Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1174 The Battle Begins

Chapter 1174 The Battle Begins

As the summer gets deeper and deeper, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Even the madness of the people in the middle of the night is full of warmth.

However, under the solemn military appearance, it looked very cold, and an invisible murderous aura condensed, making this street fall into an unprecedented silence.

Looking around, one after another figure stood still, like a ghost army at midnight, which made people shudder.

Ten miles outside of Xianyang City, the army rushed to attack, getting closer and closer to Xianyang City, like a dark cloud covering the top, sweeping in.

The wind and rain were about to come and the wind filled the building, and the haze of a great war finally completely shrouded Xianyang City.

"My lord, everything is ready, it's five o'clock, let's go to war!"

In that inn, in the lobby, Yuan Hong came to Shi Potian and begged for his order.

Shi Potian was sitting in the hall, and beside him sat a man covered in black robes and wearing a mask, who was the messenger of the Heavenly Gate.

In addition to the Tianmen Envoy, there are ten other people standing quietly behind Shi Potian, covered by an invisible aura, completely turning the three feet of Shi Potian and the Tianmen Envoy into a forbidden area, and strangers should not get close.

"Is it five o'clock?"

Shi Potian looked up at the sky outside, and then at the Heavenly Gate Envoy beside him.

"Go ahead!"

Shi Potian took a deep breath, waved his hand, and finally made the most important decision in his life, and it was also a decision that could change his life's destiny.

Success, he became emperor smoothly.If you fail, there will be no turning back from now on.


Yuan Hong cupped his hands, turned and left.

In the dark night, on the street of the west gate of Xianyang City, a courtyard was filled with kerosene at some point, accompanied by a spark.


In an instant, the flames soared into the sky, dazzling.

"what happened?"

In front of the West City, there had long been a large army standing here, and there were countless defenders standing on the top of the city. Suddenly seeing the flames bursting into the sky, those defenders who were sleeping late at night and standing guard were shocked.

A bad feeling welled up in their hearts. They knew that perhaps the war they had been vigilant about had already begun.

As soon as this feeling emerged, the next moment, countless roars sounded at the same time.


The sound of shouting and killing was earth-shattering. At the moment when the flames erupted, and at the moment when the people in countless alleys reacted, in all directions, in countless alleys, countless people rushed out, like locusts crossing the border, and like thousands of ravines rushing, coming together , Sweeping towards the west city.

"No, enemy attack!"

A loud shout sounded, and the expressions of the [-] West City defenders changed drastically at the same time.

It was dark in the middle of the night, and it was hard to see how many people came, but it was not difficult to take care of them, at least several times as many people as our own.

In other words, there will be at least a flow of more than [-] to [-] people.

Those people rushed out suddenly, holding swords and wearing scarlet belts on their arms, and rushed to the front of the defenders without any hesitation, hacking and slashing at once, regardless of everything, and directly fighting.

"Boldly, stop them for me!"

Outside the gate of the west city is the entrance to the city pass where the enemy army rushed to attack. Therefore, the commanding general sitting here is none other than Zhao Tun, the main defender.

Zhao Tun also reacted quickly. Seeing that these people who had been hiding in the dark finally jumped out and fought desperately, he immediately shouted.


After receiving the command from the general, the defenders reacted faster.

A moment ago, they didn't know Rushan, and faced the enemy's attack, it seemed that they were not ready yet.

At this moment, upon hearing the order, they immediately fought back.

"Clang clang!"

Countless long swords were drawn out of their sheaths, flashing with flames in the distance, and instantly fought with the rebel Dark Qin army.

"Kill me!"

"Puchi puff puff..."

At the same time, countless spears and spears swept in, and the two armies fought and entangled in an instant.

"Fire arrows!"

Ignoring the battle between the two armies, Zhao Tun gave another order when the enemy was desperately charging.

Immediately, the enemy troops in front rushed forward one after another, filling up and attacking one after another, which can be described as densely packed.On the Qin army's side, there was an open space.

It was the open space between the front army resisting the rebels and the rear army. On the side of the Qin army, the front and rear armies did not follow each other like those rebels.

The way of fighting one after another seems to be more morale and stronger, with a continuous stream and endless kills.

But in fact, there is no regulation at all for this style of play, especially if you want to fight in the city.

The space is only that wide, no matter how you charge, there are only a few people in front of you, and you can't use it at all.Rushing back and forth, the only ones who can make a move are those people.

Therefore, the Qin army did not rush so fast. Instead, the army in the rear immediately drew their bows and arrows, and followed Zhao Tun's order.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

In an instant, countless arrows soared into the sky, shooting towards the rebel army ahead.

"Puchi puff puff..."

Only to hear the sound of countless breaking into the body, those rebels fell down one after another in an instant.

Such congestion, without regulations, is simply a group of live targets.

As long as the direction remains the same, if you shoot randomly, there is basically no possibility of controlling the arrows.

It was just the first wave of arrow rain, although there were no more than [-] soldiers who shot the arrows, but at least the lives of the rebels who stepped forward were reaped in an instant.

The war continued, and the rebels ahead were still fighting desperately.

However, a rebel army is a rebel army, and it is different from the orthodox official army after all.

Daqin is the only orthodoxy in this land.

Affiliated to Daqin, it is an official army.And these defenders are the official army.

On weekdays, they can let go of their training, and even among them, most of the defenders are from the Lantian Camp, which can be said to be well-trained and all elite.

Coupled with the background of the Great Qin army, who is not fully equipped?There are swords, guns, swords and halberds, bows and crossbows, and armor.

On the other hand, those rebels, although they have a large number of people, can almost only hide on weekdays.

All the swords and swords at home had to be buried deep in the ground, and they dared not show them, let alone other weapons, such as bows and crossbows.

Once you hide these things and get caught, you are basically looking for death.Even though today's Daqin has a lot looser control over swords, this is still the case.

What's more, they are a group of hidden rebels themselves, how can they dare to gather together for training on weekdays?

Not to mention gathering for training, even if a group of people gather together too much, you have to worry about it.

In this way, the lineup formed by these rebels and the Qin army is itself different.

One side has elite soldiers and generals, well-equipped.The rebels on one side have no energy at all.No matter how many people gather together, the Qin army can only deal with it with ease.

The two armies in front were fighting, swords and swords flickered. Basically, every six or seven rebels died to take the life of a Daqin soldier. The difference between the two sides can be seen from this.

(End of this chapter)

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