Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1183 The Kings Are Dissatisfied

Chapter 1183 The Kings Are Dissatisfied
The defenders who were already at a disadvantage, with the arrival of the follow-up main force of the rebel army, were even more powerless to fight back, and were completely killed in a short while.

The entire city of Xianyang was in chaos, and the flames of war were burning. During the chaos of war, an unknown number of people died. It can be said that blood flowed like rivers, and their bones were like mountains.

After clearing away the defenders, the rebels began to move towards Wangfu Street.

There, the royal family's [-] troops were still standing there, as if what happened in the entire city of Xianyang had nothing to do with them.


"My lord, the defenders of Xianyang have been wiped out. The rebels burned, killed and looted, causing chaos in Xianyang city, and blood flowed like rivers. Now, the rebels are coming towards Wangfu Street!"

In the Yelang Palace, the people who had been waiting for the news saw a messenger trotting over, knelt down in the hall, and said in horror.

Everyone's eyes instantly turned to Jun Wuyou.

"My lord, now that the battle is over, what do you mean by keeping the army here all the time? Could it be that the purpose of forming this army is to allow me to watch the rebels fight against the Xianyang defenders?"

King Yelang spoke, looking at Jun Wuyou coldly, with a hint of anger in his words.

He was determined to help Qin, and strongly supported the formation of the royal family's pro-army, in order to save Xianyang and rescue Daqin.Now that the army has been defeated like a mountain, how can we fight this battle?
Without the defenders of Xianyang City, how can these 2 people resist hundreds of thousands of rebels?

"That's right, Jun Wuyou, what exactly do you mean?"

Outside the gate, Duan Hu who walked in also shouted loudly.

Before, he had no choice but to choose to help and save Qin.Now that it's good, I'm ready to go to war, but the order to take action is delayed, so I have to let myself wait and wait.

By now, the battle has already been fought, so what's the use of rushing up with these 2 people?Could it be that he rushed up to seek death?

At this moment, there were quite a few people staring at Jun Wuyou angrily. Of course, there were also some people secretly taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, and they couldn't help but think in their hearts, could this Jun Wuyou be a traitor?
If so, they don't have to work hard for Qin today, they just welcome the new Great Qin.

It's a pity that almost all people who think like this are stupid.I never thought that the overthrow of Daqin would be of any benefit to them.

Even if Jun Wuyou is a middleman, they are still in Jun Wuyou's hands now, and they can't go back. As long as the dark Qin gains power, they can kill them at any time, and rule the southwest without any mercy.

Only those few who saw clearly, such as King Yelang, King Zhao, and King Dian, all understood at this moment that they had entered a dilemma.

Today, the only thing they can hope for is that Jun Wuyou is not a middleman, otherwise, they will only have a dead end.

Because the Great Qin was destroyed, it was impossible for the new empire to let the tigers go back to the mountains, let them go, let alone raise them, they could only die.

On the contrary, if Jun Wuyou has other plans, then there is still a way out.Even if he is close to death, at least he can fight to the death.

"Hehe, everyone, don't worry, don't worry!"

Facing the accusations of everyone, Jun Wuyou smiled.

He stood up slowly, looked at the armored soldier who reported, and said, "Let me ask you, where are the panic-stricken people running?"

While speaking, looking at his appearance, it seemed that he had already expected such chaos in the city.

You must know that since the chaos of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Xiongnu and Donghu, who used to only know how to burn, kill and loot, have been very restrained, fighting back and fighting, and never invaded the people for no reason.

Their goal is obvious, what they want is the country of Daqin, not burning, killing and looting, so they will deliberately restrain many things.

According to the logic, even Donghu and Xiongnu are like this, so Anqin should be similar.

Therefore, many people thought that Xianyang City would be in chaos, but they never thought that it would be like this.Only Jun Wuyou seemed to have seen through it a long time ago, and he didn't care if he said it now.

"My lord, those people fled towards Nancheng Avenue. At this moment, the main street of Nancheng Avenue and the countless alleys around it are full of people. Once there is chaos, it will be unimaginable!"

The soldier hurriedly cupped his hands and said truthfully.

"Oh, I, Xianyang, is the largest city in the world, with a population of one million. Now including those who come to seek rewards and titles, there are nearly 200 million people. It is very congested. Now that it is in such a mess, I am afraid it will be even more congested. Already!"

"More than 100 million and nearly 200 million people are all gathered in Xicheng District. It is indeed congested. Once chaos occurs, it is indeed hard to guard against!"

Jun Wuyou let out an "oh", his tone seemed to be concerned, but in fact, he didn't care at all.

His expression made the others even more dissatisfied.

"Jun Wuyou, what do you mean? Do you want to mess up, or don't you want to mess up?"

Duan Hu snorted coldly, pointed at Jun Wuyou and said angrily.

It's this time, he really can't listen to Jun Wuyou's rambling here.

No matter what to do, hundreds of thousands of rebels came to kill them, and the [-] members of the royal family's pro-army would have to be forced to die.

"Duan Hu, don't talk too much, listen to what Lord Jun has to say!"

A scolding sound sounded, Duan Yanshan glanced at Jun Wuyou, and shouted at Duan Hu coldly.

At this moment, he understood very well that their life and death could basically only rest on Jun Wuyou's body.At this time, no matter how angry you are in your heart, you have to see how Jun Wuyou chooses, otherwise, everything will be empty talk.

"Hehe, Prince Dian is indeed a sensible person. At this moment, it is by no means that you can solve the trouble in a hurry. We should take a long-term plan and act steadily!"

Jun Wuyou took a look at King Dian, knowing that he was making compromises, but Jun Wuyou was very satisfied, what he needs now is this kind of person, otherwise they would be a group of people who have no brains, or have brains, but they want to be suspicious of each other, That would be really troublesome.

"My lord, I am willing to obey your orders, but now that the rebels have already arrived, it is better not to say too much. How to deal with it, please give me an order from your lord!"

King Yelang spoke, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said to Jun Wuyou.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's not talk nonsense. Now the people in Nancheng District are chaotic and congested. As important officials of the imperial court, we are sitting in Xianyang, and we are protecting Xianyang's peace."

"Now that there is a great chaos, in order to avoid further chaos and cause more casualties, all princes, lords, lords, and uncles, make preparations and immediately go to Nancheng District with Wuyou under the protection of the army!"

"Firstly, with the protection of the army, you princes can be safe and sound. Furthermore, the army can go to maintain order and try to keep the people of Xianyang safe. What do you think?"

Jun Wuyou nodded, grinned, and stared at everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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