Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1185 Powerless

Chapter 1185 Powerless
"Master Zhang, why are you here?"

On the imperial stage, Zhang Liang's arrival instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao He and other ministers came one after another, surrounded Zhang Liang, and said, "Master Zhang, now that the battle is at hand, you can see that the people outside are in chaos, and the rebels are killing and poisoning unscrupulously behind, aren't you defending against the enemy?" , why did you run here?"

While speaking, everyone had a strange look on their faces.

You know, the battle of Xianyang is firmly in the hands of Zhang Liang.

"Next, I will confer titles with all of you. I am afraid that it will be difficult for Liang to get started with the matter of defending against the enemy. The tone is forcibly blended, it is better to leave it to Mr. Jun, and there may be unexpected surprises!"

Zhang Liang smiled slightly, and smiled at everyone.

"What, Master Zhang, have you handed over all the military command for this battle to Jun Wuyou?"

When everyone heard this, including Xiao He, many people's faces changed at the same time, looking a little ugly.

You know, without the emperor's personal confirmation, these people have always held a certain skeptical attitude towards Jun Wuyou.

It's one thing to sit and work together, it's another thing to be able to trust them completely.

Especially before, Jun Wuyou resisted all opinions and handed over the military power of the [-] army to Tu Sui. Since then, many people present have become more suspicious of Jun Wuyou.

Who doesn't know that Tu Sui and Shi Potian are life and death brothers?At this time, Shi Potian rebelled and asked Tu Sui to quell the rebellion. Isn't this a joke?
Tu Sui is acquainted, and if he can avoid suspicion, everyone is already thankful. Handing over the military power to him, everyone feels like a gamble, and there is a big chance of losing.

Because of this, everyone was even more suspicious of Jun Wuyou, how could he give Jun Wuyou all the right to command the battle?
"Don't worry everyone, I believe Lord Jun, there will be unexpected surprises in this battle, just wait and see!"

Facing everyone's dissatisfaction, Zhang Liang smiled slightly, as if he was in control.

"All right!"

When everyone heard the words, they were also speechless.

Now, there is a commotion below, and the matter of conferring the title cannot continue at all.

Those disorderly people who came to Xianyang from all parts of the Great Qin Dynasty have no intention of conferring titles at this moment.

In the midst of chaos and chaos, everyone is terrified, so why would they want to confer titles?
Even if you want to be knighted, you have to wait until after the war.Otherwise, if the Great Qin is gone after the war, what is the use of conferring titles?
Therefore, the hundreds of officials on the top of the city couldn't continue for a while, and could only gather together in twos and threes, discussing a lot.

"Master Zhang, tell the truth, you have always been wary of Jun Wuyou, but now you are so confident and bold in delegating power, I absolutely do not believe this."

"There must be something else hidden in it. You can hide it from others, but no matter what, you can't hide it from me!"

The crowd rested, Xiao He pulled Zhang Liang, came not far away, avoided everyone, and asked in a low voice.

Xiao He seldom got involved in these matters, and never even got involved.

He is like a laborer, silently busying himself with his work every day, never talking about intrigue.

But it doesn't mean that he doesn't understand the intrigue in the court, it's just that no one can touch him because of the emperor's trust, so he doesn't need to manage these things.

But once some things happened, he could see the clues in an instant.

At least, no matter whether Jun Wuyou is really loyal to Daqin or not, one thing is certain, he cannot have the same heart as Zhang Liang.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, Jun Wuyou is a good planner, Zhang Liang is also a good planner, the two are destined to be equal.

What's more, now, no one dares to conclude that Jun Wuyou is really loyal to Great Qin.Even though he holds the Black Dragon Order, people cannot object, but doubts are still unavoidable.

"Hey, Lord Xiao, do you think I can decide whether to delegate power or not?"

"Now the emperor is far away in Hu Dong, but the Black Dragon Token is in Jun Wuyou's hands. Not to mention anything else, a piece of Black Dragon Token is half as small as my Great Qin. Do you want to fight with Jun Wuyou? How do you think I should fight?"

"If he wants military power, what else can I do besides offering obediently? Unless His Majesty returns suddenly at this moment and personally orders, otherwise, no one can oppose Jun Wuyou!"

Zhang Liang sighed and moved away from the crowd, his face gradually turned pale, even his eyes became gloomy.

"Master Zhang, what do you mean by that, could it be..."

When Xiao He heard this, he suddenly had a guess in his mind. It turned out that at this moment, the person who doubted Jun Wuyou the most was not someone else, but Zhang Liang who had just opened his mouth and said good things for Jun Wuyou.

"That's right, the general situation is no longer in my hands. When the rebels attacked the city just now, the Huben army took action!"

"According to the logic, the opponent of the Huben army should be the [-] army outside the city, but the target of their attack was replaced by the defenders. In all likelihood, the [-] army and the [-] royal family's army have already turned against each other. So, this battle is a foregone conclusion, how can I go back and forth?"

Zhang Liang nodded and smiled wryly, looking very powerless.

Just now, at the moment when the Huben army attacked, the first thing he suspected was that Tu Sui had rebelled, otherwise the Huben army would not have dared to attack the defenders so boldly, instead they would have let the [-] army back.

After suspecting Tu Sui, Jun Wuyou was the next to suspect.Because Jun Wuyou has always stood up to Tu Sui, once Tu Sui rebelled, Jun Wuyou could not escape the blame, and the two must have colluded.

So at that moment, Zhang Liang knew that his situation was over.

Especially now that chaos had broken out in the city, but after leading the royal army, he said that he would not do anything if he said he would not do it, which confirmed his guess.

According to the logic, when the rebel army came, the royal army should go under the city gate to defend against the enemy.

But he has not made a move until now, Zhang Liang does not believe that Jun Wuyou has no other intentions.

At least, he couldn't find any other reason?Could it be that this large army stayed behind, preparing to rush out to maintain order when the people were in chaos?

If there is such a saying, Zhang Liang feels that he will die laughing.

"Since that's the case, what is the meaning of Mr. Zhang's words just now?"

Shocked, Xiao He stared at Zhang Liangdao.

"There is no choice. A guess is a guess after all. No matter how possible it is, it's just a guess and a suspicion. If Tu Sui and Jun Wuyou rebelled, at least they haven't made a move yet. Who knows what the result will be?"

"Maybe it's because I'm thinking too much. If there is no chance, I have already lost a lot. In this case, why don't I take a chance, hope that I am wrong, and give everyone a little more confidence?"

Zhang Liang smiled wryly, feeling very helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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