Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1179 Zhang Liang is Obsessed

Chapter 1179 Zhang Liang is Obsessed

"Go away..."

With a loud shout, Yuan Hong's horse saw that he had already charged under the top of the city and headed straight for the city gate. Zhao Tun flew to the second stage, and with a flash of sword in his hand, he went straight to Yuan Hong.


Yuan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, sneered, swung the ghost-headed sword in his hand, and slashed directly.


With a sound of collision, the long sword in Zhao Tun's hand was bounced away, but he turned around, and with the backhand came another sword strike, pointing directly at Yuan Hong's head.

Yuan Hong's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that this little Xianyang Tingwei actually had a super-first-class reach, and he was able to fight back when he cut himself a knife.

Immediately, he turned the broadsword in his hand, and slashed across with it again. The speed was so fast and the strength was so strong that it almost tore the air apart.


There was another collision, sparks flew everywhere, and two deep gaps had already been opened on Zhao Tun's long sword.

However, Zhao Tun had already stepped on the top of his horse's head at this time, and the long sword in his hand shook again, and he made four or five consecutive attacks in an instant.

"Clang clang!"

Yuan Hong swung the ghost-head sword up and down, and the two collided more than ten times.

Yuan Hongnai is a real top general, and his combat power, even in Daqin, is at the level of a general. Generally, a first-class general can go through three rounds in his hands. It is rare to say that it is hard to give up.

"It's a bit of a skill, but unfortunately not!"

Yuan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted coldly, swung the sword away from Zhao Tun's hand, and slashed towards Zhao Tun's legs.

Seeing this, Zhao Tun jumped up and flew up again, with the long sword in his hand, he slashed directly at Yuan Hong's head.

Yuan Hong's saber fell to the ground, and he felt a sudden, raised his head suddenly, and slashed upwards with his saber.

Zhao Tun missed a hit, and before he landed, the light of the saber flickered from behind him.

He hastily made a backhand, but it was difficult to muster the force.


After a collision, the powerful force directly sent him flying upside down, and the tiger's mouth burst instantly.

Yuan Hong glanced back, but did not turn his horse's head to chase after him.

In Yuan Hong's eyes, killing intent flashed by, and he obviously wanted to kill him, but the most important thing now is to open the city gate and welcome the rebels into the city, so Yuan Hong finally galloped out and rushed to Chengmen forward.


After repeated collisions, it seemed that they were playing decently with Yuan Hong, but in fact, every time the two collided, Zhao Tun only felt a surge of force.

Especially the last collision directly shook his internal organs.

When he landed, he couldn't stabilize his figure at all. After hitting the ground, a big mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face turned pale in an instant.

He raised the long sword in his hand and saw that it was densely packed with gaps. This sword was useless.

He quickly got up, raised his head and looked around, and suddenly found that the defenders had almost been strangled to death.

There were rebels in all directions. Facing the mob, the defenders were quite capable, but under the attack of the Huben army and the main force of the rebels, the defenders were at a disadvantage and had no power to fight back.

In just a few moments, during the battle, there were less than a thousand defenders, and even Zhang Liang, who was not far away, was surrounded by the rebels.

"grown ups!"

Zhao Tun was startled, his right hand was cracked, and his whole arm was numb and painful.

He didn't care too much, and rushed towards Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang is the minister of the Ministry of War and sits at the center of the military aircraft department.Today, anyone can die first, but Zhang Liang must stay till the end.

Otherwise, once Zhang Liang died, the game would be defeated.

Here, Zhang Liang is like the coach on the frontline battlefield.The coach can't take risks no matter what, at least, the coach can't die first, otherwise all the big battles will be a joke.

The life and death of the coach determines the outcome of a great battle.

"My lord, hurry up, you shouldn't stay here for long!"

With blood on his hands, Zhao Tun rushed to Zhang Liang and shouted anxiously.

Around Zhang Liang, those guards had already formed a formation to firmly protect Zhang Liang.

However, at this moment, Zhang Liang's face was pale, and his eyes were full of despair.

"Master Zhao, is it necessary to leave at this time?"

Zhang Liang's voice was hoarse, giving people a feeling of powerlessness.

"What do you mean? Master Zhang, what do you mean by that?"

Zhao Tun was startled, Zhang Liang is a great military strategist, helm of the center of the Military Aircraft Division, how could he say such a thing?

If the people below heard this, what would be the morale?
"Master Zhao, do you think Jun Wuyou will turn against him? Or, do you think Jun Wuyou is really from my Great Qin?"

Zhang Liang didn't answer the question instead, there was a flash of struggle in his eyes, he stared at Zhao Tun and asked.

The struggle at this moment seemed to be his last struggle. After the struggle, he looked at Zhao Tun eagerly, as if he wanted Zhao Tun to give him an answer.

"My lord, Mr. Jun is holding His Majesty's Black Dragon Order, how can he be an outsider? Could it be that Mr. Zhang doubts Mr. Jun, is this any different from doubting His Majesty the Emperor?"

Zhao Tun was surprised and very puzzled.

"Doubting Mr. Jun means doubting His Majesty the Emperor?"

Zhang Liang muttered to himself, and suddenly said, "Do you think I should trust Jun Wuyou?"

Zhao Tun was a little dumbfounded. Didn't these two uncles cooperate very well recently?How did it come to this critical moment, why did Mr. Zhang suspect Mr. Jun instead?

Suspicion before the battle, but a military strategist's big fear, not to mention that the enemy has already attacked.Suspicious of these things at this time, isn't it asking for a dead end?
"Master Zhang, I don't know why Master Zhang doubts Lord Jun, but Master Zhang sees clearly that there is no other choice in the current situation. You are sitting in the military plane, and you must not take risks lightly!"

"Listen to Zhao Tun, you should withdraw first. Even if you doubt Mr. Jun, even if Mr. Jun really has any problems, it will not be revealed until the end. If you die left or right, why not give it a try!"

Zhao Tun was between civil officials and military generals, not as honest and honest as general military generals, but also not as flamboyant as civil officials.

He couldn't figure out what Zhang Liang meant, but he was very clear about one thing, no matter what, Zhang Liang at this moment must not stay here.

Even if there were some changes in the previous combat deployment, the changes haven't completely happened yet, right?
Zhang Liang retreated, if the accident did not happen, he might have escaped.If the accident really happened, what is the difference between waiting to die now and waiting to die later?
No difference, why not choose the latter?
"Yeah, if you lose left or right, why not give it a try, maybe there is a chance of survival!"

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his whole body seemed to react instantly.

"Understood, Zhao Tun, you should withdraw too!"

Zhang Liang nodded, seeing in all directions, the defenders fell one by one, only six or seven hundred remained, he grabbed Zhao Tun and immediately retreated.

Beside him, a group of expert guards protected him.

Seeing that a few people were about to break through, a group of rebel soldiers, more than a few hundred people, came to slaughter them.


Seeing this, Zhang Liang snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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