Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1178 Complete suppression

Chapter 1178 Complete suppression
The Huben army is very strong, it can be called a heavenly soldier and general, but facing this hundred-man squad, they still can only consider themselves unlucky.

In just a short moment, hundreds of corpses of the Huben army had already fallen on the scene.

The guard team of one hundred entered the Huben army, it was as if they had entered the land of no one, coming and going freely.

Of course, the resistance of the Huben army was also strong, no matter how strong the individual strength of the hundred-man squad was, no matter how closely coordinated they were.

But still let the thousands of soldiers of the Huben Army wait for the opportunity.

After one round, nearly half of the soldiers of the Thousand Tigers and Ben army were lost, but the hundred-man team also lost more than [-] men.

Outside the city, there are still countless soldiers of the Huben army climbing up, and thousands of soldiers of the Huben army gathered in an instant.

Under the ebb and flow, there are only more than 70 people left in the [-]-man team here, but they have to face thousands of soldiers of the Huben Army. An inexplicable sense of powerlessness suddenly came to my heart.


Fortunately, at this time, Zhang Liang had already retreated to the city, and the hundred-man team did not hesitate, each of them swayed, and the speed was extremely fast, and they retreated in an instant, catching up with Zhang Liang.

"My lord, if Xicheng is lost, Xianyang may fall!"

Zhao Tun followed behind Zhang Liang, and said with a gloomy face.

It's not that he doesn't try his best, nor that he is not capable enough.

It can only be said that the Huben Army is too powerful. Even the former Generalissimo Wei Liaozi and the current Generalissimo Wang Lin, facing the Huben Army without an army of more than [-], dare not say that they can win, let alone him. Zhao Tun is gone.

He, Zhao Tun, has never had the habit of belittling himself, but he is still helpless in the face of the Huben Army.You know, now I only have [-] defenders in my hands.

Not only do they have to face the attack of [-] rebels inside the city, but also the collision of more than [-] troops outside the city plus the Tiger Army.

If he can still compete in this way, Zhao Tun is not just a Xianyang court lieutenant, and no one would dare to compete with him for the position of generalissimo of the three armies.

"Zhao Tun, if Xianyang is bound to fall today, are you willing to accompany me to die in Xianyang!"

Zhang Liang walked into Chenglou, among the five thousand troops, with his back to Zhao Tun, asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, my lord, even if Xianyang is sure to lose, the impending complete fall is a foregone conclusion."

"However, Zhao Tun is no longer able to resist. He is still Xianyang Tingwei. The city is alive and the city is trapped and dead. If the enemy wants to take Xianyang City, they must first step on the corpse of the last general!"

Zhao Tun cupped his hands, with a gloomy face, growling in a low voice.

He is Xianyang Tingwei. To put it more clearly, his official position is the guardian of Xianyang.

Unless he betrays, Xianyang City will fall, so how can he retreat?

"Very good, at all costs, even if it is death, you must block the army outside the city for me, with your five thousand... no, 4000 people!"

Zhang Liang took a deep breath and said coldly.

At this moment, during the successive battles, the sky has gradually changed from the darkness before dawn to light, and the five thousand soldiers in front of them have already had corpses strewn all over the field in the battle with the fifty thousand mob, blood flowing like rivers.

Nearly half of the 2 rebels were killed, and at least [-] fell.And here, five thousand soldiers.

Although they fought with ease and seemed to have the upper hand, the enemy's numerical advantage is there. Even with the pile of corpses, there were more than 1000 casualties, which made the situation on the Qin army's side even more severe.

Looking back suddenly, Zhang Liang found that the city was completely occupied by the enemy.

Three thousand soldiers of the Huben army, leading tens of thousands of other rebel soldiers, have firmly held the top of the city, showing a tendency to encircle, encircling the only remaining army of less than four thousand on their own side.

"The last general takes orders!"

Zhao Tun cupped his hands, walked out, and shouted: "Everyone listens to the order. Today the city is alive and people are alive, and the city is falling and people are dying. As a soldier of the Great Qin Dynasty, cheer me up and live and die with me in Xianyang!"

Less than four thousand soldiers turned their heads at the same time. Hearing the words, they could also see that they had fallen into a situation where they could not resist, but they still roared angrily: "No!"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous for people like you to want to resist!"

"All the army listen to the order, kill me, and take down the city gate!"

At this moment, a loud laugh sounded like a burst of thunder, causing everyone to turn their heads to look at the same time.

I saw on the street, riding Juechen, rushing towards him.

"Get out of the way, it's General Yuan Hong!"

Shouts came one after another, and the rebels stepped aside one after another.


The horse galloped and passed through the crowd with such a speed that people were dumbfounded. In an instant, it had already rushed to the front of the Xianyang defenders.

Before the [-] defenders could react, they saw Yuan Hong's war horse galloping, leaping as high as a human, passing over the heads of the Xianyang defenders in the front row.


With a flash of light from the saber, the ghost-headed saber in Yuan Hong's hand came out of its sheath, slashed out instantly, and the three heads immediately rolled to the ground.

"Stop him, stop him quickly!"

As Ting Wei, Zhao Tun was the first to react, and immediately jumped up, shouting and killing Yuan Hong at the same time.

Those defenders were shocked by Yuan Hong's appearance. Seeing three heads fall to the ground, and being shouted by Zhao Tun, they all reacted. Immediately, they saw countless swords, guns, swords and halberds directly covering Yuan Hong.

However, Yuan Hong brandished a broadsword in his hand, and after a clanging sound, countless weapons were immediately interrupted and knocked down.

Yuan Hong's speed was so fast that it made people tremble, and his strength was so powerful that it was hard to resist.

One blow knocked down the weapons of all the surrounding people, and the next moment, he struck again, blood spattered everywhere as he swung the knife, and four or five heads flew out of thin air.

Yuan Hong galloped out, aimed directly at the gate of the city, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

As soon as he left the city, his aura instantly changed.


The mob of rebels were overjoyed, they only felt that the general was invincible and unstoppable, their morale was boosted, and they took advantage of the enemy's full strength to stop the general Yuan Hong.

Killing together, the defenders were caught off guard, and hundreds of people fell to the ground and died in an instant.

This unprecedented victory boosted the morale of these mob, making them even more merciless.

However, they seized the first opportunity. When the defenders reacted, thousands of people tried their best to stop them. For a while, these mobs were once again unable to move and entangled with each other.


On the top of the city, three thousand Huben troops led tens of thousands of rebel main force soldiers, shouted loudly, and charged forward.

If you just face Yuan Hong and those tens of thousands of mobs, even if there are only less than [-] defenders, you can still contend with one or two, at least you can stop them for a while.

But with the [-] Huben Army and the [-] Rebels coming out, not only did they have an advantage in numbers, but the advantages of all parties also completely crushed the Xianyang defenders.

Although the Xianyang defenders are desperately resisting, everything seems so powerless in the face of absolute strength.

In just an instant, the armies of all parties led by the Huben army had already opened up a bloody path and drove straight in. These defenders had no power to fight back. They scattered and could no longer gather together.

(End of this chapter)

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