Chapter 1171
"Your Majesty, everything has been arranged!"

In the palace, a huge map of the world was spread on the ground like a carpet, and countless candles were burning around it, making the huge palace look as bright as day.

On the map, tables were set up one by one, facing each sand table.

Among them are the battle sand table outside Xianyang City, the suppression sand table outside the misty ancient forest, the southern border duel sand table, the Xiongnu duel sand table, and so on.

Each of these sand tables represents a battlefield in Great Qin.

From the above, it is not difficult to see that in today's Great Qin, there are more and more battlefields, and the battle lines are getting bigger and bigger, and it has reached the point where it will do its best.

Looking at Sima Xun who was reporting in front of him, Ying Shou nodded slightly, said "Yes", and came to the front of the foggy ancient forest sand table first.

"General, tell me, among the many battlefields, where will the battle take the lead?"

Ying Shou was dressed in a black robe, with long hair draped behind his head, standing with his hands behind his back, his face as sharp as a knife.

Those eyes, like longan's eyes and phoenix's eyes, give people a feeling of looking down on the world and full of nobility.

His eyeballs were like the sun and the moon in the sky, staring at the sand table in front of him, and asked Sima Xun who followed behind him.

"Your Majesty, over there is the Huns battlefield sand table!"

"Nowadays, the entire Xiongnu is a battlefield. At a different time, only our army is on this battlefield, and the Huns' army is passively beaten. It can be said that they are entangled by our army!"

"It will take at least three days for the Donghu army to rush to the battlefield and take over the confrontation with our army from the Xiongnu army. So within these three days, the Xiongnu battlefield should not be able to fight!"

"The other side is the sand table in the southern border and the sand table in Xianyang. The situation in Xianyang is now clear, and the war will start before the southern border!"

"According to the general, the Xianyang battlefield and the misty ancient forest may be fought at the same time, or they may be fought one after the other."

"But even if it is successive, the time difference will not be too far, it should be within today!"

Sima Xun came to Ying Shou's side and said respectfully.

"That's right, the battle between the ancient misty forest battlefield and the Xianyang battlefield is today!"

"It's a pity, in the foggy battlefield, it's hard to win a complete victory!"

Ying Shou nodded, and couldn't help sighing.

"Oh, what does His Majesty mean by this?"

"Now the 20 Hun army is surrounded by our army. Our army is three times the size of the Hun army. Don't say that Marshal Wang Lin is ready for a fatal blow. Why does Your Majesty say that it is difficult to win?"

Sima Xun frowned slightly, very puzzled.

"If only the two armies confront each other, this battle will definitely wipe out the enemy army, which can be regarded as a great victory. Unfortunately, Wang Lin is too merciful."

"He knows how to take advantage of the situation, but he is unwilling to hurt the innocent, so that it has been delayed until now!"

"This delay is enough to make the opponent alert and find a chance to break through. So this battle is both a big victory and an invincible one!"

Ying Shou shook his head, a little helplessly.

"Oh, Your Majesty, please redeem your majesty's meaning, and please express it clearly!"

Sima Xun was a little confused by the delusion, a victory is a victory, a loss is a defeat, how can there be such a thing as a big victory and no victory?Is not this contradictory?

"Victory, the Huns' entire army will be wiped out. If they are not victorious, Maodun will surely escape!"

Ying Shou pointed it out directly, walked slowly to the side, picked up a candle, came to the sand table, and said, "Wang Lin is a person who can take advantage of the situation, borrowing the general trend of the world, wind, thunder, water and fire, and the general trend of people, thousands of troops Wanma, taking advantage of the general trend of the world, brings disaster to the world. It is a pity that he is still young after all, so he is too kind!"

"He understands that under the general situation, there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, and he also understands the truth that fire can cook and burn people. But he insists on distinguishing an enemy under the general situation, and distinguishing a truth in front of the raging fire. How can he do this? Victory?"

"The Dao of Heaven has never been perfect. There is a fifty-fifty way to escape. There is nothing that does not need to pay a price."

"Wang Lin wants to keep the one who fled away, and he will definitely slip away the other ones. Therefore, this battle is both a big victory and an invincible one!"

As soon as the words fell, the candle in Ying Shou's hand tilted, and the oil from countless candles rolled down on the sand table in an instant.

A piece of paper fell and landed on the sand table above the misty ancient forest, instantly igniting flames...




The sky was getting dark, and countless kerosene pots fell from the sky and fell down.Countless arrows rained, burning with flames, covering the sky and covering the ancient misty forest.

Outside the misty ancient forest, in all directions, hundreds of thousands of Qin troops waited for several days, and finally made their move that night.

The fire swept through the misty ancient forest in an instant.

In the misty ancient forest, water and food were scarce, and the Huns' army was already powerless to fight back.

The sharp fire hit, and everyone could only use their last bit of strength to escape towards the outside.


Some people rushed out of the ancient misty forest, but more people were engulfed by the endless fire in an instant.

An ancient forest is filled with people, and its fire can be described as devastating, burning for nine days.

Amidst the countless shouts of killing, those who had just rushed out of the misty ancient forest were directly intercepted by the Qin army and beheaded frantically without any surprise.

A war that has been waiting for a long time will come and go quickly.

In less than half a day, the enemy army had been wiped out at full speed.

The rest who did not escape were basically all swept by the fire and died in the ancient misty forest.

Between the sky and the earth, the misty ancient forests were burned, illuminating the surroundings like daylight.

Wang Lin stood quietly at the foot of the cliff, looking at the ancient forest that devoured the world and burned for more than ten miles in an instant, and even continued to crazily expand the fire, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

The enemy is destroyed, but unfortunately, it is the mountains of Daqin that are destroyed, and the water of Daqin is destroyed.If this battle is not in the territory of Daqin, but in the territory of Bieguo, how good would it be?
Why in the end, all disasters have to stay in Daqin?
"Report to the Generalissimo, the enemy army was completely wiped out, and no one escaped!"

Behind him, a general came up and cupped his hands.

"If you know, send an order. The whole army will retreat for three hundred miles and rest for a day. Tomorrow, I will follow my commander to attack Yanmen Pass and stop the Huns' army. Come and kill one by one, and don't let any one go!"

Wang Lin nodded slightly and said in a deep voice.


The general responded, and was about to leave, but at this moment, he heard an urgent voice not far away.

"Report... It's not good, Grand Marshal, something is wrong. I found a trace of an army thirty miles away, and there was the figure of Hun Shanyu Modun inside. At this moment, this army is quickly fleeing towards Yanmen Pass!"

A soldier rushed over, knelt down behind Wang Lin, and said loudly with his hands clasped.


As soon as this remark came out, the face of the audience changed drastically.

"Impossible, the Huns' army has been completely annihilated. This place is tightly surrounded by our large army. Not to mention a large army breaking out, even a single person and a fly can't get out!"

Someone immediately scolded and said in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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