Chapter 1186 Waiting
After all, the reality has not been fully revealed yet, no matter how doubtful he is, he still holds the last glimmer of hope in his heart.

Just like King Yelang and others, knowing that there is no way out, they can only go one way to the dark, and continue to choose to believe in Jun Wuyou amid doubts. Maybe they are lucky, and there may be a chance of survival.

"I see, I have no choice!"

When Xiao He heard the words, he suddenly realized, and couldn't help laughing wryly.

Who would have thought that the fate of Daqin is now firmly in the hands of the former Donghu envoy, it is really unpredictable and unpredictable!

"The power of the Black Dragon Order is too great!"

Zhang Liang sighed heavily, if Jun Wuyou didn't have the Black Dragon Token in his hands, relying on his management in Xianyang, it would be enough to oppress Jun Wuyou so much that he couldn't hold his head up.

But Jun Wuyou has a Black Dragon Token in his hand, unless he, Zhang Liang, wants to rebel, otherwise, no matter how big his connections or rights are, he has no right to speak in front of the Black Dragon Token.

Holding the Black Dragon Order represents the emperor, whoever dares to resist with every word and deed will violate the emperor's order and die.

Therefore, Zhang Liang was already defeated in terms of innate advantages, and he could not compete with Jun Wuyou for the control of the Xianyang battlefield today.

"Hey, Master Zhang, look, it's the palace's [-] troops!"

At this moment, Xiao He suddenly saw something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and pointed to the main street outside the imperial city.

At this moment, the spacious main street leading from the imperial city to the outside of Xianyang city was already crowded with people.

Not only the main street, but all the alleys and houses within the radius were crowded with people.

The entire city of Xianyang itself has a population of one million, plus those who are now pouring in, it can be said to be nearly 200 million people. Even though many people are suffering now, there are almost 40 people present.

These people are all flocking to Nancheng District at this moment. One can imagine the degree of congestion?

Crowded, that's an understatement.To be more precise, it was a situation where people were stepping on people, crowding people, almost crushing people to death.

And just when these people were very crowded, a large army suddenly arrived, more than 2 people, scattered everywhere.

Zhang Liang looked back and saw clearly that it was the army from the palace, his heart tensed up, could it be that his last hope was also shattered?
Now that all the defenders in the city are under execution, Jun Wuyou is going to directly attack the imperial city right now?

Zhang Liang couldn't help holding his breath at this thought.

Success or failure depends on the meaning of the arrival of this large army and how it is chosen.

"Your Majesty has ordered that the people of Xianyang gather in Nancheng District, and the rebels are making trouble everywhere. We are specially sent to protect the people, and we vow to live and die with the people of Xianyang, and with our Great Qin Imperial City!"

"Your Majesty has ordered that the people stand in an orderly manner and not be crowded, so as not to cause chaos and hurt innocent people!"

Suddenly, one after another shouted loudly.

The countless people below looked at each other in blank dismay, their heads surging, and they looked at the army approaching from a distance in puzzlement.

The army spread out, and it really blocked the reception, as if to guard against the arrival of the enemy.

Seeing this, the hearts of many Baixin immediately felt a lot more at ease.

Since this is the army that came to rescue, they are relieved, it is better than the rebels.

If it was the rebels, there would be another chaos breaking out in this southern city right now.

"What does this mean? The [-] army, instead of defending against the enemy, sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, watching my Xianyang defenders be killed, and now they come here to enforce law and order? Did I hear correctly?"

Xiao He was stunned by the shout of the [-] troops, as if he heard some big joke.

This rebel army is making trouble, and as the only main force in the city that is a bit rebellious today, instead of defending against the enemy, they come here to do what a group of yamen servants should do, to enforce law and order. If you say this, everyone will laugh it off big teeth.

At this moment, not only Xiao He was dumbfounded, but the officials not far away also looked perplexed, not sure whether it was because their brains were not working or their ears were not working.

Did I hear it wrong, or was my thinking wrong, and it was completely different from that Lord Jun's thinking?

Could it be that at this moment, shouldn't it be him and others to appease the people?Is it necessary to bring all the existing resistance forces in the city over to enforce law and order?
"Perhaps, the surprise has come!"

When everyone was puzzled, Zhang Liang spoke up, squinting his eyes slightly, staring at the army under the city, frowning and said to Xiao He.

"Oh, what does Master Zhang mean by this?"

Xiao He was taken aback, puzzled.

"Master Xiao, did you hear clearly? The slogan they shouted was to maintain order and protect the people, not to take down the imperial city!"

Zhang Liang narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Perhaps this slogan is a bit funny, but no matter how funny it is, there is no rebellion after all, which proves that the opportunity is good."

"Perhaps, this Jun Wuyou really has some plan that I don't know about!"

Xiao He was speechless when he heard the words. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Zhang Liang took a deep breath, fell silent, and watched all the movements below.

He had already held the last sliver of hope in his heart. With the arrival of the army, although what he did made him speechless, he felt that it was a big joke.

Normally, this joke is enough to make him grin, but now he can't laugh at all.

The first thing he thought of was all kinds of possibilities, so the expectations in his heart began to magnify, and he knew that maybe hope was not as small as he imagined.

Maybe I really misunderstood Jun Wuyou, otherwise, if Jun Wuyou really rebelled, there is no need for him to shout such ridiculous slogans at this moment.

Wouldn't it be better for him to lead his troops directly into the imperial city?
Why waste your time so pretentiously?
Therefore, Zhang Liang felt that there might be something unexpected happening among them.

"Master Zhang, what should I do next?"

After a long silence, Xiao He suddenly asked.


Zhang Liang glanced at him and gave a very concise answer.

Now, all the initiative is in Jun Wuyou's hands, Zhang Liang has no control at all, and he can't do anything except watch and wait.

In the final analysis, everything depends on Jun Wuyou's final decision.


The army gathered, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers walked through the streets and alleys of the city, vast and endless, occupying countless streets, and arrived at Dongcheng District, not far from Wangfu Street.

Behind the [-] rebel soldiers, followed by [-] rebel mobs in civilian clothes.

After destroying the defenders, the original 15 mobs in the three places were finally combined, only to find that nearly half of them had been beheaded by the defenders, leaving only more than 8 people.

These 8 people gathered 18 rebel soldiers, a total of [-].

After the order was issued, the 18 troops pointed directly at Wangfu Street, targeting the [-] troops of the royal family's relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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