Chapter 1172
"What do you mean? An army? How many people?"

Wang Lin trembled all over, ignoring the disbelief of others, but looked at the soldier immediately.

"Back to Generalissimo, there are almost 1000 people, and the first person is Maodun!"

The soldier hurriedly replied.

"Are you sure it's Mouton?"

Wang Lin asked again.

"Reporting to the Generalissimo, there is no doubt that it is Maodun!"

The soldier replied.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Generalissimo, this soldier is talking nonsense, under such a siege, who can escape? Absolutely impossible!"

Among the crowd, Qu Lei stepped forward, very dissatisfied.

After following Wang Lin, these Jianghu people did not actually participate in any battles, they basically just watched silently from the sidelines.

Now, it's just a little bit of help.

To put it another way, the tone is to say that Wang Lin is training them to serve as soldiers and charge into battle, rather than saying that Wang Lin is training generals.

Qu Lei himself was born in a military family, and his background is there. After fighting with Wang Lin in the north and south, he gradually realized that after fighting a few battles, he has now obtained the position of a thousand-man general and led a thousand-man army to follow Wang Lin in the north and south.

It can be said that he was the first among many Jianghu people to take the post of general.

But now, he is deeply suspicious, because no matter what, he will not believe that under such a heavy siege, Mao Dun can escape.

And they escaped silently with 1000 people.If you say this, no one will believe it.

"Qu Lei listens to the order, no matter what method you use, at all costs, take down Maodun for me. I don't want to see the news of his escape from Yanmen Pass. You go first, and my army will catch up in a few days!"

Wang Lin took a deep breath and said coldly.

"Generalissimo, this guy is obviously lying. The general suspects that this guy is a middleman in his eyes, so don't act recklessly. Maybe this is someone else's trick!"

Qu Lei was in a hurry and said quickly.

It's not that he doesn't want to lead the troops there, it's something he longs for to have the opportunity to lead the army to charge.But obviously, even if he chases him out this time, it is doomed to be futile. What is he going to do?
Even if he was killed, he didn't believe that Mo Dun could escape.

"Qu Lei, the military order is like a mountain and cannot be disobeyed. Immediately lead [-] cavalry to chase it out. If there is a slight difference, I will ask you!"

"Don't tell me that it's impossible for Mao Dun to escape. In this world, there is never an absolute thing."

"If it's me who is trapped now, facing the opportunity of six or seven days, I have thousands of ways to escape, let alone Modun? I am not surprised that he can escape."

"But you have to understand that he can escape this time, but he can't escape completely. Kill, kill me immediately!"

Wang Lin gave the order coldly, beyond doubt.


Qu Lei's eyes flashed. If these words were spoken from the innermost part of others, he would probably scoff at them, but when they were spoken from Wang Lin's mouth, he was speechless and unable to refute.

Soon, [-] troops assembled and chased and killed them in the direction of Yanmen Pass.

As the [-] troops galloped away, Wang Lin slowly closed his eyes and walked in. Even though he was only a few miles away from the fire, he still had a feeling of being scorched by the flames.

"Hey, there is no such thing as luck in the world. I was expecting too much, and I let you escape after all!"

Wang Lin muttered to himself, from the moment he made the decision to wait until today to set fire to attack the mountain, he had already expected that today's occupation would be fine.

It's just that he has been holding on to hope, hoping that Mo Dun would not think of a way to escape, but unfortunately, hope is hope, and in the face of reality, it will always be so powerless.

It's not that Wang Lin doesn't know the truth about long nights and many dreams. The key is that there is a city, several small towns and countless villages under the misty ancient forest. The total population of all these forests is at least hundreds of thousands or millions.

Once a fire is set here, and the fire is not controlled, it will easily hurt the surrounding towns, and the people of Daqin will only suffer in the end.

So Wang Lin's heart softened, and he didn't do it immediately, but waited until today.Because he knew that tomorrow, at most, when the rain poured down, no matter how big the fire was, it would be enough to extinguish it.

"Order to withdraw troops!"

When he opened his eyes, Wang Lin didn't say any nonsense, and the army withdrew immediately with an order, leaving behind the infinite fire that was still burning.


"Now, the battle in the ancient misty forest should be over, and Modu should have escaped!"

In Hu Dong's land, in the Dong Hu King's Court, Ying Shou stood quietly in front of the sand table, looked at the slowly burning flames, sighed, and said, "If you miss a good opportunity, you will get more casualties."

"Fortunately, although Wang Lin is kind, he is capable enough. Even if there are more casualties in this battle, he should be able to control it!"

At this moment, Sima Xun also understood Ying Shou's meaning, shook his head and smiled wryly, and said, "If that's the case, I can't blame the Generalissimo, after all, kindness is not a crime!"

Ying Shouyou said: "Kindness is not a sin, but a woman's benevolence can easily lead to sin. I hope Wang Lin is not that kind of woman's benevolence!"

With that said, Ying Shou turned around, came to the side again, and looked at the Xianyang battlefield sand table.

He planted different small flags on the sand table one by one.

At the square gates of Xianyang City, he has planted a flag on each wall, and on each flag is written the word "Shou".

This is the flag representing the Xianyang defenders, with four sides, representing [-] Xianyang defenders.

At the same time, he planted two more flags in the city, each with the word "King" written on it.

This is an army of [-] representing the royal family army, and it is also an army belonging to the Xianyang side, but it is not the same force as the defenders.

Finally, Ying Shou took out a large handful of flags and inserted them all in the middle. At a glance, there were at least dozens of them.

On each of these flags, there is a character [民] written on it.

This does not represent any large army, but it is indeed another force that has escaped from the major forces, and it is the hundreds of thousands of people who are conferring titles.

This power does not belong to the power that Qin can use today, nor does it belong to the power that the enemy can use.

But just standing there, it has the ability to break the general trend of the world, that is, the sense of sight.

"Your Majesty, why do you include these people? With them, can they really influence the overall situation?"

Beside Ying Shou, Sima Xun frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

"The uncontrollable power is always the strongest. Once this power finally breaks out, it depends on which side he is willing to help."

"As long as anyone stands on the opposite side, this force is enough to destroy it. This is an inestimable and unpredictable force!"

Ying Shou handed the candle to Sima Xun and said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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