Chapter 1188
One after another loud shouts sounded, and Zhang Biao's long spear pointed directly at Jun Wuyou, while Yuan Hong's ghost-headed broadsword landed directly on Jun Wuyou's head.

Those soldiers also rushed over quickly, surrounding Jun Wuyou with three floors outside and three floors in the middle.

Seeing that these people were about to attack Jun Wuyou directly, they saw Jun Wuyou's long sword was already resting on Yuan Ling's neck, and a trace of blood flowed out, which made everyone stop instantly, afraid of being impulsive, This Jun Wuyou directly killed the general.

"Oh, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly surround me?"

The scene was silent, Jun Wuyou raised his head, looked at the surroundings with a smile on his face.

"Oh, don't hold the gun so close, you will accidentally injure someone!"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw Zhang Biao's long spear pointing directly at his forehead on the side of the horse, and he was able to poke his head directly within ten centimeters. He pretended to be surprised, raised his other hand, and gently held Zhang Biao's head The spear tip was pulled aside.

"And you, this general, you have to hold on to this knife firmly, take it away first, don't scare me, otherwise my nervousness will kill the general under my feet, and everyone will not be worth the loss!"

Looking up, he saw Yuan Hong's ghost-headed sword on top of his head again. Jun Wuyou seemed to be taken aback, and quickly pulled the sword away again.

With a smile on his face, it seems that what he is facing at this moment is not a huge army, but just a place for fun.

Yuan Hong's face was gloomy, and Zhang Biao's face was also gloomy. Looking at Yuan Ling whose life was firmly in Jun Wuyou's hands, he snorted coldly and removed the weapon in his hand at the same time.

"Hey, that's right. Isn't it good for everyone to have a good chat when they meet for the first time? Why do you insist on shouting and killing as soon as you meet? Isn't it hurtful?"

Jun Wuyou grinned, and said: "Look, I don't arrest anyone else, I only arrest this kid, why?"

"Because he is too arrogant, you all know my name, obviously you know me, but I don't know who you are. I asked you about your background, but he sent someone to arrest me directly. Isn't this just asking for trouble!"

"Hey, there are tens of millions of idiots in the world, and this person accounts for half of them!"

As he said that, Jun Wuyou lowered his head, looked at his feet, Yuan Ling who was holding his sword around his neck, and said with a smile: "Hey, general, your life is in my hands now, and I beat you to the ground. Don't get up, you should be more honest, right?"

"Tell me, what's your name! Also, who gave you the courage to yell at me in Xianyang? Is it because I look too easy to bully, or is it that I am not worth it?" Mention it!"

Yuan Ling, who was lying on the ground, couldn't even raise his breath at this moment, how could he answer his words?
Jun Wuyou's trampled on just now, to Yuan Ling, it was as if someone held a big hammer and hit it on the back.

For an ordinary person, I am afraid that at this moment, the internal organs have already burst, and he vomited blood and died.Even if he does not die, he will not be able to raise his breath, and will slowly be suffocated to death.

Even if Yuan Ling's physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, it doesn't mean that he will be able to recover if he recovers.

"Hey, you don't answer, do you? You really think I dare not kill you, don't you?"

"I can tell you, I am the imperial envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty, representing His Majesty the Emperor, and the Iron Law of the Great Qin Dynasty. If you don't reply, I have the right to deal with you!"

Seeing this, Jun Wuyou let out a hey, and said very dissatisfied.

"Jun Wuyou, don't deceive others too much!"

On the side, watching his younger brother being humiliated, Yuan Hongbo was furious, pointed the sword in his hand at Jun Wuyou again, and shouted angrily.

"Too deceiving?"

"Who are you talking about?"

"What are you?"

"Do you know who I am? Have you seen where this is?"

"Listen clearly, I am the official of the imperial court, and this place is Xianyang. All of them have unique skills, and they don't want to be loyal to our Great Qin and serve the Great Qin. I can't miss you, can I?"

"Too much deceit, are you a group of rebels worthy of saying this?"

When Jun Wuyou heard this, he laughed immediately, and said coldly: "Everyone, you have to be thankful that I never kill people on weekdays, at least never easily. Otherwise, today, let's not say that there are only less than 20 people behind you. Army."

"Even if there are millions of heroes here, if I want to take the heads of all of you, it's still like picking something out of a pocket. There is no need to talk nonsense with you here!"

"Now, I'm warning you again, you'd better speak politely and be obedient, otherwise I'll really provoke you to kill me, I'm afraid you don't have to play the game of rebellion today!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience shook, and everyone looked at Jun Wuyou as if they were looking at a fool.

With such cruel words in front of an army of 18, these people really don't know whether to say that he is big-hearted or reckless.

If it weren't for the general Yuan Ling being held hostage by him at this time, these troops would have taken him down by now, how could he be so arrogant?
For a moment, everyone stared at Jun Wuyou with glaring eyes.

"Jun Wuyou, isn't your statement too insane? Just now, General Yuan Ling was careless and didn't realize it, and let you take advantage of it. Do you really think that you can speak nonsense here because you are holding his life?"

Zhang Biao stared at Jun Wuyou with a gloomy face and said coldly.

"That's right, Jun Wuyou, let go of my second brother immediately, or I, Yuan Hong, will make you bloody five steps today!"

Yuan Hong shouted loudly and glared at him.

"Well, his name is Yuan Ling, and your name is Yuan Hong. They are two brothers in love!"

When Jun Wuyou heard the words, he was immediately happy, and said with a smile: "Looking at you, it seems that you are very dissatisfied with this officer's attack!"

"In that case, well, how about I make a bet with you guys?"

As he said that, Jun Wuyou withdrew his sword suddenly, turned around and left, and flew onto his war horse.

This scene once again stunned everyone.

At this moment, Jun Wuyou has been deeply encircled by the rebels, and with Yuan Ling as a hostage, he may still be able to protect himself.At this moment, he let go of the hostages. Isn't this courting death?
After reacting, the soldiers who surrounded Jun Wuyou rushed forward one after another, with knives, guns, swords and halberds in their hands, directly surrounded Jun Wuyou's body in all directions, without leaving any gaps, as long as they moved a little, Jun Wuyou would be killed immediately No burial place.

"Kill him for me!"

Yuan Hong felt astonished for a while, and when he came to his senses, he shouted and gave orders directly to the soldiers under his hand.

However, just when everyone was about to take down Jun Wuyou, Zhang Biao yelled, "Stop!"

Everyone was startled, and just about to make a move, they took it back one after another. They looked at Yuan Hong and then at Zhang Biao in amazement, not knowing whether they should make a move directly or stop first.

(End of this chapter)

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