Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1196 Tu Sui's Wrath

Chapter 1196 Tu Sui's Wrath

"Mother, this is already the fourth day I have been waiting. We have been staying outside Xianyang City, but we have not entered the city. Now that the rebels are looting, do we really have to wait forever?"

Not far from Xianyang City, on a mound, three figures stood here, looking around, just enough to have a panoramic view of the entire Xianyang City.The confrontation between the two armies outside the west gate of Xianyang City can also be seen clearly.

Among the three, the first one was dressed in silver armor. This kind of attire was unique among the Qin army.

Because the Qin people admired black, the armor of the Qin army was almost all black, and the silver color was unique.

For example, at this moment, behind the man in silver armor, the two people, or the 250 people standing still at the foot of the hill, holding their horses, are all wearing the Great Qin Black Armor.

That is the real costume of the Daqin soldier, so the costume of the man in the silver armor is very conspicuous.

"Don't worry, since the marshal ordered this, I just need to obey the marshal's order!"

The person in the silver armor is none other than the Great Qin Imperial Concubine, Empress Yinyue.

This time Yinyue led the army to fight against the enemy. Although she has her own abilities, she has always focused on cooperation.

Since the emperor gave the position of marshal to others, she did not hold her own identity and opposed them.

When he led 250 three first-character troops to Xianyang, Wang Lin once told him that if possible, he hoped that she could lead the first-character army to wait slowly outside the city, and wait for the battle of Xianyang to almost come to an end before taking any action. Late.

Although because of her status, Wang Lin could not directly give the death order, but no matter what she thought, Yinyue still chose to act according to Wang Lin's orders.

Again, she wanted to join the war because she wanted to share the worries of Daqin and the emperor.

But the emperor's marshal is someone else. Since she chooses to join the army, she will obey the marshal's orders.

So now, after coming to Xianyang City for four days, she basically wanders outside and never enters Xianyang City.

Occasionally encounter a few spies and scouts, no matter who the scouts are, they will be executed directly to ensure their secrecy.

"But ma'am, the city of Xianyang is in chaos now. Look, everyone is burning. Wherever the rebels passed by, the corpses of our people in Xianyang are scattered all over the field, and blood flows like rivers. Wait a moment, and there will be more casualties!"

The person who spoke before, standing behind Yinyue's left hand, spoke again at this moment, with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

It was anger, hatred for the rebels.

These people seize power as soon as they seize power, but they want to kill those people, it is simply unreasonable.

"Wait a little longer, look, General Tu has already stepped forward!"

Yinyue naturally saw everything that happened in the city, and she couldn't bear to look at the bloody scenes.

But she still didn't want to disobey Wang Lin's order, or that sentence, Wang Lin is the coach.

At this moment, looking from them, they could see that the two armies were facing each other, Tu Sui rode away on horseback, and headed straight for the thirty thousand tiger and ben army in front of Xianyang city.

"Mother, do you think that Tu Sui will really fight to the death for me, Da Qin and Shi Potian?"

On the right side behind Yinyue, another man in black armor frowned and said with a slightly suspicious tone.

"Employees should not be suspicious, suspects should not be used, until the result appears, there should be no internal suspicion, everything, just wait for the result!"

Nan Yan was also nervous, but she was not sure whether Tu Sui would really choose to stand on Da Qin's side and fight against her former siblings.

But before the result appeared, she would not rashly guess.This doubt, in the final analysis, is only doubt.


Hearing this, the two men in black armor clasped their hands and stood on the spot holding their spears, quietly watching the situation on the battlefield outside Xianyang City.

I saw Tu Sui coming on his horse, he rushed to within three hundred zhang in front of Huben's army, and then stopped.

Holding a long spear in his hand, Tu Sui pointed at the [-] Tigers and Ben army, and shouted: "Where is Shi Potian, get out!"

Tu Sui's voice was loud and majestic. With a loud roar, the voice spread in all directions, creating waves of sound.

There seemed to be endless anger in this voice, and Yinyue and others could hear it clearly from a distance away, and they could feel the anger in the voice even more.
Listening to the echoes coming from behind, Yinyue felt a little relieved.

Since Tu Sui is still angry, it means that he has not got together with Shi Potian, otherwise, he has no right to be angry.

"Shi Potian, now that you have [-] tiger troops here, do you still need to avoid me?"

"Why, you don't have the face to see me!"

With a loud shout, no one answered in front of Huben Army.

Tu Sui glanced at the Huben army, but couldn't find the figure of his former good brother Shi Potian, and became furious for a while, and shouted angrily again.

However, no matter how much he scolded, Shi Potian never appeared in Huben's army.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

At this moment, there was a sound of beating drums, and I don't know who it was, and suddenly shouted: "My lord has an order, kill all the reinforcements in Xianyang, kill!"

The next moment, the [-] Tigers and Cardinals moved like thunder, under the wind and clouds, moving their whole body with one hair, and in an instant, they came straight to Tu Sui's side.

"Shi Potian, do you really want to break up with me?"

Tu Sui's eyes were red, what he was unwilling to accept all this time finally happened at this moment.

Seeing the [-] tiger and ben army rushing towards him, he felt a burst of grief and anger in his heart.

This is to kill himself on the spot.

Facing the [-] Tigers and Ben army, he swung the spear in his hand and put the horse between his legs. Beside the horse, there was also a big axe, which was his natal weapon.

Tu Sui slashed his spear, and saw [-] Tiger and Ben troops coming straight, he was already ready to defend against the enemy.

"Not good, the enemy army is attacking the general, where is our army, kill me, rescue the general!"

Behind Tu Sui, seeing with his own eyes [-] tiger and ben troops heading straight for Tu Sui, the middle-aged general had no way to continue waiting for Tu Sui's order.

With a loud shout, the [-] army surged up and down, magnificent and boundless. Amidst countless roars, drums beat, horns sounded, war horses galloped, and they also crazily killed the Tiger Army.

The Huben Army rushed to Tu Sui, only to see Tu Sui's spear sweeping across his hands, and he was about to start a battle.

However, with one shot, it went straight to nothing.

Tu Sui was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly found that the moment the [-] tiger and ben troops came in front of him, they all stepped aside and rushed past him on both sides.

None of these people attacked him, but they all ran towards the [-] army behind him.

"Shi Potian, what exactly do you want to do?"

Seeing this scene, Tu Sui was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, and roared again.

Now, even if he wanted to fight, he couldn't.

These tiger and cardinal troops ignored him at all, and rushed behind him, only to see that the [-] army was also coming straight from behind, and the two sides collided together, like sparks hitting the earth, instantly beating you to death, and no one backed down a step.

(End of this chapter)

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