the barbarians in the east or the brothers in the west, they are just helpers. Change the world, change the dynasty, and change the dynasty in one fell swoop!"

"Take Xianyang today and send troops in one fell swoop. From now on, Qin will belong to the lord, and it will be our world!"

Yuan Ling smiled coldly, and a look of longing flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, from today onwards, Qin State will change its name and surname. From now on, we will be the lord of Qin State!"

Zhang Biao also looked excited. They had been waiting for this day for a long time and couldn't wait.

The two of them at this moment wished they could rush into Xianyang immediately, seize the imperial city, replace it, and change the dynasty from then on.

"Since that's the case, what are you waiting for? My [-] Tigers and Ben army will lead the way, and your [-] army will follow closely behind, heading towards Xianyang!"

Yuan Ling stopped talking nonsense, gave an order, got on his horse, and drove the [-] tiger and ben army away at a gallop.

"Pass down the order, the whole army will set off and rush to Xianyang!"

Without any hesitation, Zhang Biao waved his hand and led an army of [-], followed closely behind.

War is imminent.


Inside the Lantian camp, the smoke from the kitchen was curling up, and the smell of food was bursting. The army who had been training for a day gathered together for dinner again.

There are more than [-] people in this army.

Back then, Shi Potian once wondered if Xianyang City had come to help.

But there are some things where doubt is one thing and confirmation is another.

In order to prove this, Shi Potian once sent people to attack the Lantian Camp.

But after killing thousands of troops outside the Lantian camp, it was found that the Lantian camp was empty.

Shi Potian's team felt that there was a fraud, and always felt that it was impossible for Xianyang to have helpers, so he searched again and again.

The reason why the war has dragged on to this day, it can be said that almost all of Shi Potian's thoughts are placed on this army of helpers in Xianyang.

(End of this chapter)

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