Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1176 Attacking Xianyang City

Chapter 1176 Attacking Xianyang City

"Ah ah ah..."

Countless screams came together, and I was going to catch Qin Jun by surprise, but I didn't expect that the moment these rebels just rushed out, before they had time to make a move, they were caught by Qin Jun by surprise.


Dongcheng mobilized five thousand generals to ride high on horses, holding a long halberd in their hands, swung it suddenly, and shouted angrily.


Suddenly, there was a sound of shouting and killing, and the five thousand defenders were uniform and mobilized, like arms and fingers, and they were instantly broken into pieces. A team of 20 people, a total of 250 teams, armed with knives, guns, swords, halberds, long bows and crossbows Spear, kill into countless alleys.

Paving the way with crossbow arrows, harvesting and sprinting with long halberds, they immediately cornered countless armies that had been ambushing in countless alleys, unable to advance or retreat.

Blood stained countless alleys, and those rebels never dreamed that the party that was supposed to be assassinated had now become the party that was plotted to be assassinated.

This sudden change is unacceptable.

Obviously, these so-called armies that went to rescue the Xicheng people were simply a cover.Its interior has already been mobilized, and it can be broken into parts at any time.

What they really have to deal with is not the rebels who besieged the West City, but the rebels ambushing everywhere.

Under this sudden counterattack, no one in the rebel army expected it.For a moment, the [-] rebels who were ambushing in the east city were directly beaten to the point of being powerless, and could only sit and wait for the harvest.

And just as the [-] troops harvested the lives of the rebels, the other [-] troops from the East City also mobilized in an instant, turning into a long dragon, rushing back and forth on the streets, heading straight for the West City.

The same thing happened not only in the east city, but also in the direction of the south gate and the north city.

The army deployed by the Dark Qin in Xianyang City, trying to ambush the Qin army, is easier said than done?

At noon yesterday, when these rebels mobilized secretly, they had already affected the whole body.

When these rebels who existed as common people mobilized, there was another force, which was also dressed in common people's clothes and mobilized secretly.

These are two different forces, one comes from the dark Qin rebels, and the other comes from the surveillance of the Great Qin Black Ice Platform.

At the same time, the servants of various government offices also took action one after another.

Accompanied by this, there were also various armies in the city mobilized one after another.

Not to mention too much, just say that the surveillance of the Black Ice Terrace is doomed to make these rebels have nowhere to escape, and the bare bones are exposed to Daqin's eyes.

So all their ambushes are jokes.Every move, Daqin can see clearly.

Now, follow the plan and fight back.

In the entire city of Xianyang, there were 20 rebels ambushing, except for the [-] rebels who got the mobile phone at the beginning.

The rest of the people were all surrounded and intercepted by the Daqin defenders from all walks of life, and crowded into a group in various alleys, waiting for the harvest of the Daqin soldiers.

"Reporting to Mr. Zhang, the battle in the west city has started, and the main force of the rebels outside the city has arrived. The three defenders in the southeast and north, each with 5000 soldiers, have already fought with the rebels in the dark. The remaining [-] people are rushing to the city West City!"

In Shangshu Mansion, a soldier rushed to Zhang Liang, knelt down on one knee, and cupped his hands to report.

"Okay, so it should be like this if you caught the 20 rebels in the city by surprise!"

Hearing this, Zhang Liang smiled coldly, waved his hands and said, "Go, follow me to the West Tower and watch the battle!"

After the words fell, Zhang Liang directly led hundreds of guards behind him, headed towards the Xichengmen, bypassed the rebels, and went straight to the tower.

Now, this battle is expected, and the rest depends on how to operate.


"Hmph, very good. I didn't expect those people in Xianyang to be so generous. They mobilized 15 defenders to deal with our mere [-] mobs!"

"Time is enough, 15 people, no matter how powerful these [-] soldiers are, they are still enough to kill them!"

During the guest battle, Shi Potian also received the report from below, and immediately smiled coldly.

The 15 rebels secretly ambushed the southeast and north Qin defenders, but were counterattacked by the southeast and north Qin defenders.

In Shi Potian's ears, this matter did not arouse Shi Potian's anger at all, on the contrary, it made him very satisfied.

Obviously, from the very beginning, in this battle, he did not put the opportunity on the 20 mob.

Now that the 15 rebels are fighting with the Xicheng army, even the remaining [-] are entangled with a total of [-] defenders in the southeast, north, south, and north. In his opinion, he is already very satisfied in his heart.

In this battle, these mobs don't need much credit, they just need to use their own lives to hold back part of the Great Qin Xianyang's power.

"My lord, Zhang Biao and Yuan Ling's army has arrived outside the city, we should go all out and take down the west city gate!"

Below, Yuan Hong, who had just reported the situation, cupped his hands and said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Yuan Hong listens to the order, and immediately follow me to fight out, open the west gate from the inside out, and welcome my army into the city!"

Upon hearing the words, Shi Potian got up slowly, waved his big hand, and shouted.


Yuan Hong took the order and left.

Upstairs in the West City, as soon as Zhang Liang arrived, he saw countless enemy troops climbing over the moat on ladders in the middle of the night.

Following Zhao Tun's order, five thousand defenders on the top of the city immediately shot arrows.

At the same time, the kerosene pot was ignited and continuously smashed out.

A siege battle started completely.

Every time the kerosene pot is smashed out, the kerosene splashes everywhere, and the surrounding enemy troops are all rolled into the scourge of burning.

However, at this time the great war has begun, and no matter who suffers, the enemy army is still rushing to kill.

At the same time, the enemy's countless arrows rained frantically towards the top of the city, and the arrows rained densely.

In an instant, a large number of Qin troops were killed and wounded, making the rest of the people have to dodge.

Such a rain of arrows covered the Qin army's attack by more than half in an instant, and also eased the enemy troops who stepped on the ladder to cross the moat under the city. Hundreds of people were afraid of it in one go.

Then these people cut off the ropes of the suspension bridge, lowered the suspension bridge, and ushered in more troops rushing to the city.

As the distance got closer, the enemy's arrow rain became more dense, covering the sky and covering the ground, suppressing the Xianyang defenders on the top of the city with little room to fight back.

Many people crowded together, facing the overwhelming rain of arrows, not to mention fighting back, as long as they showed their heads a little, their heads could be shot into briquettes in an instant.

Under such circumstances, all defenders could only desperately hold on to their shields to resist.

Seeing that in the rain of arrows, there was no room for one's own side to fight back, but the enemy seized this opportunity, took the ladder, and climbed up frantically. The Xianyang defenders were completely frightened and furious.

Thousands of people roared, dropped their shields, raised their bows and arrows, and were about to shoot.

But before they successfully drew their bows and set their arrows, they saw wave after wave of enemy arrows, with almost no one and no gaps.

They just encountered a wave of arrows, and for a while, among the thousands of people, each of them had at least two or three arrows stuck in their bodies, and each of them had no strength to draw their bows, so they could only slowly fall down.

(End of this chapter)

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