Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1180 No One Survives

Chapter 1180 No Survival
"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

As soon as Zhang Liang gave the order, swords and swords flashed by.

In front of Zhang Liang's guard team, even the soldiers of the Huben Army were not worth mentioning, let alone these ordinary rebel soldiers.

As soon as hundreds of people rushed up, they were instantly torn apart by many guards in the shadow of swords and swords, and corpses fell to the ground one after another.


Zhang Liang grabbed Zhao Tun's hand and was about to leave.

"Master Zhang, you go, I am Xianyang Tingwei, how can I take a step back from the battlefield?"

However, no matter how hard Zhang Liang tried, Zhao Tun did not move a single step. Instead, he broke Zhang Liang's hand and stared at Zhang Liang firmly.

"Master Zhao, you are injured!"

Zhang Liang turned his head and looked at Zhao Tun with a frown, only to see blood on his hands.

The tiger's mouth is broken, and the arm can no longer exert strength. At this time, what's the use of staying?Could it be that he was waiting to be killed?

"No, Mr. Zhang, you go quickly, the last general can't go, otherwise the morale of the defenders will no longer be there, and there is no need to fight this battle!"

Zhao Tun shook his head and said firmly.

He is Xianyang Tingwei, the general defending the army here, and now there is a big battle, Zhang Liang is like the commander in chief of the army, he must sit in the rear.And as a general, he must resist in front.If even the general retreats, the battle will undoubtedly be lost.


Zhang Liang frowned, and just about to say something, he saw Zhao Tun suddenly pointing at the street in the distance, and shouted: "My lord, look quickly, the reinforcements from all walks of life are here!"

Zhang Liang suddenly turned his head, and saw fifteen thousand troops gathered in the three streets, all gathered in the spacious residential street in front of the west gate, rushing to kill the rebels behind.


The sound of shouting and killing sounded, and countless arrows rained down, sweeping away the mob among the rebels.


"Ah ah ah..."

A series of screams came, and those mobs fell down in batches in an instant under the rain of arrows without any cooperation.

Waves of arrow rain wiped out more than half of the 2 mob in an instant, and the rest could only be seen rushing towards the defenders on their horses.

The violent impact and frenzied fighting directly knocked out the mob.

"Alright, Zhao Tun, hold this place and wait for reinforcements!"

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up, and he ordered loudly.


Zhao Tun bowed his hands and said, "Master Zhang, let's go!"

At this moment, I saw Zhang Liang nodding his head, not talking nonsense, and with a wave of his hand, under the protection of his guards, he directly broke through the encirclement and headed towards the imperial city.

As Zhang Liang left, the [-] defenders who came from behind fought directly with the army that had climbed up the city from all directions. You came and went, blood splattered everywhere, and no one took a step back.

Those ordinary soldiers of the rebel army were at a disadvantage when they encountered these defenders. Although they were not powerless to fight back, they could only be suppressed by the troops dispatched from the Lantian Camp.

However, among the soldiers of the rebel army, the soldiers of the Huben army who looked at them were mixed together. With the cooperation, they instantly reversed the disadvantages and beat the Xianyang defenders back steadily. For a while, they suppressed the Xianyang defenders to death.

"Kill me, kill me!"

When Zhao Tun saw this, his eyes were about to burst.

Looking back, Yuan Hong opened the city gate, and outside, countless troops rushed into the city like a flood, which made Zhao Tun's face even more ugly.

Just the tens of thousands of rebels who climbed to the top of the city and the less than [-] Huben troops have already defeated the defenders. There are at least [-] troops outside. How could this be the case? What can the [-] defenders compete against?

"not good……"

The faces of the defenders also changed drastically after this incident, and they couldn't help being frightened when they saw the crowd of rebels rushing into the city outside the city.

At this moment, the sky is already bright, and the situation of the enemy army can be seen clearly.

Gathering the crowd to form a momentum, in front of the absolute army strength, at this moment, all resistance seems to be futile and powerless.

Could it be that the huge Xianyang must rely on more than 1 people to guard it when facing an army ten times larger than its own?
Can you keep it?
Not to mention the 10,000+ army swarming up, and it goes without saying that there are 1 tiger and cardinal troops among them who are unparalleled. Even if there are only [-] tiger and cardinal troops, these [-] people can't be their opponents at all.

How to fight such a powerless battle?
A strong sense of crisis swept over everyone's heart, as if the battle in front of them was not a war at all, and rushing forward would mean death.

"What are you still standing there for? Have you seen the imperial city's canonization platform? Died for the country, died for the great Qin, in the credit book, there is a fortune for you, and there is a fortune for this general!"

"Everyone raise the weapons in your hands and kill me!"

"I'd rather break my halberd into sand and wrap my body in horse leather than surrender or dedicate my city!"

Just as the defenders were terrified and gradually lost their resistance, Zhao Tun rushed forward, snatched a horse, held up the crippled sword, and roared angrily.

"Master Ting Wei!"


Seeing this, the eyes of many defenders lit up.

No matter how bad Zhao Tun was, he was still Tingwei, their general, and now the general was right in front of him, as if he had inserted the backbone invisibly.

Although facing the crisis at this moment, the morale of the defenders could not be boosted, but they were not at all helpless.




Zhao Tun held up the incomplete sword, roared angrily, and shouted three times in a row. Seeing the flood of enemy troops pouring in from outside the city, the army rushed forward without hesitation.

The battle between the two armies is like sparks hitting the earth, colliding with each other in an instant, and no one will let go.

Countless corpses, instantly to the end.

Blood splashed, horses stumbled, halberds turned into sand, blood flowed into rivers, human heads rolled, and corpses were like mountains.

This is a war without retreat. At the moment of collision, no one can retreat, especially the defenders.

At this moment, they don't even have a chance to surrender.Because as long as the weapons in their hands are put down, even if the opponent wants to give them a chance to surrender, it will be useless.

Without waiting for others to accept their surrender, the torrent-like army will submerge them in an instant, and then they will all be trampled into flesh, leaving no corpses.

So they can only go up, not back.If you want to die, you can only die on the way of charging, at least it is a decent death.If you retreat, you will not only die, but after you die, you will have nothing.Not to mention seeking blessings for the family, not to mention the glory of death.

In a single collision, the ones outside the city that came to the forefront were the former Great Qin Tiger Army. They were unparalleled in power and number one in combat power. They could be called heavenly soldiers and generals.

Facing the defenders who have no way out, they rush up one by one and kill one, and two kill one pair.

When the Huben army was angry, their eyes were red with blood. There were more than 1 defenders, and 8000 of them fell in just half a stick of incense.

The [-] tiger and cardinal troops were completely gathered together, and in the next moment, they turned into a torrent, drowning the rest of the remnants.


Amidst the roar, the remaining defenders were completely drowned out.

When the Huben Army rushed past, none of the more than 1 defenders, including their horses, fell to the ground in a pool of blood, and none of them survived.

(End of this chapter)

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