Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1177 Invincible Tiger Army

Chapter 1177 Invincible Tiger Army

All the war equipment on the west tower of Xianyang became paralyzed in an instant.

The advantage of having a large number of people and a large force is fully reflected at this moment.

Below is the main force of the 13 rebels, all of which are real regular troops, especially the [-] of them, which are the Tiger Army, whose strength is incomparable.

On the other hand, there are only 5000 people on the top of the city, unable to defend with all their strength, let alone attack with all their strength.

In the face of the countless overwhelming rain of arrows, the soldiers manipulating the catapult beside the catapult either held up their shields to resist, and had no way to continue to operate the catapult.

Either put down the shield, and be shot to death by countless arrows in the next moment, without any power to fight back.

And those soldiers beside the drums and horns were also killed and injured in an instant.

Of the 5000 people guarding the city, there were only a little over 2000 left in an instant, but they didn't even dare to put down their shields, let alone make a move.

At the moment when the countless ladders were built, among the enemy troops outside, countless soldiers of the Huben army climbed up at an extremely fast speed, and hundreds of people immediately gathered and jumped onto the top of the city.

The intensive arrow rain attack stopped, and the soldiers of the Huben Army who jumped onto the top of the city immediately fought with the defenders of Xianyang City.

Even though most of these defenders of Xianyang City come from the Lantian Camp, they can be described as the elite of the elite, but they still have no power to fight back against the Tiger Army.

If the army of the Great Qin Lantian Camp is the elite of the elite, then the Huben Army is the kind of heavenly soldiers and generals, unmatched by anyone.

No matter how elite the army is, facing the heavenly soldiers and generals, they can still only be crushed.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Huben army seized the opportunity and killed the Xianyang defenders in an instant.

When the side reacted, it turned out that when the arrow rain had disappeared, the Huben army had already wiped out and attacked, killing and wounding hundreds of defenders.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Huben army who were watching from the rear kept rushing up, the speed was so fast that it made people look sideways.

In just a short moment, thousands of people have gathered in the army.

The defenders began to fight back, but as soon as they shot, the battle was over.

The casualties of the soldiers of the Huben army who rushed up were almost zero, while the remaining defenders on the top of the city were dead and injured at this time.

"This... the Huben Army, my lord, no, it's the Tiger Army!"

Zhao Tun's complexion suddenly changed drastically. Seeing the sudden change in front of him, his complexion became very ugly.

He knew that he should not be careless in the face of the main force of the rebel army, so he had already gone all out to try his best to hold back the main force of the rebel army.

Waiting for the arrival of reinforcements from the southeast and north, and waiting for the arrival of [-] reinforcements from Lantian Camp.

It's just that the war has just begun, and everything has gone beyond his expectations.

He never expected that he would touch the Huben army in the first place.

Facing the Huben army, there is no army in this world that can resist.Especially the battle in front of him at this moment made him even more red-eyed, his heart was beating wildly, and his legs were a little weak.

The former Qin Huben Army, the most powerful army under His Majesty the First Emperor, even though time has passed and several years have passed, its power remains undiminished, shocking, and powerless to resist.


Zhang Liang's face was also ugly. He had known for a long time that the real main force of the enemy army was the Tiger's Army, and the rest of the army, no matter how the main force, could only serve as a support in front of the Tiger's Army.

According to the logic, this kind of war of attrition should be fought by the rest of the rebels. The Huben army should do their best to prevent the main force of the [-] Great Qin Lantian battalion that has not yet arrived.

But in fact, everything seems to be different from what he thought.

In this battle, the vanguard of the enemy army turned out to be the Huben army, and it was obvious that they were not prepared to guard against the forces of the Lantian Camp.

Don't the rebels know the existence of the [-] main force of the Lantian Camp?
This idea flashed through Zhang Liang's mind, but he rejected it in an instant.

He didn't believe that Tianmen's news channels would be so poor that they couldn't even investigate the situation close at hand.If this is the case, this dark Qin is not worthy of taking action against Daqin.

Even though Tianmen's news channel hadn't noticed the existence of the [-] main force before, but at the moment Tu Sui mobilized the [-] army, this side should have received the news.

Could it be that Tu Sui really colluded with the dark Qin forces?
In the end, only this idea remained in Zhang Liang's mind.Apart from this possibility, he really couldn't think of any other possibility.

If Tu Suizhen decided to fight with all his strength, with his strength and his [-] elite men, it would be impossible for the rebels to ignore him no matter what.

There is only one reason for the rebels to ignore, and the two have become one.Since it is not the enemy, why defend?
Therefore, the rebels don't need to deal with Tu Sui and the [-] army. They only need to take Xianyang as quickly as possible to establish the overall situation.

Thinking of this possibility and confirming this possibility, Zhang Liang's expression was naturally very ugly.

With a cold "go", Zhang Liang immediately went downstairs with hundreds of guards behind him.

On the side, Zhao Tun quickly turned his head and followed.

Now that the city tower has fallen, he is like a bare-handed commander on this tower, and it is useless to stay there. He can only come to Chenglou and gather [-] soldiers downstairs. Maybe he still has a little resistance.

But when he thought that he was going to face the once mighty and invincible Huben Army, he felt powerless again.

Don't say anything about the three words "Hu Benjun", just reading it out is enough to make people feel terrified.


As soon as the few people left, not far away, the soldiers of the Huben army who killed all the defenders at the top of the city had already looked over, and with a loud shout, they stepped forward to the soldiers of the Huben army and came directly to chase and kill them.

"Stop them, stop them for me!"

Seeing this, Zhao Tun yelled loudly, and hurriedly followed Zhang Liang to protect him, and followed Zhang Liang quickly toward Cheng downstairs.

"Clang clang!"


Behind Zhang Liang, hundreds of guards had cold eyes, shouted loudly, drew out their long swords, and shot at the same time, rushing forward to the tiger's army.

"Clang clang!"

The two sides fought together in an instant, moving back and forth, fighting non-stop.

I saw blood splattering everywhere, and each of the invincible Huben soldiers fell into a pool of blood instantly.

The strength of the Huben Army has never been doubted.But what is powerful is always this army, not an individual.

Of course, if the individuals inside are placed among ordinary people, even if they are placed in an army full of masters, they are still very powerful existences.

But when facing real masters, their personal strength is still nothing.

These hundreds of people are Zhang Liang's personal guards. As the Great Qin's military adviser, Minister of the Ministry of War, and in charge of the military aircraft center, Zhang Liang's importance can be imagined!

To be able to be a personal guard by his side, one must not only have enough loyalty, but also have enough strength.

Among the more than 100 people, there are ten first-rate masters, thirty second-rate masters, and sixty third-rate masters.

Although these people came from all corners of the country, they joined the imperial court and have been training each other since they followed Zhang Liang. They are like a well-ordered small army, whose strength can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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