Chapter 1192

"Good come!"

Facing the countless troops swarming up, Jun Wuyou yelled loudly, flew up, climbed up to the wall beside him in an instant, avoided the countless troops, and ran away at an extremely fast speed.

Countless troops rushed in below, and just about to make a move, they found that they were all in vain.

After reacting, when he raised his head, he found that Jun Wuyou had rushed to the side of the three generals along the walled street beside him.

Immediately after, Jun Wuyou jumped down, jumped into the rebel army, and went straight to the three generals.

"court death!"

The one who faced Jun Wuyou was Yuan Ling who had just got on his horse. Although Yuan Ling was seriously injured at this moment, he could only feel a sharp pain in his internal organs and beating the drum before he exerted any force.

But he still raised the long sword abruptly, flew up, volleyed the sword, and pointed at Jun Wuyou's forehead.

This sword is simple and unpretentious, like a thunderbolt, it is unavoidable, especially among the rebels, it is almost impossible to dodge without any chance.

However, at the moment when the sword was about to hit Jun Wuyou's forehead, the long sword in Jun Wuyou's hand was suddenly thrown out, filling the sky.


With a clear sound, the long sword in Jun Wuyou's hand suddenly struck Yuan Ling's long sword.

The two swords collided, and Yuan Ling's long sword instantly deviated from its position.

But in this matter, Jun Wuyou suddenly flew up, grabbed Yuan Ling's arm, pulled it hard, and directly clasped Yuan Ling's neck with the other hand.

Yuan Ling was taken aback, his face turned pale instantly.

At this moment, there is no need to doubt, as long as Jun Wuyou uses a little force with his claws, he can directly cut off his neck, making him die without a doubt.

However, Jun Wuyou didn't use any force, just scratched his neck, leaving scratch marks with five fingers, then let him go, and kicked him on the waist.

With a strong force, Yuan Ling's internal organs were ravaged again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his whole body, and he flew backwards in an instant.

"Second brother!"

A loud cry sounded, and just as Jun Wuyou landed, Yuan Hong jumped off his horse with a loud shout, brandishing a big knife in his hand, and slashed wildly towards him.

Yuan Hong's attack was extremely violent, because he was in the midst of the rebels, and there were rebels in all directions.

With such a wide range of attacks, he couldn't avoid his own army at all.Once avoided, the power will be weakened several times in an instant.

In order to maintain his power, he showed no mercy, blood spattered everywhere he passed.

His sword hadn't reached Jun Wuyou yet, but he had killed more than a dozen people from his own army.

Amidst the screams, the surrounding army quickly dispersed, leaving an open space for Yuan Hong to display.

Yuan Hong finally reached in front of Jun Wuyou, and saw that the sword swept across thousands of troops, beheading Xiang Jun Wuyou's waist.

Where the blade passed, the air exploded, which was shocking.

If this knife hits the target, even the peach wood from the bucket will be split open, let alone a person's waist.

But right here, Jun Wuyou raised his big hand, and the long sword that he threw into the air earlier fell into his hand.


With a clear sound, the angle of the long sword in Jun Wuyou's hand turned strangely, from bottom to top, pointing directly at Yuan Hong's jaw.

His long sword came back first, and his speed was more than three times faster than Yuan Hong's, and it stabbed Yuan Hong's jaw in an instant.

Yuan Hong's complexion changed drastically, and a chill instantly filled his whole body, causing the sword in his hand to stand still for a moment.

However, at this moment, Jun Wuyou didn't pierce his head with a sword, but with a sway of his body, with the other hand supporting his big knife, he turned over and jumped, and rushed behind him in the air.


Turning around and kicking, the momentum was heavy, and Yuan Hong was kicked away directly.

When the big knife fell to the ground, Yuan Hong hit the ground heavily, his internal organs tumbling, and the vest that Jun Wuyou kicked was burning and painful, and he couldn't help spurting out a mouthful of blood.


Yuan Hong couldn't believe it, he was the one who struck first, but he didn't expect Jun Wuyou to strike first, and he couldn't even block a single blow.

Turning around, he found that Jun Wuyou had rushed to Zhang Biao not far away.

"call out……"

The long sword shone like a ray of light, and with a bloody light, it directly chopped off the head of the horse under Zhang Biao's crotch.

Just like the horse's head that cut off Yuan Ling before, this sword is still so familiar.

The difference is that Yuan Ling didn't make any preparations before and suffered a big loss, but Zhang Biao had already made preparations for this matter, and was even ready to make a move.

Seeing that the horse was cut, Jun Wuyou turned around and kicked the horse's corpse out. Zhang Biao flew up, shot in the air, and instantly swept out countless tough ones. .

Jun Wuyou turned his head, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself: "What a handsome marksmanship!"

Afterwards, Jun Wuyou greeted him with the long sword in his hand, and the two collided dozens of times in an instant, and the sound of clanging was endless.

This target shot, like the Yuan brothers, opened and closed in the same way, with unparalleled power.

But there is another difference. The strength of the Yuan brothers is stronger than that of Zhang Biao to a certain extent, but the attacks of the two are direct and direct. It seems that people cannot avoid it, but as long as they find the law, they can be easily resolved. .

But Zhang Biao is different, while opening and closing, although the power is slightly weaker, but the shadow of the spear is endless, dozens of shots in an instant, this is the real inescapable.

Even if Jun Wuyou dodged the first shot with his own ability, there would be a second shot, and a third shot, the speed was too fast, and he couldn't dodge the subsequent attacks at all.

Therefore, Jun Wuyou can only shoot and collide.

Dozens of face-to-face collisions seemed to take a long time, but in fact, it was only less than half a breath of fighting time.

Zhang Biao landed on the ground, turned around, and walked with the gun, gracefully like a dragon swimming, amidst the sound of piercing the air, he shot left and right across.

Throwing a spear upwards, picking a spear downwards, the attack was swift and fierce, forcing Jun Wuyou all over his body, with no way of dodging or retreating.

The long sword in Jun Wuyou's hand blocked from left to right, and collided dozens of times in a row.

But at this moment, Zhang Biao suddenly jumped away with one step, leaving gaps all over his body.

Seeing this, Jun Wuyou immediately flew up and disappeared, seized the opportunity and mercilessly attacked directly.

However, as soon as he jumped up, he saw Zhang Biao put the gun barrel around his neck, pressed his hands on both ends of the head, and bent his body instantly.

Then, Zhang Biao suddenly let go of the tip of the spear, and immediately, the spear came like a dragon, tearing the sky and the earth, three times more powerful than before, and directly swept towards Jun Wuyou's waist.

Jun Wuyou was startled, and secretly said: "It's a good move to return the carbine!"

At this time, the spear came swiftly and violently, but he had no way to dodge it, so he could only support the blade of the sword with one hand, and hold the hilt of the sword with the other, making a move in front of him.


He pushed out his long sword and collided with the spear in an instant.

Hearing a crisp sound, Jun Wuyou's arm shook, and the long sword in his hand was instantly broken into two pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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