Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1195: The 2 Army Fights

Chapter 1195
"Wuyou can bear this grievance, anyway, sooner or later he will prove Wuyou, so Wuyou doesn't need to explain anything!"

"It's just that the lords are asking now, so Wuyou will give you a reassurance!"

Jun Wuyou took out a token, which was the Black Dragon Token, and said with a smile, "Did you see it? This is the Great Qin Black Dragon Token, and I, the Great Qin Emperor, personally carry it."

"In the whole Great Qin, there are only three pieces. Except for His Majesty the Emperor himself, no one in this world can get it. Now, this Black Dragon Token is a worry-free heart!"

"The Black Dragon Order represents Daqin, and Wuyou has Daqin in his heart. You princes don't need to believe in Wuyou, but please believe in my emperor, long live!"

"As for what you did today, you princes, don't hesitate to think about it. When you shoot people, you shoot horses first, and when you capture thieves, you first capture the king. But it's easier to shoot horses than to kill people, and it's easy to capture kings, but it's hard to kill thieves!"

"Since these people have stood up and rebelled, they should take it all at once, instead of letting Wuyou take down the leader of the bandits first and then let the bandits go!"

"It's easy to kill those three people without worrying about it. How easy is it to kill 18 people? Even if the gods come down to earth, I'm afraid they can't do it, let alone worry-free?"

"And once the thieves are let go, what's the point of gathering the crowd again? So, let's leave this kind of thing to the army. Each performs its duties, and when the two armies face each other, no one can escape!"

Everyone heard the words and fell silent.

It's okay if you don't listen to it, but once you hear it, it seems that this is really the truth.

With Jun Wuyou's ability, it can be seen that it is not difficult for him to kill the three generals, but it is absolutely impossible for him to kill all the enemies.

Once these thieves are allowed to disperse and escape, and gather again, this big trouble will have to continue again.

Instead of this, it would be better to hand it over to the army and destroy it in one fell swoop.

However, when everyone was suddenly enlightened, King Yelang and King Dian couldn't help but look at each other.

Jun Wuyou's words can convince other people, but it doesn't mean they can convince both of them.

Even King Zhao frowned slightly, thinking freely in his heart.

"Your lords, now that the swords and soldiers are in trouble, you should go back and rest quickly. The so-called gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, so you lords don't want to stay again, go back, and leave without worry!"

Seeing the silence of the crowd, Jun Wuyou bowed his hands, chuckled, turned and left.

"King of Dian, you can trust this statement!"

After Jun Wuyou left, King Yelang finally spoke and asked Duan Yanshan, King of Dian.

"Oh, I wonder what King Yelang thinks?"

Duan Yanshan didn't answer, but instead asked Yelang Wangmu South Road.

"Sounds in line with etiquette, but unfortunately, the 18 troops outside may not be the opponent of the [-] tiger army. There are still [-] troops in the city, how can they be the opponent of the [-] rebels?"

"In this battle, the King of Dian will talk about how to wipe out all these rebels?"

King Yelang sneered, pointing out the flaws in Jun Wuyou's words.

As soon as this remark came out, those people who thought Jun Wuyou's words were reasonable before were suddenly dumbfounded.

Yeah, why didn't I think of that?
"He said, he represents the Black Dragon Order!"

King Dian still didn't answer what King Yelang said, but said this inexplicably.

At this moment, everyone still couldn't get rid of their doubts about Jun Wuyou.

Especially Jun Wuyou's words don't make any sense at all, so this suspicion is raised to a higher level.

But as soon as King Dian said this, King Yelang fell silent again.

Yes, what's the use of doubting now?Isn't it enough to say that it represents Daqin and Black Dragon Order?
At least, judging from the current situation, it is a certainty that Xianyang City will change hands.

If Jun Wuyou is really rebellious, just say it directly, who can do anything to him?
But at this time, he still clearly stated that he represents Daqin, what else can everyone say?
You can't doubt that this Jun Wuyou will not reveal his identity until the last moment, right?
On the contrary, another theory is possible.

This Jun Wuyou did represent Great Qin. It seemed that there was no room for change in Xianyang's change of hands, but Jun Wuyou must have other arrangements.

And this arrangement must be able to turn things around.

Although this idea is a bit beautiful and unrealistic, but at this time, whether it is King Yelang or King Dian, they have no choice but to believe.

"Drive by..."

The horses galloped, and the [-] troops rushed day and night, and finally saw the huge city crawling on the plain from a distance, like an ancient giant beast, with its mouth wide enough to swallow everything.

But while seeing the giant city of Xianyang, the [-] troops galloping forward also saw the [-] tiger and cardinal troops waiting outside the city.

The [-] tiger and cardinal army, in a neat formation, with countless flags fluttering in the wind, countless halberds standing up to the sky, and the figures are straight, mighty, majestic, powerful aura, turned into momentum, overwhelming the sky and the earth , Let the soldiers led by the [-] army tremble in their hearts.

Such a powerful army, such a huge momentum.

At this moment, what stood there seemed to be not an army at all, but a giant, a giant with the sky above its head and the ground under its feet.

The 3 Tigers and Ben army, at this moment, the aura is completely integrated, [-] people are integrated into one body, it is simply invulnerable.

Relatively speaking, the [-] army is different.

They nominally came out of the Lantian camp, but in fact, they were all troops transferred from the Baiyue region in the south.

They are considered well-trained, but compared with the 01 Tigers and Ben army, the difference is simply not 30:[-].

"The army is rectified!"

In front of the army, Tu Sui rode his horse to lead the army, far away, when he saw the lineup of the Huben army, his heart was completely chilled.

An inexplicable sadness filled his heart, and his eyes instantly turned red.

Seeing that the distance between the two armies was less than five li, Tu Sui waved his hand and gave an order.

The mighty [-] army that was like a long dragon behind them sped up in an instant, assembled at the fastest speed, and soon formed a huge square formation.

The phalanx is famous, the flags are unfurled, the drums stand erect, the horns are raised, and countless halberds are pointed straight to the sky. An overwhelming momentum, at the moment when the army forms the phalanx, radiates out, and presses towards the Huben army camp. The Huben army confronted each other.

"General, Xianyang seems to have fallen!"

Behind Tu Sui, a middle-aged general frowned and pointed in the direction of Xianyang City.

"Yes, it's fallen!"

"Take care of the army, no one will act rashly without my order!"

Tu Sui took a deep look at Xianyang City, only to see that there was a miasma of smoke in Xianyang City, and countless smog rose into the sky. It is conceivable that there may have been a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood inside.

Seeing this, Tu Sui sighed and gave an order.


The middle-aged general's eyes flashed, he seemed to understand what Tu Sui wanted to do, he didn't dare to stop him, he could only promise.

Tu Sui didn't talk nonsense, he rode forward and headed straight for Huben's army.

(End of this chapter)

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