Chapter 1200
"Hehe...hehehe...I never...thought...that one day, actually lied to me..."

Shi Potian laughed, because of his weakness, his voice became intermittent, as thin as a gossamer.

"This is the only and most correct path I can choose for you after you have taken the wrong path!"

Tu Sui took a deep breath, there was no doubt about it.

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly pulled out the sword.


Shi Potian spewed out a big mouthful of blood again, and lay down on his back, looking at Tu Sui with weak eyes, his pupils suddenly constricted, and saw Tu Sui drew his sword towards his own neck, and cut it directly.

Shi Potian's heart was spurting blood, and Tu Sui's neck also spurted a large stream of blood.

Tu Sui found a place, and slowly lay down beside Shi Potian, looking at Shi Potian, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

His eyes were no longer red, and there was no anger in his eyes. Instead, he smiled very happily and brilliantly.

"hold your hand……"

Tu Sui's voice was hoarse, and he read in a low voice.

"Grow old together..."

Shi broke the weather like a gossamer, and responded in a low voice.

"Ha ha……"

The two laughed at the same time, and slowly closed their eyes at the same time, facing the sky.

As the world spun, the two gradually fell into darkness, as if they had entered the void, and they seemed to have fallen into hell.

In my ears, I don't know who is singing the poem "Drumming"

Drumming and boring, enthusiastically use soldiers.Soil country city canal, I alone southbound.

From Sun Tzu Zhong, Ping Chen and Song.I don't want to go home, I'm worried.

爰居爰处?Yuan mourning his horse?In Yiqiu?Under the forest.

The life and death agreement is broad, and Zicheng said. Hold your hand and grow old together.

Yu Bo is broad, but I am not alive.Yu Wei Xun Xi, I don't believe in Xi.

I don't know who is singing the poem "No Clothes"

Qi said without clothes?Go with the child.Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear.Have hatred with the son!
Qi said without clothes?Tongze with the child.Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear.Work with the son!
Qi said without clothes?Same clothes with the child.Division Wang Yuxing, repair my armor.Go with the son!
The two heard it clearly, as if the feelings of a lifetime were contained in these two poems.

There are two people who are full of legends in their lives. One is the general Tu Sui who once led the army to attack Baiyue, and the other is the invincible general of the Huben Army who holds an invincible lion in his hand, Shi Potian.

The two became confidants when they were young, and they agreed on life and death. Now, they cannot be born on the same day, the same year, but they will eventually die on the same day.

In this era, such confidant feelings are far more reliable than the so-called sworn feelings of later generations.

In later generations of worship, it is rare to live and die together.But in this era, such a life-and-death agreement is not just lip service, no one will hesitate when it really comes to the moment of life and death.

It is said that carrying the hand of a child and growing old together with the child is the relationship between a man and a woman, but few people know that this describes the relationship between two soldiers.

Now, this emotion is once again reflected in Shi Potian and Tu Sui.

Shi Potian chose the wrong path, and Tu Sui did not agree with him after all. Tu Sui tried everything and killed him no matter what, but in the end, he still chose to go on the road together.


"Your Majesty, General Tu Shi..."

On the hill in the distance, the eyes of the two men in black armor turned red. They were suspicious of Tu Sui before, but they didn't expect that at the last moment, Tu Sui finally chose to kill his brother for the sake of Daqin.

In the end, he used his own blood to repay Daqin, and used his own life to follow his brother.

Yinyue's tender body trembled slightly, and she also saw this scene.

An inexplicable sadness came from her heart, and she couldn't help closing her eyes slowly.

"Ma'am, it's time to make a move?"

On the left, the person behind reminded in a deep voice.

"Pass down the order, Huben Army, not one will be left behind, and will be buried with General Tu Shi!"

Yinyue nodded lightly. At this moment, the battle outside the city has come to an end.

The [-] southern army had lost more than half of it in the battle that lasted more than half an hour.

"Your Majesty has an order to kill all the Huben army and be buried with General Tu Sui!"

In the back, two men in black armor shouted loudly at the same time.


The 250 people under the hill couldn't see the situation on the battlefield, so they didn't feel much.

But the moment they heard the order, they agreed in unison, and then got on their horses at the same time, circled the sides of the hill, and galloped away.


Behind Yinyue, the two men in black armor brought the horses and handed one of them to Yinyue.

Yinyue stretched out her hand to untie the reins of the horse, jumped on the horse suddenly, drew out a long sword in her hand, and shouted: "Destroy the rebels, pacify Xianyang, and protect my Great Qin!"

After the words fell, he was condescending, galloped his horse, and went straight to the battlefield.

"Drive by..."

Behind him, two men in black armor also galloped after him.

Attack 250 three soldiers of the first-character army, and under the leadership of the imperial concubine Yinyue, kill the Huben army.

In the frenzied battle, at the beginning, the southern army was able to fight back a little bit, causing the Huben army to lose soldiers and generals, with thousands of casualties.

But until now, the remaining 4000 or so Huben Army is almost invincible.

Facing less than half of the remaining and chaotic southern army, the massacre mode was completely turned on.

Wherever they passed, they saw the heads of the soldiers from the southern border rolling, but the soldiers of the Huben Army were not injured and fell to the ground.

Seeing that the two armies were fighting, the overall situation was settled, but no one noticed that the commanders of both sides behind him were dead, and they were still fighting.

But here, a sharp voice shouted: "Shi Potian is dead!"

At this time, Yinyue's voice, the moment it fell, the other 250 three soldiers of the one-character army who came galloping reacted at the same time, and also shouted loudly: "Shi Potian is dead!"

"Shi Potian is dead!"

"Shi Potian is dead!"

One after another loud shouts continued to come from outside the battlefield, instantly pulling the hearts of all the soldiers of the Huben Army.

All the soldiers of the Huben Army turned their heads at the same time, and saw two horses standing on the ground not far away, and two corpses lying on the ground.


The eyes of the soldiers of the Huben Army turned red instantly.


The southern army also roared angrily when they saw the horse and corpse of their great general Tu Sui.

In this world, no matter how powerful an army is, it will always have one flaw, and that is the backbone.

A large army, no matter how strong it is, needs to have its own army soul and backbone.

Once the army soul is gone and the backbone is down, what awaits this army will be leaderless and chaos will occur in an instant.

The army in the southern border had long been beaten into chaos by the Huben army, and no matter how chaotic it was, it would never go anywhere.

But at this time, the Huben army watched the old master fall to the ground, each one was in a state of turmoil, and all the military appearances disappeared in an instant, just like a person who suddenly lost his soul.

The vulnerable side of Huben Army began to be exposed to the eyes of the world.

The one-word army hadn't reached the front, and just five words had already disintegrated the general situation of the Huben army.

(End of this chapter)

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