Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1187 Sudden Shot

Chapter 1187 Sudden Shot

The rebel army is advancing rapidly, approaching Wangfu Street, densely packed, and countless streets and alleys around have been completely occupied.

But just as the army was about to arrive at Wangfu Street, they suddenly saw a fierce horse standing in the middle of the street.

On the horse, a young man, dressed in a black gown and holding a long sword, was lying on the horse's back, leaning close to the horse's ear, whispering something to the fierce horse.


This sudden appearance made everyone in front of the rebel army stunned. The first three, the Yuan brothers and Zhang Biao, raised their hands almost at the same time, stopped the horse, and stopped the army.

At the same time, several people looked at the surrounding alleys vigilantly.

This person appeared so suddenly, the other people basically ran away at this time, and he was the only one standing there, as if nothing happened.

And judging by his attire, he was either rich or expensive, and his horse was obviously a member of the imperial court.

Such a person appears here at this moment, who can guarantee that there is no ambush in the alley behind him?
If you rush in rashly, no one knows what will happen.

"Who are you, get out of here!"

Looking around vigilantly, Yuan Ling shouted loudly, pointing at that person.


The man on the horse was amazed. Looking up, he saw countless troops in front of him, like a long dragon, all over the surrounding streets and alleys. He said strangely: "Oh, so many people, where are you going now? Okay lively!"

"You have no worries!"

"You have no worries!"

"You have no worries!"

When the man raised his head, his face was instantly exposed in front of the Yuan brothers and Zhang Biao.

The three of them attacked Xianyang, and naturally they all had a certain degree of understanding of the main mission in Xianyang City, so they recognized at a glance that this person was Jun Wuyou.

No one thought that Jun Wuyou would appear here at this time, so they all exclaimed.

At the same time, the three of them became even more suspicious that there was an ambush around them. After all, Jun Wuyou is now in Xianyang City, sharing power with Zhang Liang.

He can't be alone in danger, can he?
"Hahaha, do you know me?"

Jun Wuyou laughed loudly, and said: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, I came out for a stroll this early in the morning, I never thought that the street would be so chaotic."

"After a while of chaos, it became so quiet again. Looking up, I saw in all directions, except for the burning beams and the smog, I couldn't see anyone!"

"I was wondering what happened to my horse, I didn't expect to meet so many people when I looked up!"

"Look at all of you carrying knives and guns, and you are still wearing armor, but if you look carefully, it is not my Daqin's armor, nor is it my Daqin's armor. What do you mean? Are you planning to rebel?"

"You know that gathering a crowd to make trouble is a violation of my Great Qin Iron Law?"

During the conversation, Jun Wuyou seemed to be having a heart-to-heart chat on weekdays, talking nonsense, the Yuan brothers, Zhang Biao, and the rebels looked at each other with astonishment.

What does this mean?
It's all done like this, you come to tell us that we broke the law?
Don't you see that we have rebelled?

"Jun Wuyou, why are you talking so much nonsense, Wangfu Street is in front of you, and I will know that there are [-] troops on your Wangfu Street, pull them out, female against female, male against male, don't play with these things!"

Yuan Ling snorted coldly, too lazy to talk nonsense with Jun Wuyou, and went straight to the point.

"Oh, so you guys are really rebellious? You all want to start a war with me, Great Qin Bingjia. It's amazing!"

Jun Wuyou pretended to be surprised, and said with a smile: "You are right, there were indeed [-] troops on Wangfu Street behind me, but now they are gone, and they all went to South Street to maintain order among the people."

"So if you are rushing to fight, please turn right, go around in a circle, go to South Street, and make a letter of war first, and wait for the [-] soldiers of the Great Qin to arrange the order of the people first, and spare some time before fighting with you How was the contest?"

Hearing this, Yuan Ling was furious, and with a long sword in his hand, he pointed at Jun Wuyou, and shouted: "Are you teasing us?"

At this moment, not only Yuan Ling was angry, but Yuan Hong, Zhang Biao, and the rebel soldiers were also angry.

Hearing Jun Wuyou say so much, at first I thought it was nonsense, but if I still can't see that Jun Wuyou is playing tricks on everyone, then so many people, I'm afraid they are all stupid.

Where did Jun Wuyou come to talk nonsense?It can be blocked here at all.

"Oh, what's your name? You're pretty smart, you can see that?"

Jun Wuyou said sarcastically with an incredulous look on his face.

"Bastard, come, take this person down!"

Yuan Ling's face turned red for a while. He didn't expect that he brought an army of 10,000+ to kill him, and there were still people who dared to come here alone to mock him.

He didn't know whether to say that Jun Wuyou didn't know how to live or die, or was bold.


After Yuan Ling's words fell, these dozen or so soldiers rushed forward, holding swords, and went straight to Jun Wuyou.


However, the moment these people rushed in front of Jun Wuyou, they saw the horse under Jun Wuyou's crotch suddenly screaming up to the sky, and then galloped away as if frightened.

"Bang bang bang..."

Before the three rebel soldiers could react, they were directly knocked out by the horses.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The horse rushed to the Yuan brothers and Zhang Biao in an instant, and the next moment, Jun Wuyou flew up from the horse, and the sword in his hand flashed. The speed was unimaginable.


Seeing a flash of blood, Jun Wuyou saw that a roundabout had already sliced ​​off the head of Yuan Ling's horse.


Immediately afterwards, Jun Wuyou fell to the ground, turned over and kicked out again, dismembering and kicking the dead horse to the ground.

This series of movements was so smooth and fast as lightning that even the three top fighters, the Yuan Brothers and Zhang Biao, didn't react for a while.

After he had time to react, when Yuan Ling was about to draw his sword, he had already hit the ground heavily. Because he hadn't prepared in advance, he fell dizzy.

He hurriedly looked up, but only saw a boot, which had appeared in front of him at some point.

At the same time, another big foot suddenly stepped on his vest.


"Crack clap..."

The moment that foot touched his vest, there was a muffled sound, the force of which was almost like beating a drum.

Yuan Ling only felt a strong force pouring into his body, his internal organs were almost bursting, and a mouthful of blood spurted out when the river was overturned.

His arms went limp, and his chest hit the ground again, directly breaking several ribs.

The sound of bones breaking could be heard, which was simply toothache.

"you dare!"

"you dare!"

(End of this chapter)

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