Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1173 The Darkness Before Dawn

Chapter 1173 The Darkness Before Dawn
Ying Shou continued to take out a handful of small flags, and slowly inserted them outside the city gate. There were thirteen flags in total, and each flag had the character [石] written on it.

This is an army of 13, of which [-] are Shi Potian's Huben Army.

Although the people of Dark Qin have been hiding very deeply for a long time, this army has gathered a few days ago.

Therefore, there is no way to escape the detection of the Black Ice Platform.Ying Shou knew exactly how many soldiers and horses there were, including those people.

At this moment, the thirteen flags represent the 13 people.

When the flag of the 13 Shi Potian army was erected, Ying Shou then planted eight more flags, each with the word "Tu" written on it.

This army was exactly the [-] southern army led by Tu Sui.

After inserting all the flags that should be planted, Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back and said, "General, looking at the situation, what do you think of the outcome?"

Sima Xun was silent for a moment, and said: "On the Xianyang side, there are 14 troops of Tu Sui, 13 royal legions, and [-] defenders. If you want to add more, it is [-] troops. On the other hand, the dark Qin side has a total of only [-] troops. , our army has an absolute advantage!"

Ying Shou listened quietly without speaking, waiting for Sima Xun's next sentence.

"However, wars are never calculated in this way. The tiger and ben army is brave and good at fighting, and it is very easy to fight one against ten. Even if it is not one against ten, one against three is easy. Therefore, 20 tiger and ben troops are enough to compare We have an army of [-]. In this way, the enemy army can be called an army of [-]!"

"This is the power placed on the bright side. I don't know how many Dark Qin rebels are hiding in the city. If the general guessed correctly, there are at least a hundred thousand."

"In this way, Shi Potian's side is fighting our army, which is equivalent to our Daqin fighting with an army three times larger than our own. The result is not good!"

Seeing that Ying Shou was silent, Sima Xun continued to speculate.

"That's right, so far, I don't know how much power the Dark Qin is hiding in Xianyang. It may be 20, or [-]. It is a big threat. This battle is destined to be unfavorable, and it will depend on this power in the end. It depends on who can use this power in the end!"

Ying Shou nodded, and once again pointed his finger at the uncontrollable force in the city.

Sima Xun was startled and looked over intently.

The sand table deduction decides the world, and the world war rises.

When the sand table was deduced here, it was already midnight at midnight, and the sky was extremely dark.

This is the sign before dawn, just like the return of light, but it is called the darkness before dawn.

This level of darkness is enough to make people blind.

Outside the city of Xianyang, there was a pot of fire burning, illuminating all directions.

This kind of fire is like a searchlight for future generations, for the purpose of seeing everything outside the city clearly at night.

For example, when a large army comes to attack and kill, it will be seen clearly as soon as it rushes into the range of the fire, and you can even use this to observe how many soldiers and horses the opponent has.

This is the fire that the defenders must light at any time before they face a major war.

Seeing that the sky had become extremely dark, all the soldiers on the city wall had no intention of resting at all. Everyone raised their spirits and kept paying attention to the outside of the city.

In Xianyang city, in the dark alleys, in the quiet courtyards and houses, it was already crowded with people at some point.

The range of these people is very large, covering the entire Xianyang City, almost everywhere.Scattered, nothing can be seen, but if gathered together, it will be an unimaginably powerful force.

Most of these people were dressed as civilians, without any armor on their bodies, and they were not soldiers, but when they were injured, they all wore a red belt, and the word "dark" was written on the bag.

These people are all from the dark Qin forces.

The dark Qin belongs to Tianmen and is ruled by the Great Southern Emperor. The southern land, also known as the Southern Red Emperor, is as red as fire, so their identity certificates are this belt and that code word.

Each of these people holds a weapon in their hands, and their eyes are on the Sifang City, waiting for orders to launch an attack at any time.

While these people were making preparations, on the other side, under false claims, countless people were still crowded on the main street.

Up and down the imperial city, the lights were brightly lit, and loud shouts kept ringing out, and the awarding of titles continued.

At the same time, Wangfu Street in Xianyang City is a street that did not exist in the former Qin Dynasty. It is a street that only appeared after the current Great Qin Emperor won the canonization of the queens.

The so-called Wangfu Street, looking around, is full of nobles.

These people may not be important officials in the court, or even officials in the court.

But this official is an official, and a noble is a noble.

Officials and nobles seem to be inseparable, but they are actually two different concepts.

Those who are officials are in office, and they can also be called responsible, so they will have corresponding rights in their hands.

Relatively speaking, titles are completely different.

If it is said that being an official is a responsibility and holding power, this canonized title is of a different nature.

A knighted person has no responsibilities, nor any rights.After all, the so-called title is a reputation, advanced to the title of nobility.

When this title reaches a certain level, you can just eat and not do anything, just get your salary.For example, those people living on Wangfu Street today.

Those people were either earls or marquises, or just a lot of dukes and princes.

These people are not officials in the court, and they don't have any real power in their hands. However, to a certain extent, their identities are not comparable to those who are officials.

Even if it is the third prince in the current dynasty, he must be respectful and polite in front of an earl.This is a status symbol, let alone facing Wang Jue.

In terms of power, the Sangong can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand people, but in terms of status, it is impossible for them to be under one person and above ten thousand people.

After all, if one day this official can no longer continue, and the emperor does not reward the title, they can only go as far as they can.

And even if the emperor rewarded them, they would not be able to be compared with those princes if they did not have any merits in helping the world.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Sangong to be below one person and above ten thousand people in terms of status.

On Wangfu Street, whether it is King Yelang, King Dian, or King Zhao, etc., they are all real kings.Even if it is only a king, but with a king in his body, he will always be under one person and above ten thousand people.

Even if the title is not hereditary, but in their whole life, they are enough to despise anyone in terms of status.When the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty saw them, they had to treat them with respect.

But at this moment, the group of powerless princes and nobles on Wangfu Street are making a move.

I saw [-] troops congested and occupied the entire street.

These kings who were like coiled dragons lying in Xianyang City finally began to show their power.

(End of this chapter)

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