Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1166 It's hard to say

Chapter 1166 It's hard to say

"You're here to ask me why I didn't find it, right? Why, are you going to blame me?"

Shi Potian smiled, and then snorted coldly: "Can't you see it now? This Qin army has a road to the sky that no one knows. In front of this road to the sky, they can come and go without any reason. People notice."

"As long as you can call me this road to the sky, I don't have to be teased by Qin Jun like this!"

As he said that, Shi Potian roared and waved his hands: "Now, Qin's advantage is gone, but where should I put my advantage?"

"The arrow is on the string and has to be fired. I can't retreat, and Qin can't retreat either. The two sides are in a dilemma, so we can only face the difficulties. When the narrow road meets, the brave wins. Whoever takes a step back will be smashed to pieces!"

"Come here, at all costs, take Xianyang, take down the southern border, take down the entire Great Qin!"

With one order, without delay, the entire Xianyang was completely shrouded in endless crisis.

"Report to the general, our army has assembled!"

Yelang Palace, where queens from all walks of life gathered, a messenger rushed in, knelt down on one knee in front of Duan Hu, and cupped his hands to report.

Duan Hu, formerly known as Aguda, was once the most powerful general in the Dian Kingdom, and also the most powerful general in the entire Southwest. It can be said that he is invincible.

Now, with the establishment of the Royal Family Legion, each family tried their best to assemble an army of [-], under his command, and Gan Hong on the side as the vanguard prize.

"Very good, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. Once the enemy moves, immediately kill at all costs!"

Duan Hu was dressed in pierced armor, with a long sword hanging from his waist, holding the hilt in his hand, and shouted coldly.


The soldier responded and quickly retreated.

"My lord, everything is ready!"

Looking back, Duan Hu looked at Jun Wuyou who was sitting quietly not far away, and cupped his hands.

There was not much respect in his tone. If he had no choice, he would not be very happy to help Qin retreat.

But now that he has chosen this path, he can only continue on.

"Very well, thank you General!"

Jun Wuyou nodded and smiled softly.

As he said that, he looked up to the outside, muttered to himself, and said, "Forty thousand defenders, twenty thousand royal army, sixty thousand troops, hey, if he can bear it, it depends on how he chooses. I hope he doesn't Just force me to do it!"

Involuntarily, Tu Sui's figure appeared in Jun Wuyou's mind.

When he came to Xianyang, the army from the southern border had already arrived, but he had not yet selected a general to lead the army.

And he happened to know about Shi Potian, so he also knew about it here.

As soon as the relationship between Tu Sui and Shi Potian came out, although Tu Sui may come back, whether the military power can be handed over to him has become a big problem.

Few people in the court dared to take risks, including Zhang Liang.

Although Zhang Liang is very resourceful, he would never take risks when he has a choice.

Based on the relationship between Tu Sui and Shi Potian, he was absolutely unwilling to hand over the military power to Tu Sui, after all, the military power was related to Xianyang and Great Qin.

There are many other people who have decided with Zhang Liang, and these courtiers are not willing to take risks.

After all, they can't pin Xianyang's life and death on Tu Sui's choice. If Tu Sui chooses to be a friend and fulfill Shi Potian, then the whole Great Qin will be over in an instant.

The human heart is the thing that cannot stand the test.

But at this time, Jun Wuyou relied on his own identity to win over a group of people, and no matter what, he had to delegate power to Tu Sui, as if he had great trust in Tu Sui.

But in fact, most of those who were willing to let Tu Sui take charge of the army were veterans, and they were more willing to trust Tu Sui as a veteran.

As for Jun Wuyou himself, he himself is a businessman.A businessman who is a little more adventurous can be called a gambler.

For them, there are no so-called trustworthy and untrustworthy people in this world, just like there are no necessary or unnecessary business channels.

No matter what the path is, it is always good to have a certain degree of certainty and try.

So, Jun Wuyou has never really believed in Tu Sui, and he will bet on his affairs.

He hopes that Daqin will get better and better, so he must dig out many dangerous factors at all costs.

For example, Tu Sui, if he chooses to betray Da Qin in the end, Jun Wuyou has a way to replace him, which is why Jun Wuyou gave him this position.

After all, Jun Wuyou didn't believe in Tu Sui, and Zhang Liang and others didn't believe in Tu Sui either.

In the end, the two sides had a dispute, and a letter was sent to the land of Hudong to ask His Majesty the Emperor to make a decision.

However, the letter sent is like a stone bull entering the sea, gone forever.

In this regard, everyone is very helpless.The emperor treats this matter as he treats other things.

It can be said that since he went to Hudong, although it is impossible for the emperor to ignore the interior of Daqin, he will definitely not be troublesome.

He never cares about any decision.

In the end, the same is true for the matter of Tu Sui, and it is not said that he trusts or distrusts.Anyway, it looks like you can do whatever you like.

The emperor stopped expressing his opinion, and Jun Wuyou took out the Black Dragon Token. Who can bear it now?Therefore, the military power finally fell on Tu Sui.

At this moment, Jun Wuyou really does not want any accidents to happen to Tu Sui.But if he really wanted to leave, he had no choice but to take the path he least wanted to take.

"I hope you don't disappoint my decision!"

Standing with his hands behind his back, Jun Wuyou let out a long sigh.


"My lord, the enemy army gathered eighty miles away and has already marched towards Xianyang. A total of 13 troops have been gathered, among which there are still [-] tiger and cardinal troops!"

Zhang Liang received the following report from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

"Hu Benjun, finally couldn't hold his breath, did he float to the surface?"

Zhang Liang sneered, and said, "How is the guard force deployed?"

The soldier hurriedly replied: "Reporting to my lord, the Sifang City has been tightly guarded, waiting for reinforcements!"

Zhang Liang stood up and said, "Reinforcement?"

As he said that, Tu Sui's figure also appeared in his mind, and he muttered to himself: "Whether it is reinforcements or enemy troops, it's hard to say!"

Waving his hand, Zhang Liang said: "Go down and get busy first, and tell Zhao Tun to tell the Sifang City that there is chaos in the city, and they can't act rashly."

"Now they have only one task, to guard the city gate for me. Unless the official orders it personally, whoever dares to mess around will die!"

Hearing this, the soldier hurriedly bowed his hands in agreement and retreated.


"Hurry up, hurry up... Everyone hurry up, line up outside the imperial city, confer the title immediately, call out whose name, and come out by yourself!"

"Don't be crowded, don't be crowded, all stand up, all stand up and wait for the arrangement!"

Outside the imperial city, the spacious main street of Xianyang City is densely packed at the moment, occupying countless people.

These people were all just summoned, and they seemed very crowded.In Xianyang City, the servants of the major yamen and the people of the major government are all here to arrange order.

The knighthood that they hadn't obtained for so long was about to be conferred suddenly. These people couldn't react for a while, and could only obey the arrangement of the imperial court.

(End of this chapter)

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