Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1182 Xianyang Chaos

Chapter 1182 Xianyang Chaos
"See your lord!"

Everyone knelt on one knee at the same time, clapping their hands and shouting.

"Get up, get up!"

Shi Potian rode up to the crowd and waved his hands.

"Thank you, my lord!"

All the rebels kowtowed and stood up at the same time, Zhang Biao and the Yuan brothers walked up to Shi Potian's horse at the same time, and bowed their hands in salute.

"My lord, now that Xianyang City has been breached, we have successfully entered Xianyang, what should we do next?"

Zhang Biao looked at Shi Potian and asked.

"That's right, my lord, do you want to enter the imperial city immediately, seize the emperor's seal, take down Yingshou concubine, and establish the world?"

Yuan Ling also looked at Shi Potian and said in a deep voice.

"Not urgent!"

Shi Potian waved his hand, and said with a sneer, "I just broke through the city gate, and the mess that should be cleaned up has not been cleaned up yet!"

"Eat this meal one bite at a time, and do things one by one. If you go too far, it will only be counterproductive. This imperial city looks empty, but in fact there are hidden murderous intentions inside. If you haven't even dealt with the outside affairs, rushing in rashly , when the time comes to attack from inside and outside, it will be really dangerous!"

Yuan Hong frowned, and said, "Since that's the case, please inform the Lord that I will follow orders!"

Shi Potian nodded, he really enjoyed the feeling of being superior and ordering the world.

Suffering so many grievances at the hands of Emperor Qin Yingshou, and suffering all the humiliation under the coercion of Tianmen, it seems that only this moment of superiority can let him wash away a little bit.

"There are still [-] defenders in the south, south, and north of the city, and there are even [-] royal troops. Don't underestimate these people. Those defenders are all well-trained soldiers from the Lantian Camp!"

"As for the soldiers of the royal family, although they come from various families and clans, they are all the soldiers of the former kings after all. Among these people, they can be said to be masters, and it is not easy to confront them rashly. In this way, you Immediately lead an army of [-] to divide into three groups in the city, use the fastest speed to wipe out all the defenders in the city, and take down the royal family's troops. After the matter is completed, immediately enter the imperial city!"

"Even if the imperial city is full of dangers, without the help of the Xianyang army, there will still be no big waves. I will wait for your good news!"

Shi Potian pondered for a moment, then said coldly.


The three of them didn't dare to hesitate when they heard the words, they clasped their hands together, got on their horses one after another, gathered a large army, each led the way and was about to leave.

"My lord, where is the tiger army?"

Before leaving, Zhang Biao couldn't help but clasped his hands and asked Shi Potian.

"I just received the news that the [-] troops of the Lantian Camp have entered within ten miles of Xianyang City. There are certain things that cannot be avoided."

"I will personally lead the Huben army to sit in the town again, and hand over the Lantian battalion. You just have to act with peace of mind. Remember, be fast and don't delay!"

Shi Potian looked at the Yuan brothers who were also looking at him with doubts, his eyes were gloomy, and he waved his hands.


When the three of them heard the words, they didn't hesitate any longer.

Now that the army of the Lantian camp has come, someone really needs to stop it.

If they let their [-] troops waste here and are held back by the army of the Lantian camp, it would be better to let the Huben army face the main force of the Qin army, which would be better.

Several people led the army to leave, and the soldiers divided into three groups, heading towards the southeast, north, and three directions to kill.

"The army listens to the order and goes out of the city to meet the Qin army!"

Seeing the three men leading the army away, Shi Potian shouted loudly, and thirty thousand tiger and cardinal troops got on their horses at the same time, assembled and came in an orderly formation, which could be described as prohibitive.


With a loud shout, Shi Potian led an army of [-] Tigers and rushed out of the city gate.


The three armies, each with more than [-] men, galloped through the city of Xianyang and came to various battlefields.

At this moment, the sky was bright, and countless people were so shocked by the movement in the city that they couldn't rest, but they didn't dare to go out, so they could only hide in their houses and wait and see.

Outside, in the various streets and alleys, there was continuous sound of fighting. There were [-] defenders in each of the three major urban areas in the southeast and north to suppress them, and the mob of rebels retreated steadily.

Those mobs were closed to a dead end one after another, squeezed into the alley, no longer able to fight back, and could only wait to be killed.

But who can face death calmly?

Those defenders were from the official army, but they behaved in a more orderly manner, suppressing thieves as a righteous army, so they could not disturb the people, and tried not to disturb the people.At least, during the war, they will not be able to destroy houses.

But those rebels are different. They are rebels themselves, and they just want to seize the world.

Especially at this moment, being forced to a dead end by the Xianyang defenders, no one is willing to wait for death with their eyes open, so countless people began to climb the walls around, and climbed into various houses and houses from alleys.

Now is the time to strangle the rebels. Even if these rebels are in a panic, how can the defenders let them go?

Even if these people ran around, they could only chase and kill them crazily.

So gradually, in Xianyang City, those people who were still safe at the beginning began to suffer.

Countless rebels and rebels continued to climb over the wall and break into the houses of the houses, and the army rushed to kill them.

These rebels couldn't resist, and immediately pushed out those people one after another, or directly killed them to the ground.

In the chaos, countless people panicked and fled in all directions, so that on the streets of Xianyang City, not only the defenders and rebels, but also countless people blocked the way.

This time, the speed of the defenders to suppress the thieves was completely entangled.

Let the horse run wildly, I am afraid that before the thief has killed a few, the people will have been trampled to death by tens of thousands.

As a result, the defenders can hardly move an inch.

On the other side, the rebels were immediately happy when they saw that the riots of the people had greatly delayed the actions of the defenders.

These people intentionally created chaos, and began to murder and set fires wantonly. In an instant, the entire Xianyang city was filled with flames, and countless houses were ignited.

Countless people fell in a pool of blood, which was horrible.

More common people were frightened and fled in all directions, and violent panic swept the entire city of Xianyang.

Here, the defenders are completely unable to use their hands and feet. It should be that people are fleeing in all directions.In addition, the defenders themselves were wearing civilian clothes, and once the things in their hands were torn apart, it was impossible to recognize who was who.

Therefore, these rebels took advantage of the chaos, lurked beside the defenders, and directly killed them.For a while, it can be said that the defenders were caught off guard.

The defenders have to take care of the life and death of the people, so they can't attack normally, but these rebels don't use it at all, as long as they can cause harm to the defenders, they don't care at all.

Gradually, the defenders began to fall into a disadvantage, so that in the end, they were completely suppressed and beaten.

The number of defenders began to decrease in large quantities.

There were 3000 defenders in the three districts, and there were 7000 or [-] casualties during the continuous suppression of bandits. Now, [-] people have been killed in such a despicable and shameless attack.

The remaining army is less than [-], and they are scattered in various places in the three major urban areas. It can be said that there is no way to advance or retreat, and there is only one dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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