Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1194 Where to Stand

Chapter 1194 Where to Stand

"Okay, let's go, let's go, don't waste time here. Don't forget, I still have [-] troops outside of Xianyang, and now I'm afraid they are all fighting with your tiger army!"

"Hurry up to the South Street, destroy the [-] army, kill a few more people, break into the imperial city, and establish the world."

"Otherwise your Huben Army won't be able to hold it back later, and my [-] reinforcements from Xianyang will arrive. You may have no place to run, let alone attack the city!"

Under the speechless gaze of the crowd, Jun Wuyou waved his hand to remind him, then walked through the crowd and left here without hesitation.

Everyone trembled all over, being shocked by his words.

"What exactly does this Jun Wuyou mean?"

"Is he on the side of Daqin, or on the side of Anqin?"

Everyone was forced, there was no way, it was Jun Wuyou's words, it was not like what a court official should say.

Have you seen any courtiers who have the ability to quell the chaos, but they don't want to quell the chaos, but show mercy to the rebels?
It's all about being merciful, and you're afraid that the other party will waste time and not have time to attack your own court?

This in itself is already intolerable, let's see what he said later?Quickly wipe out the imperial army, it is best to kill a few more people, this is for fear that the world will not be chaotic!
The rebels were confused, and the kings hiding in the dark were also confused. Everyone looked at Jun Wuyou with black lines on their heads.

King Yelang and King Dian had some guesses, but in the final analysis, they were all idle princes, and they never interfered with the affairs of the court.

So I don't understand at all, trying to figure out why Jun Wuyou did what he did, it's like a blind man looking at the way, unable to find his head.

Jun Wuyou left, leaving behind a group of bewildered troops, after a moment of contemplation, the three top generals got on their horses.

Yuan Ling dragged his seriously injured body, rode on a horse, and had a round with Yuan Hong and Zhang Biao.

"The army is marching, heading to Nancheng District!"

Following Zhang Biao's order, the army immediately changed course and turned right, heading straight for South Street.

The chaos that was about to befall Wangfu Street disappeared and was diverted to other places by the disaster.

"Master Jun!"

A slightly immature and immature voice came and stopped Jun Wuyou.

Jun Wuyou turned his head to look, and saw that the person who spoke was Zhao Wang Tu'an, beside Tu'an, all the princes and dukes also came, dozens of people were present, and none of them was absent.

"Hey, my lords, my lords, why are you here?"

Jun Wuyou hastily went forward to greet him, bowing his hands in salute.

"Hmph, Mr. Jun is very skilled. Who would have thought that Mr. Jun, a mere civil servant, would dare to single out thousands of troops, and win with the snap of his fingers, it is really unimaginable!"

A sneer came, Dian King Duan Yanshan sarcastically said.

"My lord, my lord, my lord!"

Jun Wuyou heard the words, smiled and closed his eyes, and said politely.

"My lord, you don't have to be polite. I believe that with your lord's ability, if you are willing, the rebel army can be disintegrated in just a few flips, and I can return the peace of Xianyang."

"It's just that Lord Jun wants to go back to the mountain and continue to cause trouble. I'm afraid that in the future, my Xianyang will be in chaos!"

King Yelang spoke, just like King Dian, his words seemed to be compliments, but they were actually sarcastic and questioning.

The meaning is obvious, you clearly have the ability to suppress rebellion, why do you want to let the tiger make trouble?What is the meaning of this move?
Jun Wuyou relies on his mouth for food, how can he not hear the dissatisfaction of these two princes?
"Hahaha, well, since the prince said you are welcome, then Wuyou will not be too humble."

"That's right, relying on Wuyou's ability, it is true that the backhand can quell this military calamity, but after all, Wuyou is a civil servant!"

"Writing governs the culture, military has martial arts, and martial arts governs the arts. They each perform their own duties. Civil officials make meritorious deeds by governing the world, while military commanders make meritorious deeds by killing the enemy. How can Wuyou turn the world upside down? You lords, do you think this is the case? ?”

"If Wuyou wiped out all the enemy bandits today, wouldn't it be obvious that he would grab the jobs of those generals?"

"It's still the same sentence, the rooster wakes up in the morning, the rooster crows, and the hen lays eggs. If the hen crows, what do you let the rooster do? You can't let the rooster lay eggs, right? Don't worry about such offending things, don't worry. It is said that we must leave the credit to our soldiers, right? Let them fight!"

Jun Wuyou laughed loudly, facing the yin and yang aura of King Yelang and King Dian, he said as if I did not strive for success.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was speechless again.

Look at what you said, let the army run to kill, it seems to be to save face for those who are about to be killed.

"My lord, let's tell the truth now, everyone is not a fool. What you say one after another is unexpected, and you didn't follow the plan at all. What do you want to do?"

"Or to be more precise, where are you standing!"

King Dian is a wise master, he doesn't need Yelang Wang Shao, but he is not as gloomy as Yelang Wang at this time.

Seeing that things have developed to this point, he didn't want to continue beating around the bush, and asked directly.

"That's right, Mr. Jun, should you give me an explanation? Now that the chaos has come, is it really necessary to continue to keep me in the dark?"

King Yelang also spoke.

Although these people are known as kings, most of them are not crowned kings, and even a small number of them are titled marquises, and most of them are only earls.

As for King Yelang and King Dian, no matter their former fame and status, or their current abilities, they are enough to represent everyone on the scene. When the two speak like this, it is basically equivalent to asking questions from everyone.

Jun Wuyou was just about to leave, but when he heard this, his footsteps stopped, and it was hard to just leave.

"Hey, my lords, after all this talk, in the end, my lords have come to this point and started questioning Wuyou!"

"Okay...very don't believe in Wuyou, you think that Wuyou is rebellious and rebellious!"

Jun Wuyou sighed, shook his head, and said helplessly.

"Lord Jun, please don't get me wrong. The two uncles didn't mean that. It's just that everyone doesn't understand what Lord Jun is doing. They just want to hear what Lord Jun is saying."

"After all, they are all ministers of my Great Qin Capital. There are many things that we should do our best. We have to do our best too, don't we?"

King Zhao Tu'an smiled lightly, waved his hands, and rescued King Yelang and King Dian.

"Hehe, Prince Zhao is young, he knows how to behave and do things!"

"But it doesn't matter. Prince Zhao doesn't need to explain anything. Wuyou understands many things by himself. Wuyou doesn't blame the princes for being suspicious. I believe that at this moment, Wuyou is the one who doubts Wuyou the most."

"It should not be you, but the people in the imperial city. Especially Zhang Shangshu, I am afraid that at this moment, he has already judged Wuyou's rebellion in his heart!"

(End of this chapter)

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