Chapter 1191 Bet
Seeing Jun Wuyou yell, the soldiers under his command stopped moving instantly. Not only did Yuan Hong burn with anger at this scene, even Zhang Biao was also faintly angry.

If conditions permit at this moment, he must engage in military law.

This is the dark Qin army, not the Qin garrison.

Just when Yuan Hong was about to roar again and give orders loudly, Jun Wuyou's voice sounded again, saying, "Okay, let's get straight to the point, otherwise the Yuan brothers will be pissed off today!"

"I just said that I want to give you a step down and gamble with you. Now, let's start the game. If I win, everyone immediately turn around and go wherever you want. Don't disturb the quietness of Wangfu Street. .”

"If I lose, this Xianyang City will be free for everyone to run around, fight and harass at will, and I will never intervene. Even my life, how about leaving it to you?"

Hearing this, Yuan Hong was taken aback.

Really want to bet?

"Hehehe, Jun Wuyou, what exactly do you want to play? Tell me, how to bet!"

Zhang Biao smiled, Jun Wuyou's ability is not to be underestimated in itself, and now the display of force has attracted his attention.

He did not deny that facing Jun Wuyou at this moment, he did not dare to act rashly.

Because there is one thing he understands very well, he himself has the courage of a million men. Even if he is facing an army of 18, on the plains, he can't fight, but if he wants to escape, it is not impossible, let alone in the countless streets in this city. in the alley.

Here, the combat power of the army itself will be subject to many restrictions.

With Jun Wuyou's ability, it is indeed impossible for him to be the opponent of the 18 army. In a real fight, even if the 18 army is tired, it will exhaust him to death.

But fighting is just one thing, if Jun Wuyou wanted to escape, how could this 18 army be able to stop him in the alley?

Therefore, all this time, he didn't call for his hands.Those who couldn't wait to make their move were always the two self-righteous Yuan brothers!
"Since you want to gamble, of course you have to gamble so that people have nothing to say. If you are convinced, it will be even more exciting!"

"You are all tasked at the level of a general. This is a battle. Among thousands of armies, it is never a big deal to take the head of an enemy general, but it is difficult to take the collection of a general or generalissimo!"

"At least, there are few people in this world who can do it, and the three of them are no different!"

"But just now, this official also said that if I want to do something, taking the heads of the three high-ranking people is like picking something out of a bag!"

"Nevertheless, I'm a civil servant. As the saying goes, each of us performs his own duties. This matter of leading troops to fight is originally done by the military officer, so I don't want to interfere too much!"

"Plus, I don't like to kill people, and I usually don't shoot casually unless I have to. Therefore, I don't want to take your heads. But if I don't do it, I'm afraid that you won't be convinced!"

"So, the gambling method is here. If you want to start a war, I will accompany you. In this way, your 18 troops can just do it, and within half a quarter of an hour, I will leave a mark on your heads!"

"If you can't do it, I will lose this game, and you can do whatever you want. If you can do it, you can change the course immediately, how about it?"

Jun Wuyou answered the words with a pleasant smile.

Hearing this, Zhang Biao frowned, Yuan Hong frowned, Yuan Ling also frowned.

What do you mean?

Look at what he said, it was nothing more than saying how powerful he was, and wanting to kill the three of himself and defeat an army of 18 was just a matter of effort.

This has seen crazy, never seen crazy.

If Jun Wuyou really had such ability, why would he need to talk so much nonsense?

You know, the three of them are the leading generals of the 18 army at this time. If all three of them die, the 18 army will be in chaos in an instant and be defeated directly.

With this ability, wouldn't it be good for Jun Wuyou to directly disintegrate an army of 18?Do you have to waste so much effort and talk so much nonsense?
"How about it, dare you bet?"

Seeing that the three were silent, Jun Wuyou withdrew his smile and said coldly.

"Okay, Jun Wuyou, since you want to gamble, I will accompany you to the end!"

From Yuan Hong's point of view, this gambling method is absolutely sure, so what's the reason not to gamble?
Speaking of one-on-one duels, he had just witnessed Jun Wuyou's attack, so he didn't have any confidence.

But now it was not one-on-one, but one of the three generals against Jun Wuyou. Even though Yuan Ling was seriously injured among the three, his strength was still beyond doubt.

Besides, there are still 18 troops behind.

Even if the 18 army can't hurt Jun Wuyou, they can still entangle Jun Wuyou to death. The three of them found an opportunity to take Jun Wuyou, it was as easy as pie.

Thinking of this, Yuan Hong directly agreed to bet against each other.

"Okay, let the horse come here!"

Jun Wuyou didn't talk nonsense, he said hello, raised the sword in his hand, and looked at Yuan Hong, his eyes were full of contempt.

Sure enough, a common man is a common man, he just called out two idiots, and he didn't just yell.

The two Yuan brothers didn't know how to look at the situation at all, they could think of everything so simply, they didn't hesitate at all, they could guide them however they wanted.

It's his own bad luck that this big army can let this brother lead the army.

"Zhang Biao, did you hear that? Let's do it together!"

Over there, Yuan Hong looked at Zhang Biao and said coldly.

Zhang Biao had been silent all this time, which made Yuan Hong very unhappy, so he opened his mouth at this moment to remind him.

Zhang Biao turned his head and took a deep look at Yuan Hong, feeling very helpless.

He didn't know what to say about the two brothers, their impulsiveness had no limits.

When others said something casually, they immediately followed.

Don't even think about it, if Jun Wuyou can make such a gamble, doesn't he have a back hand?

Who knows what this Jun Wuyou is doing?

It is said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. What is your opponent thinking and what your opponent wants to do.

And whether the opponent has any preparations without knowing clearly, and betting against each other as soon as he opened his mouth, it is simply speechless.

But on this matter, Jun Wuyou said everything, and Yuan Hong agreed.

If you repent at this moment and let the army behind you see it, you don't know how you will feel.

I'm afraid that this morale will drop by half in an instant.

An army of 18, facing a single-handed man, dare not fight, what is this?
"The army obeys the order, kill!"

With a sigh, Zhang Biao pointed at the singing voice in his hand, and on the street, the army rushed out like a torrent.


Countless roars and shouts of killing, earth-shattering, like a thunderous explosion, and the sound of a flash flood, instantly drowned Xiang Jun Wuyou with the countless army.

Seeing the countless densely packed troops rushing in front of them in an instant, their majestic momentum made one unable to help but tremble with fear.

This is not a large army at all, it is a monstrous flood.

(End of this chapter)

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