Chapter 1199
"Shi Potian, you and I are not brothers. Since we are brothers, if you choose to fight against me today, you should show your true skills and fight me. Why hide it like this? Are you looking down on me?"

Tu Sui turned his head and said coldly.

"Okay, since you have decided to turn against each other and want to fight seriously, I will assign it to the end today!"

Shi Potian was also angry, since it doesn't make sense, let's see the real chapter under his hands.

"bring it on!"

"bring it on!"

The two shouted loudly at the same time, and the next moment, they galloped towards each other at the same time.

The spear is like a dragon, strangling it.

The spear shook the sky, piercing through the air.

"Bang bang bang..."

The spears of the two collided with each other out of thin air, and they swung dozens of times in an instant, colliding again and again until the horses passed by each other, but no one could do anything to the other.

Afterwards, the two turned their horses again, and it was another round of fighting.

The two of them shot with extremely fast speed and heavy force. You come and go, and before you know it, dozens of rounds have been fought.

On the other side, the two armies were at war, and the Huben army suppressed the southern army.

In less than two quarters, the [-] troops in the southern border had already lost more than one-third.

In front of the Huben army, the army in the southern border had absolutely no countervailing force.

On this day, the Huben Army is destined to shine again, announcing to the world that the Huben Army, which was once invincible in the world, is back.

The army in the southern border was still crazily decreasing. Amidst countless screams, corpses fell to the ground one after another, splashing blood on the ground.

That is the real blood flowing like a river, and the bones are like a mountain. Even the ground becomes sticky and slippery when stepped on, making it untenable.

Fierce wars, crazy fights.

Soldiers to soldiers, to generals.

The battle between Tu Sui and Shi Potian unconsciously continued for another two hundred rounds, and finally, in a collision, the weapons in their hands broke at the same time.

Tu Sui's arm was numb from the shock for a while, and the spear broke from the middle, leaving only a short wooden pole, which was thrown by him, and then supported the horse with one hand, flew up, and at the moment the two horses crossed, kicked He kicked Shi Potian heavily.


With a muffled sound, Shi Potian was kicked off his horse directly by him.

However, the moment he kicked Shi Potian's chest, the wooden spear in Shi Potian's hand also hit his chest heavily.

The length of the spear is not comparable to that of a long spear after all. Even if it is broken into two pieces, it is still longer than a good spear. The broken log hit Tu Sui's chest, and directly sent Tu Sui flying down, falling heavily on the ground.

The two spurted out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and at the same time the carp straightened up, jumped up, each looked at their own horses, and galloped over at the fastest speed.


A war horse neighed, and Tu Sui grabbed the wheel ax hanging on the horse.

Shi Potian also rushed to his horse, and lifted the meteor hammer on the horse.

Step on the ground with your body and feet, and turn around to look at each other at the same time.


Roaring at the same time, the two rushed towards each other again.

As soon as the two got closer to a distance of three feet, they saw Shi Potian's meteor hammer coming towards Tu Sui, hitting him directly on the forehead.

Tu Sui snorted coldly, holding the wheel ax with both hands, and slammed the hammer full of iron thorns down.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and was about to fly up and strike Shi Potian with an axe.

But at this moment, another hammer flew out from Shi Potian's hand again, dismembered and smashed towards his body.

Seeing this, Tu Sui waved his hand quickly, and slapped the hammer away with another axe.

However, once this happened, Shi Potian's other hammer flew over again.

This meteor hammer was bound by an iron lock in the middle, and the two hammers were played by Shi Potian.You come and go, the strikes are extremely flexible, without giving the opponent the slightest gap.

Seeing this, Tu Sui could only block left and right, and kept trying to get closer to Shi Potian.

After all, the attack range of Shi Potian's meteor hammer is almost three feet away, much farther than him, and it is a long-range attack.

On the contrary, his big ax is much shorter, and it can be used within one foot, but beyond three feet, it cannot be used at all, and can only be passively suppressed.

However, he was trying to get closer, but Shi Potian was trying his best to keep the distance away, not giving him a chance to get closer.

The two fight against each other, and the wind is fast, you advance and I retreat.

Before they knew it, the two fought for another half a quarter of an hour.

Finally, Tu Sui seized the opportunity, flew up, and rushed directly to Shi Potian, raised the ax high in his hand, and slashed directly at Shi Potian's forehead.

However, at this moment, Shi Potian shook his hands, but retracted the two hammers at the same time, and then smashed out the two hammers at the same time.

One of the hammers hit Tu Sui's head, and the other hit Tu Sui's big axe.


With a clear sound, Shi Potian just wanted to smash the big ax of Pushing away with a hammer, and then force Tu Sui to retreat, but he didn't expect that when the hammer went down, it would be so easy to smash the big ax in Tu Sui's hand.

"not good!"

Shi Potian was startled, watching the other sledgehammer hit Tu Sui's forehead, if it hit, it would definitely burst Tu Sui's brains.

He didn't intend to kill Tu Sui, so he hurriedly exerted his strength and pulled back.

It is easy to attack, but it is difficult to take it back.

With a sudden pull, the hammer flew back immediately.


The iron hammer came fiercely, without giving Shi Potian the slightest chance to grasp it, it hit Shi Potian's own chest heavily.


Shi Potian spat out a mouthful of blood, he smashed himself to the ground, and when he looked up, he saw Tu Sui's figure descending from the sky, with a long sword unsheathed in his hand, stabbing directly towards his heart.

"Tu Sui!"

Shi Potian was startled, he could tell that Tu Sui's sword didn't show any mercy at all.

Especially Tu Sui's eyes at this time can be described as extremely cold, there is no room for redemption, it seems that his purpose is to kill himself.


Under self-injury, there was no way to avoid it, and Shi Potian, who had no way to hide, watched the long sword piercing his heart.

He trembled all over, and in an instant, he felt that all the strength in his body was constantly being lost, like a leaky prayer.


Shi Potian was dumbfounded, he stared at Tu Sui in disbelief.

He knew that Tu Sui was angry and unwilling, and also knew that Tu Sui wanted to kill him, but he never thought that this killing intent would be so firm.

At the last moment, he didn't want to hurt him, but he gave himself a fatal blow.

"I know... I just knew, you definitely won't kill me, so I'll kill you!"

Tu Sui's cold face was close to Shi Potian's, his eyes were cold and red.

"You did it on purpose just now!"

Shi Potian trembled all over, the color in his eyes dimmed instantly.

"That's right, I did it on purpose, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to kill you!"

Tu Sui didn't deny it, but said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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