Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1184 No Choice

Chapter 1184 No Choice
"Jun Wuyou, what do you mean?"

"Now that the army has entered Xianyang, the most urgent thing to do is to think about how to retreat. How are you doing? Instead of thinking about how to retreat, what are you talking about to keep the people safe?"

"Qin is gone, so why not!"

"Just tell me what's on your mind?"

As soon as Jun Wuyou finished speaking, Duan Hu couldn't bear it anymore.

He is impulsive by nature, never knows what is forbearance, happy is happy, unhappy is not happy.

With the demise of the Dian Kingdom, he had been hiding his anger under the pressure of the Dian King all this time, and now this Jun Wuyou's actions finally made him unable to bear it anymore, and he uttered a rage.

As soon as this statement came out, no one at the scene refuted it.

Even King Dian, who has always been forbearing and offended others as little as possible, fell silent at this moment, staring at Jun Wuyou coldly.

Before that, King Yelang and King Zhao, who acted according to Jun Wuyou's plan, were also silent and looked at Jun Wuyou.

As for the other people who have their own thoughts, they are holding back their smiles at this moment, seeing these leaders who are the most powerful kings on weekdays.

Now that they are so aggrieved, they feel a little excited for no reason.

I still remember when the royal army was established, it seemed that these few people were the ones leading the Qin Dynasty, and they didn't even have the chance to resist.

Now, these people have finally repaid the bitter fruit, and they can be described as happy in their hearts.

"Hiss, I said General Duan, what do you mean by that?"

Jun Wuyou shook his head, looked at Duan Hu first, then at King Dian and King Yelang, and said with a smile: "My lords, there are some things, I believe Wuyou doesn't need to really explain them, right?"

"There are some words, if the red lips and white teeth come out, maybe everyone can understand, but it will inevitably be a bit embarrassing, and it will hurt the friendship after all, won't it?"

"Besides, do you still have the opportunity to choose now?"

"If everyone thinks there is still a chance to choose, of course they don't have to listen to Wuyou's order, but in reality, there is no such thing at all."

"Nowadays, no matter what choice Wuyou makes, everyone seems to have to give it a go. Maybe, there is still a glimmer of hope, don't you think?"

"Of course, this is a matter of trust. If you really can't trust Wuyou, then Wuyou is helpless."

"How about this, Wuyou will go there in person, and block the rebels from all walks of life for you for a while, I hope you can think about it carefully, whether to act according to the plan!"

Saying that, Jun Wuyou didn't persecute everyone, or tried his best to persuade them, but turned around slowly and left the palace directly.


Seeing that Jun Wuyou was about to leave the palace, Duan Hu suddenly yelled, raised his knife and stepped forward, stopping in front of Jun Wuyou.

Look at his angry face, if Jun Wuyou doesn't speak clearly today, it seems that he doesn't intend to let Jun Wuyou go back.

"Well, General Duan doesn't want to defend against the enemy, but he wants to stop Wuyou at this moment. What's the meaning of this? Don't forget that Wuyou is the imperial envoy of His Majesty the Emperor. He holds the Black Dragon Order. Who dares to stop him? Is he planning to rebel against me? Is Daqin an enemy?"

Jun Wuyou looked sideways at Duan Hu, and said with a smile.

Everyone behind was silent for a while, Duan Hu gritted his teeth, for some reason, Jun Wuyou's hypocritical attitude made him dislike no matter what, and he wished he could cut him off with a single blow.

"Duan Hu, let Master Jun go, you immediately lead the army to Nancheng District, and I will set off immediately!"

At this moment, Duan Yanshan spoke.

After being silent for a long time, Duan Yanshan still couldn't figure out what Jun Wuyou was thinking, but he was very clear about one thing, they really had no chance to choose now.

They can only go to the dark one way, and in the end whether this road is the one they chose, or whether it is a dead end or a living end, all luck depends on Jun Wuyou.

It was only when he reached this step that he realized that the kings had been firmly controlled by Jun Wuyou before he knew it.

This feeling made him uncomfortable, but he had to obey.

"That's right, order the army to go to Nancheng District!"

King Yelang also spoke, and of course he could feel what King Dian could perceive.

Right now, they don't have any choice.

For some reason, at this moment, when King Yelang looked at Jun Wuyou, he felt inexplicable horror and admiration.

This person is by no means a thing in a pool, and his ability is unimaginable.

Even he can easily play with it in the palm of his hand. I am afraid that even today's emperor can't do such an ability.

"Brother, this..."

Duan Hu didn't like the feeling of being manipulated very much, and when he saw his elder brother speak, he was very dissatisfied.

"Back off and act according to military orders!"

Duan Yanshan raised his eyebrows, and in a fit of rage, he suddenly showed a domineering aura.

After all, he is the king, and Duan Hu is just a general.In the face of a powerful general, facing the king, he still has to bow his head and bow his head.


Duan Hu had a gloomy face, although sometimes he would argue with his brother Wang, but he never resisted his orders.

Whether it is because of Duan Yanshan's status as the king, or Duan Yanshan's status as the elder brother, as long as Duan Yanshan makes up his mind, he will obey.

As soon as he promised, Duan Hu quickly faded away, and soon led an army of [-] to the Nancheng District.

"My lords, why don't you stay here and let Wuyou go and defeat the rebels!"

Looking at the leaving army, Jun Wuyou suddenly turned around again, as if thinking of something, he said to everyone with a smile.

"Jun Wuyou, what do you mean? Now the guards of our palaces have been transferred away, and the rebels are coming here. If you let us stay, do you want us to die?"

"That's right, Jun Wuyou, what's on your mind!"

As soon as Jun Wuyou finished speaking, someone became upset immediately.

Those dukes, marquises and earls who were still watching the jokes of King Yelang, King Dian and King Zhao all looked calm.

If they want to help Qin, it is a last resort, but if they want to put themselves in danger for Qin, they can't do it.

"That's enough, listen to Lord Jun's arrangement. If anyone dares to disobey the order, this king will not forgive him lightly!"

However, at this moment, there was a burst of shouting, but it suddenly occurred to me that Duan Yanshan, the King of Dian, was furious, and slapped him on the table, instantly frightening everyone in the audience.

The audience was silent, and those dukes, earls and marquises dared not talk nonsense anymore.

It is said that they say bullying the weak and fearing the strong, or anything else, the king of Dian is the most powerful present, except for the king of Yelang, no one dares to provoke him.

Now, King Dian and King Yelang are clearly on the united front. Who would dare to refute what King Dian said?
"Then I would like to thank the prince for his success. Don't worry, Wuyou will protect you all, no, Wuyou will guarantee the entire Yelang Palace, and even the entire Wangfu Street will be safe and sound!"

Seeing this, Jun Wuyou smiled.The choice between King Dian and King Yelang did not disappoint him after all.

Perhaps, these two are the only ones who are willing to accompany him all the way. As for Zhang Liang, who has been cooperating with him before, his thoughts may have already flown away at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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