Chapter 1198
"Tu Sui, what exactly do you want from me? I've come this far, how do you want me to turn back?"

Shi Potian looked sad, shook his head, and said: "I can't turn back, and it's impossible to turn back again!"

As soon as the words fell, Tu Sui on the other side smiled and said no more nonsense, his expression changed, his legs clamped around the horse's belly, and he shouted: "Drive..."

The horse galloped straight to Shi Potian.

"Since you can't turn back, then fight!"

Tu Sui roared angrily, he had already rushed in front of Shi Potian, with a flick of the spear in his hand, he pointed directly at Shi Potian's heart, killing him.

Shi Potian was startled, he didn't expect that the best brother who used to be the best brother would do it right away when they met now.

Shi Potian swung the spear in his hand, swung his hands, and hit Tu Sui's spear, knocking Tu Sui's spear out of position.

Tu Sui's war horse rushed past him, saw each other, the spear in Tu Sui's hand changed direction, and with a sweep, it swept directly towards his head.

Shi Potian's expression changed, his figure moved, and he flew off the horse.

Although his speed was already very fast, Tu Sui's spear still made a gash in his face.

The two horses were completely staggered, and one round was one country. Shi Potian never made a move, but only defended, so that he suffered a small loss.

Turning the horse's head, I saw that Tu Sui also stopped ten feet away, also turned the horse's head and stared at him.

"Shi Potian, since you chose to go against brotherhood, why bother to put on a show today, you're going to make a move!"

Tu Sui pointed at Shi Potian angrily, and said coldly.

"You know I don't want to touch you!"

Shi Potian's nose was sore, although he had expected that today would happen, but when this happened, he still couldn't accept it.

"Hehe, you don't want to do anything to me? You don't want me to die, do you?"

Tu Sui smiled, ironically.

"That's right, you and I are life-and-death friends. How can I say that I have no clothes, and carry the hand of my son, and I will be prosperous and both will be prosperous, and I will be damaged when I am hurt. How can I shoot you!"

Shi Potian said with a trembling voice.

"Qi said Wuyi, carrying the hand of the son, it sounds nice, but have you ever thought about it, from the moment you betrayed Daqin, I was already a dead person."

"Either I kill you and accompany you to die, or you kill me, no matter what, I can't continue to live!"

Tu Sui sneered and said sadly.

Shi Potian: "That's not the case, Tu Sui, why are you so persistent? Once upon a time, the Qin State we were loyal to has already disappeared. The First Emperor, whom we were loyal to, has now disappeared."

"Today's puppet Qin, what does it have to do with you and me? Isn't it good for you and me to open up the world and create a prosperous world again?"

"It's fine if we don't feel sorry for Emperor Shihuang. What's so good about following Ying Shou?"

Tu Sui: "Shi Potian, do you think that what you did is really right for the emperor? Don't forget, Ying Shou, he is also the blood of the Ying clan!"

Shi Potian: "So what? Just because he is a descendant of the Ying clan, do you have to protect him all the time?"

Tu Sui: "You still don't understand, you will never understand. Today, don't say that the emperor is a descendant of the Ying clan. If you oppose him, you will be sorry for the first emperor. Even if he is not a descendant of the Ying clan, you will , still sorry for Emperor Shi Huang!"

Shi Potian: "It's ridiculous, I'm not the first emperor, why should I be sorry for His Majesty the first emperor, Tu Sui, can you wake up?"

The two quarrel, if you don't let me go, I won't back down, the more they argue, the more angry they become, and the more sad and angry they become.

At the end of the quarrel, Tu Sui smiled sadly, shook his head and said, "Shi Potian, it's you who should wake up now, not me."

"You and I swore allegiance to the first emperor back then, but now you intend to seize the world. Do you know what the world is? And do you know what the first emperor's world is like?"

Shi Potian was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean?"

Tu Sui shook his head, and said: "A few years ago, there was great chaos in my Central Plains, and rebels broke out everywhere. However, I, the Great Qin Heijia, who should be guarding the Great Wall, guard the Great Wall, and those who should be in the southern border are still in the southern border. There is no one to rescue me. Except for Zhao Tuozhi Outside, there is no rebellion!"

"Do you think it's really difficult to put down chaos with the power of my great Qin?"

"Let me tell you, it's not difficult, it's not difficult at all. You only need to mobilize 30 troops from the southern border at most, and the turmoil can be wiped out."

"But before again, Ren Xiao in the southern border and the guards of the Great Wall have all received His Majesty the First Emperor's order, not to take a step back and consolidate our Great Qin territory!"

"The first emperor's world, unless he firmly grasped it, he never cared who would fall into its hands in the end. Today, the descendants of the Ying clan hold the world in their hands, the southern border is obedient, and the Great Wall is obedient."

"If someone else controls the world, the Great Wall and the southern border will still be unified. This is the world of the First Emperor. All he wants is to lay the foundation and territory for this world!"

"As the general of the first emperor, I should spend my whole life building bricks and paving the way for the first emperor, but now you want to beat him back. How can you say that you are worthy of His Majesty the first emperor?"

As soon as these words came out, Shi Potian was shocked.

Some things, he naturally said he knew, but his ambition, after all, he didn't want him to admit it.

"You are talking nonsense, how can there be such a magnanimous person in the world? Not even the first emperor!"

Shi Potian had no words to refute, he could only grit his teeth.

"Why, are you guilty? In fact, you conveyed the imperial decree with your own hands. You know it better than anyone else. It's just that you don't want to admit it!"

Tu Sui sneered, pointed at Shi Potian and shouted.

"No, I'm not guilty, Tu Sui, I'll ask you again, today, whether you and my brother will rise up together and share the world, or will we fight each other, life or death, you choose!"

Shi Potian was speechless, finally furious, and was forced to lose his temper.

"You are very guilty now, because you have a guilty conscience, and you need to cover up with anger. Since you still refuse to turn back until now, then fight, there is nothing to say!"

Shi Potian is unwilling to give up his choice, and Tu Sui will not give up his choice either.

Seeing that Shi Potian was furious, Tu Sui also forced a big fight.

"Okay, let's fight!"

Shi Potian didn't dare to look directly into Tu Sui's eyes, he yelled loudly, and rode his horse first, smashed the spear in his hand far away, and went straight to Tu Sui.


Seeing this, Tu Sui also galloped his horse straight to Shi Potian without any hesitation.

Facing the spear that Shi Potian threw at the top of his head, he ignored it at all, raised the spear in his hand, and pointed it at Shi Potian's heart.

Seeing this, Shi Potian shouted: "Tu Sui, are you crazy? You want to die with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Shi Potian quickly put away the spear, waved his hands, and fired Tu Sui's spear.

The two passed each other, and it was considered a round.

Immediately afterwards, the two turned their horses' heads at the same time.

Seeing Shi Potian staring at Tu Sui angrily, he couldn't imagine that one day, Tu Sui would risk his life and kill him with all his strength.

Could it be that Tu Sui really hates himself so much now?

(End of this chapter)

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