Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1170 The Imperial Concubine's Decision

Chapter 1170 The Imperial Concubine's Decision

"General, I understand!"

Zhao Qian got up, and said softly: "General, please wait a moment, please follow Master Xiao!"

Saying that, she left straight away and headed towards Yanggong.

Arriving outside Chaoyang Palace, Zhao Qian told Xiao He to wait a while, while she went into the palace to report.

At this moment, Xue Ning and Zhao Qian walked around the palace and returned to the bedroom, resting and raising their baby.

Seeing Zhao Qian's sudden return, Xue Ning couldn't help being taken aback, and said: "Princess, didn't the general have something urgent to discuss with you? Why did you come back again?"

Zhao Qian came to Xue Ning, and after paying homage, she said softly, "I want to report to my lord, Mrs. Xiao has entered the palace, I ask to see her, but I don't know if she will see her or not. If she doesn't see her, Zhao Qian will let her go back immediately!"

When Xue Ning heard this, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and said: "Master Xiao is a courtier, what's the matter with this palace? Doesn't he know that in my Great Qin, the harem is not allowed to do politics?"

Zhao Qian didn't speak, she looked at Xue Ning quietly, waiting for her decision.

At this time, Zhao Qian was worried that any of her words could influence Xue Ning's thoughts, which was not what she was willing to do.After all, it is not a good thing to reach out into the palace.

The harem is not allowed to interfere with government affairs, and likewise, the imperial court is not allowed to interfere with the harem. This is a rule.

She can walk around in the palace at will and make friends with the concubines in the harem, but she must not take advantage of it.

This is the warning Yuwen Chengdu gave her, and it is also a taboo that Zhao Qian has always been unwilling to touch.Even now, she won't touch it.

"However, Master Xiao is now taking such a risk to come to see me, I'm afraid something big will happen outside."

"Although the harem is not allowed to engage in politics, if there is something that needs my help, and I don't see you behind closed doors, it would be bad!"

Xue Ning meditated and muttered to herself.

After a long time, she raised her head to look at Zhao Qian, and said, "Princess, did Master Xiao say what's going on here?"

Zhao Qian pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Return to your mother, Mrs. Xiao said that she wants to borrow the Imperial City General's Platform!"

While speaking, Zhao Qian didn't hide anything, and directly told Xiao He's intentions and thoughts, everything she knew, everything she knew.

After hearing this, Xue Ning couldn't help but fell silent.

"Even so, the princess told Master Xiao that there is no need to come to see me!"

After a while, Xue Ning said suddenly.


Seeing that Xue Ning had already made a decision, Zhao Qian didn't persuade her, and turned around to leave.

"Princess, tell him that there are rules in the palace. I am a concubine in the harem. Unless you have to, you will not break the rules set by Your Majesty."

"As a courtier, he shouldn't act recklessly. If there are such important events in the future, just send someone to inform me. Anyone who can make decisions in my palace will agree. If I can't do anything, don't make things difficult for me!"

Xue Ning's voice sounded again, and said to Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian paused, and couldn't help turning her head and said: "So, the empress agreed to borrow the imperial city general's platform with Master Xiao?"

Xue Ning nodded, and said softly: "Since this matter involves the safety of my Great Qin, how can I disagree? If there is any problem, I will take it upon myself when His Majesty the Emperor returns!"

Zhao Qian pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "Your Majesty is really kind, Zhao Qian knows it!"

Saying that, Zhao Qian left without hesitation.

"Your Majesty, the concubine asserted without authorization, you will not blame the concubine, will you?"

"Nowadays, the courtiers and concubines only have one family in Daqin. I really don't want to see this family being trampled and bullied, and finally the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed. If you can guard this country for your majesty, even if your majesty wants to blame the courtiers and concubines, the ministers will I can only bear it!"

There is no one in the bedroom, only Xue Ning herself.

She looked up, looked at the ceiling on the roof, and sighed, full of helplessness.

"What, the empress agrees?"

Outside Chaoyang Palace, Xiao He couldn't help being overjoyed when he received Zhao Qian's reply, and shouted in a deep voice.

"My lord Xiao, my mother said that there are rules in this palace, the harem should abide by the rules, and the ministers of the court should abide by the rules of His Majesty the Emperor."

"Unless you have to, don't break these rules casually. In the future, if there is such an important matter again, it is enough to send someone to help. The empress will do her best to help if she can, and there is no need to ask for an interview!"

Zhao Qian stood in front of Xiao He and said softly.

"Xiao He understands. Thank you for your kindness, and thank you princess for your help. Xiao He bid farewell!"

After achieving the goal, how dare Xiao He delay?

Turn around immediately and leave directly.

"Hurry up, hurry up... everyone prepares immediately, step forward to confer the title!"

Outside the imperial city, Xiao He came and greeted him. Hundreds of officials climbed up the city tower, placed desks one after another on the commander's platform, and in the corridors of the imperial city. Countless files came up, and it was very busy.

The heads below were shaking, and all the people were excited.

There are three great happy events in life, when the gold list is named, the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and the birth of a precious son.Now being conferred by the palace is like a title on the gold list, how can it not be exciting?

With a title, many things will be very convenient.This is also the reason why the people of Daqin vowed to receive military exploits and titles even to the death.

With a title in hand, not to mention any rights, but at least, he is considered a noble in terms of status.Even a noble with nothing, he is still a noble.

This nobleman's identity card is the passport of Daqin.No matter what you do, you will get the best treatment.

Everyone is busy, and countless people are looking forward to it.

This conferment is destined to take a long time, but it doesn't matter, for the sake of the title, even if they are busy here for ten days and a half months, it is nothing to these common people.


"The concubine pays respects to the empress!"

In the land of Hu Dong, in the main palace of Dong Hu Wang Ting Bi Hai Yuan, Empress Lan came here and saw Nan Yan, Empress of Qin from a distance, and immediately went to pay her respects.

"Concubine Lan, you are being polite, please excuse me!"

Nan Yan looked Lan Fei up and down, although it was not the first time they met, but every time they met, she had to be impressed by Lan Fei's peerless beauty.

Especially looking at Lan Fei's sapphire-like eyes, Nan Yan was very surprised. How could there be such a beautiful and amazing person in this world?
No wonder His Majesty the Emperor added it again, if he was a man and got such a unique woman, he would be reluctant to let go, he should appreciate and love her more.

"Thank you, Empress!"

Concubine Lan kowtowed and stood up, wondering: "Empress Empress, I heard that His Majesty the Emperor has been sitting there for two days without making any sound. I don't know what happened?"

Concubine Lan rarely had any contact with anyone. She came here today because she heard about the emperor's unusual behavior and wanted to know something.

Before she knew it, the man's every move had deeply affected her heart, which made her feel uneasy and wanted to care.

"I don't know, it seems that Daqin's side has reached a critical moment to decide the outcome. For the past two days, His Majesty the Emperor and General Sima have been piling up sand tables inside. Looking at the map, it must be a deduction of the battlefield situation!"

Nan Yan shook her head and said truthfully.

(End of this chapter)

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