Chapter 1175
"Hmph, the battle has finally begun!"

"It's ridiculous that a group of mobs want to turn the world upside down!"

On the top of the city, watching the battle between the five thousand sergeants below and the densely packed rebel army, at least forty or fifty thousand people, he smiled coldly, his face full of disdain.

In the war, what is fought is money, equipment, and strength.Although the number is also an advantage, compared with other advantages, the rebels are too far behind after all, and they are not in his eyes at all.

He didn't even have the intention of ordering the [-] defenders on the city to join the battle. If this battle was nothing more than that, the [-] soldiers would be enough to wipe out the [-] to [-] rebels.

The battle started here, and the shouts of killing were everywhere, which instantly alarmed countless people in all directions.

Many people who were still in the dream were awakened by the sound of killing in an instant.

Chaos began to permeate the city, and everyone went out in amazement, looking towards the direction of the West City, the fire that soared into the sky.

At the same time, other city gates were also attracted by the shouts of killing.

"No, the war broke out in the direction of the West City!"

"Quick, rescue the West City people immediately!"

One after another voices sounded from all sides of the city.

The Daqin defenders guarded the square gates, each with an army of [-].

Seeing that the war broke out in the west city, all the gates of the city immediately dispatched troops to fight towards this side.

At the same time, sitting in front of the gate of the Xianyang Imperial City facing south, the people who were extremely congested, occupying the main street and the countless alleys beside it, couldn't help looking in the direction of the West City.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

Countless voices of astonishment resounded in the crowd. They heard the sound of the collision of the handles of the knives, and saw the flames soaring into the sky, and the flames seemed to be spreading crazily.

They heard the sound of horseshoes and were in a state of confusion.

"Are the rumors true?"

"What rumors, what's going on?"

"Haven't you heard?"

"What did you hear? Tell me quickly!"

"Oh, I've always heard that after the Great Wall War, the imperial court began to deal with the conferring of titles in Xianyang City, but someone kept making trouble secretly. All the officials who handled this matter were constantly being assassinated!"

"In the dark, there seems to be a force manipulating everything. It deliberately made us all think that there is no hope of conferring a title. They gathered here and wanted to use us to besiege Xianyang. They benefited from it and took Xianyang in one go!"

"I used to think it was just a rumor, but now that it's finally conferred, it seems that these people have also started to do it!"

"What, there is such a thing?"

"Why are there none? Look, now that the facts are in front of you, the battle seems to have started. These people are obviously rebellious and want to destroy my Daqin!"

"Do you still remember the siege of the Xiangguo Mansion before? It is said that at that time, the murderers were not from the Xiangguo Mansion at all, but those people did it secretly."

"It wasn't just those people who were killed, many people from Xiangguo's mansion were also killed. If the defenders hadn't made a sudden attack, even Master Xiangguo Xiao would have died, how could he confer titles on us here? ah!"

"Also in the back, the courtiers were forced to have no choice, so they surrounded the Minister of the Ministry of Officials and dealt with the matter of conferring titles inside. Now that everything is settled, those shady things can't sit still and start to shoot! "

"They just want to take down Xianyang in one fell swoop while trapping civil and military officials on our side!"

There was a lot of discussion, countless people who were awarded the title whispered to each other, and all kinds of secret talks continued to spread.

All of a sudden, there was a commotion here.

However, under the light of the torches, those who should be knighted on the top of the city are still being knighted. It seems that the officials can't see the war in the distance, and it seems that they can't hear the discussion below at all, and continue to do what they should do.

"Master Xiao, there is a fight, what should we do?"

Beside Xiao He, a civil servant said in a low voice.

"Don't worry about him, keep these people down. How to fight is someone else's business, each perform their duties!"

Xiao He waved his hand and said in a deep voice.

As a civil servant in the rear, his own position is always the most upright, and he never interferes with the affairs ahead.


The man promised and continued to work.

On Wangfu Street, figures walked out one after another, all the kings gathered in the Yelang Palace, many families rushed out at the same time, each led a pair, and stood ready.Hearing the sound of fighting in the distance, he waited quietly for the order, and killed with one blow.

"No, it's a great man, listen!"

Just when the battle at the west gate was completely started, and the Daqin soldiers had the upper hand, when Zhao Tun sneered, suddenly, behind him, a guarding general's expression changed slightly, and he exclaimed.

Zhao Tun frowned slightly, and listened intently, only to hear thunderous roars.

The earth seemed to be shaking, which was the movement of thousands of troops and horses sweeping in.

It is a real army of thousands of horses, not at all the momentum that the rebels in front should have.

"No, the main force of the rebel army is here!"

Zhao Tun turned his head sharply, and immediately saw outside the city, countless torches were as dense as the stars in the sky, turning into a long line, mighty and mighty, stretching like a sea of ​​fire, the speed was so fast, it was really fast.

In an instant, the army had rushed to less than a mile below the city.

The army was still charging, and in an instant, it was hundreds of meters away from the top of the city.

"Quick, beat the drums and fight!"

"Beat the drums!"

Although it was not clear what kind of lineup this army was in late at night, Zhao Tun had already judged that it was definitely the main force of the rebel army based on the earth-shattering momentum.

Although the rebels had a lot of troops in the city, they were just mobs after all, and Zhao Tun didn't care about them at all.What he can pay attention to is the army that has arrived at this moment.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

The horn sounded and the thunder burst.

The sky gradually brightened, and the flames still soared into the sky, spreading more and more.

The sound of beating drums here instantly attracted the attention of the four walls.

"Hurry up, kill the Xicheng people for me, and protect the Xicheng people!"

In front of the city walls of all parties, at this moment, five thousand soldiers have been prepared respectively.

The moment the horn of thunder was heard, 5000 soldiers from various places, a total of [-] people, immediately attacked the Xicheng people from three directions: east, south, north.


However, not long after the armies of all parties rushed out, they saw people rushing out of countless alleys in front, back, left, and right.

These people are all Dark Qin rebels, each of them is wearing civilian clothes, just like ordinary people, except that each of them wears a scarlet belt on their arm, with a word [dark] written on it, indicating that they are identity of.

These rebels rushed out from all directions, obviously lying in ambush for a long time, waiting for the walls of all sides to dispatch troops and generals, and then killed the Qin army by surprise.

However, at the moment when these people rushed out and started killing people in all directions, countless arrows rained out from various armies.

It was the arrows shot by countless crossbows, covering all the rebels in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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