Chapter 1165
"Death and life are bound together, talk to Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old with your son!"

"Why don't you say no clothes? The same robes as your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear. I share the same hatred with my son!"

"After all, you still went the wrong way. Now, what do you tell me to do?"

Taking a deep breath, Tu Sui slowly closed his eyes, and recited the two most classic poems in the Book of Songs "Beating the Drum" and "No Clothes".

When his eyes slowly opened, a flash of light flashed by, he stood up abruptly, and shouted angrily: "Come on, prepare for battle!"

"The army followed me into Xianyang, save me Daqin!"

The sound spread far away, and the army quickly rectified, and soon, thousands of horses and thousands of troops went straight to Xianyang City.

This Lantian camp, named Xianyang Guardian Camp, is right at the gate of Xianyang, but in fact it is dozens of miles away from Xianyang, and the trouble is outside Xianyang city, on the edge of another small town.

This matter, the army moved quickly, instantly attracting the attention of countless people.


"No, Xianyang really has prepared and ambushed!"

"Tu Sui, why is it you, it's hard for you to hide it from me!"

With the movement of the [-] troops hidden in the Lantian camp, Shi Potian soon received the news, his whole body trembled, and he sighed.

"Messenger, have you seen it now? Xianyang, the trap!"

Shi Potian looked at the Tianmen Envoy, and his voice almost roared.

"What about traps? We've already done it now, and if we don't do it, we won't stop. Since Tu Sui is leading the army, he doesn't know what to do, so just kill him!"

The Tianmen envoy snorted coldly, and said indifferently, "Besides, since Xianyang has already prepared to mobilize all the troops from the southern border, then don't hesitate to let the millions of troops from the southern border rise up. !"

"And you have hundreds of thousands of troops hidden in the Central Plains. They should also act upon hearing the news. You must immediately entangle Wang Lin's army and the Southwest Army, and try your best to disrupt all the advantages of Qin!"

Shi Potian trembled all over, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Kill Tu Sui?"

At this moment, his heart is trembling.

He suspected that there was an ambush in Xianyang before, which was one of the reasons why he did not attack Xianyang for so long, but the bigger reason was because Tu Sui didn't know where he was going.

He has been thinking all the time, if there are traps and ambushes in Xianyang, who will be in command?
After thinking about it, he couldn't think of anyone else except Tu Sui.So these days, he was looking for ambushes, but he was also looking for Tu Sui.

As long as it is confirmed that Tu Sui is outside the situation, even if there is an ambush, he will not be afraid.

But in the end, what he was afraid of came and went, and everything eventually developed towards the road he didn't want to see.

"Come here, send an order to the army of the southern border, do it!"

"Order the armies from all over the place to attack the misty ancient forest immediately to meet the trapped army of the Xiongnu!"

Taking a deep breath, Shi Potian knew that no matter how contradictory it is now, when he set foot on this road, he had no choice.

Even at this moment, he still can only continue walking according to the plan.

Don't look at Da Qin seems to regain many advantages now, but all these advantages are due to the fact that he did not make a move. Now that he makes a move, Qin's advantages will disappear in an instant.

The news about Shi Potian got out, but not long after it got out, another news came.

"My lord, there is news from the southern border. After careful observation, 70 troops have appeared secretly in the southern border!"

As soon as these words came out, Shi Potian's expression changed drastically.

On the side, the Heavenly Gate Envoy was equally moved.

"What's going on? Where did the 70 troops come from in the south?"

That day the door messenger shouted coldly.

"Hahaha... ok... ok... The advantage that I just got back was just self-righteous, and Qin Guo beat me back in an instant!"

On the side, Potian smiled, a little coldly.

"what happened?"

The Tianmen envoy was anxious, and quickly stared at the person who reported it and asked.

"Messenger, do you still need to ask? Do you think Qin is all fools if we know how to summon the old troops?"

"Since the beginning of this war, the Great Wall has fallen into an unprecedented predicament. They can't have any reinforcements. The only thing they can do is fight to the death and consume!"

"So, in the two major battles on the Great Wall, the Qin army lost more than 20 troops, but the Xiongnu and Donghu combined suffered 80 million casualties. This is a desperate consumption, a very successful consumption!"

"When the army entered the Qin territory, the Southwest army itself fought bravely and invincibly. It's a pity that there were no Southwest people who unified the hearts of the people. Now the Great Qin is also unable to be fully controlled."

"Therefore, the Southwest Army never confronted the Xiongnu head-on, but mainly harassed and avoided the Huns' army!"

"Again and again, in the end not only entangle the Huns army, but also make the Huns army continue to stretch the front line!"

"At the same time, the land of Yan was empty, and Donghu's army seemed to be in an uninhabited land. After conquering the land of Yan, they went straight to the land of Qi, hoping to meet the arrival of that person from the East China Sea."

"It's a pity that the Lantian camp made a move, and they didn't even know when they made the move. In the end, the Donghu army was caught off guard, and the whole army broke up and fled back!"

"Subsequently, the Lantian camp left an army to garrison the Northeast Great Wall, and then Wang Lin led the army to overwhelm the people, defeating the Xiongnu in one sentence, and cooperating with the southwest army to push the Xiongnu army to a desperate situation!"

"As soon as the soldiers and horses of the Lantian camp left, Xianyang was instantly emptied. To protect Xianyang, Qin had no choice but to mobilize troops from the southern border to come secretly!"

"As soon as the soldiers and horses in the southern border are gone, the southern border is also empty. There is already a shortage of soldiers and horses, and this will make things worse!"

"Now, my army in the south is summoning the old troops. If Qin wants to save himself, he can only summon the old troops."

"Don't forget that the Qin State has an elite army of 60 in the southern border. Even though it is old, it is still a great Qin lion!"

Shi Potian sneered. At this moment, he seemed to have opened his eyes and saw everything from the perspective of God, seeing through all the arrangements of Qin State.


"Didn't those old ministries of the Qin Kingdom disband a long time ago? Even if they convened, why did they only get the news now?"

The Tianmen envoy was taken aback and said in disbelief.

"Are you surprised?"

"My team thinks that Tianmen Guantiantai's information is unparalleled in the world. Unfortunately, the soldiers and horses of the Lantian Camp traveled long distances to fight in Yandi, but you didn't find out."

"You didn't find out when the army from the southern border came to Qin. Now, the southern border has summoned the old troops, but you can't find it. Isn't that strange?"

"I can see it, it's not surprising at all!"

Shi Potian had a sarcastic expression on his face, and when he spoke, he directly didn't save any face for the Heavenly Gate Envoy.

"Tu Sui, are you blaming Tianmen? Regarding this matter, Tianmen will slowly find out the reason. But one thing, you tell me, since you have sent people to search for the ambush hidden in Xianyang, why is the [-] army here? In front of your eyes, but you didn’t notice it at all?”

The Tianmen messenger said with a gloomy face under the mask.

(End of this chapter)

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