Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1201 Chaos Escalation

Chapter 1201 Chaos Escalation

With a loud shout, 250 soldiers of the first-character army rushed into the battlefield under the leadership of Yinyue, and collided with the chaotic soldiers of the Huben army.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, the horse fell to the ground, the corpse rolled, and blood flowed into a river.

The war broke out again. Although the Huben Army is strong and invincible in the world, it is still only marginal when encountering a single-word army.

The other arms had no resistance in front of the Huben army, but the Huben army also had no resistance in front of the Yizi army.

Each of the members of the Yizi Army is a real first-class master. After rigorous training, the cooperation is perfect.

But at this moment, Yinyue's voice sounded again: "Kill all the Huben army, avenge General Tu Sui!"



250 The three members of the one-word army then roared loudly, arousing the anger of the southern border army.

The southern army also followed suit.

Before again, the army in the southern border was completely suppressed and beaten by the tiger and ben army, but now, under the charge of the one-word army, the tiger and ben army's formation was in chaos, and their mood collapsed. It's no different.

Under the attack of the Yizi army, the Huben army was unable to resist, and coupled with the attack of the southern border army, they were completely suppressed and became straws to be harvested.

The battle continued, and after half a quarter of an hour, more than half of the Huben Army lost, and the rest finally began to panic, panic, and began to flee around.

After this escape, the morale was even lowered, and there was no longer any strength to speak of.

Later, the army from the southern border launched a chase, and the members of the Yizi army frantically pursued them.

After chasing and killing all the way, the battlefield began to expand wildly. From the previous battlefield of three or four miles, it gradually expanded to a battlefield of more than ten miles, and a battlefield of twenty miles.

Until the end, when all the soldiers of the Huben Army were completely killed, everyone suddenly discovered that the battlefield had almost expanded to a radius of thirty miles.

When the last Huben Army soldier fell in a pool of blood, the once invincible Huben Army declared its end, became a myth, and disappeared in the long river of history.

Looking at the dying Huben army, everyone was silent, as if seeing an era disappearing from sight.

I don't know how many people's eyes were red and their hearts were hurt.

The army began to gather, and the middle-aged general entrusted by Tu Sui to the army was named Tai Shuheng, who was from the southern border, Ren Xiao's general.

He has seen Yinyue and recognized Yinyue.

After gathering the army, he made a rough estimate of the casualties before riding his horse to Yinyue.

Then he got off his horse, knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands and said: "The last general will see the imperial concubine!"

Nan Yan's silver armor was now dyed bright red, and her face was also stained with blood.

She was riding on a white-haired war horse, looked down at Tai Shuheng in front of her, and said, "I know you, you are Tai Shuheng!"

Tai Shuheng cupped his hands and said: "Return to Madam, the last general is Tai Shuheng!"

Yinyue nodded and said, "How about the casualties? How much combat power is left?"

Tai Shuheng raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, the last general is incompetent and has exhausted the former army. The [-] army has been fought, and now there are only more than [-] people left to participate in the battle, with a total of more than [-] casualties!"

"Get up!"

Yinyueyu raised her hand lightly and said: "Such casualties are really hard for the soldiers. However, the city is already in chaos at this moment. Let the remaining soldiers bear with it. After Xianyang is calmed down and peace is restored to me, my palace will definitely reward you." Everyone!"


Tai Shuheng got up to promise, and said: "Your Majesty, wait a moment, the general will lead troops into Xianyang immediately, and put down the chaos in the city!"

Yinyue nodded and said: "Go, I will enter the city first!"

After finishing speaking, Yinyueyu waved her hand and shouted: "Shoot into Xianyang!"

Behind him, 250 three soldiers of the first-character army were in the battle of the Huben army.

Although it was close to a massacre, it also lost a full four people. At this moment, there are only 240 nine people left.

It was said that these 240 nine people agreed at the same time, turned their horses around, followed Yinyue, and went straight to Xianyang City.

Not long after the Yizi army entered Xianyang, Tai Shuheng also followed with an army of [-] and stepped into the city.


"No, the rebels are coming!"

"Run away... run away..."

At this time, in Xianyang City and Nancheng District, countless voices of exclamation and panic sounded.

Many of the people who gathered here immediately went into chaos and ran around when they saw the rebels killing them.

This place in the southern city itself is very congested, and accidents may happen at any time.

Sure enough, this chaos immediately led to an accident. I don't know how many people were pushed to the ground, and before they got up, countless feet had already stepped on them.

Those people were trampled to death by pairs of big feet like this.

There were screams and cries, one after another.

The chaotic scene continued to spread, so that in the end, even Nancheng Street was in chaos.

People crowded people, people trampled people, crushed people to death, trampled to death, countless.

The rebels haven't started fighting yet, and there are probably tens of thousands of people who have suffered.

Seeing this, I already felt that the [-] troops of the royal family here couldn't sit still.

"Too much bullying, where is the army!"

Duan Hu shouted loudly, got on his horse, and summoned an army of [-].


Twenty thousand troops responded at the same time.

"Soldiers, have you seen that, wherever we go, these rebels will chase us, we can't retreat, kill, kill with me, and protect the people from being ruined!"

Holding a big iron rod in his hand, Duan Hu gave an order to meet the rebels in the direction they came.


The [-] army was also angry. From their point of view, the rebels just wanted to hold on to them, and they would never let them go.

They have already run here, and the rebels are still chasing after them. In this case, let's start the fight. Who is afraid of who will come?
So a big battle broke out in Nancheng District.

Before the fighting started, the countless people were already in a mess, killing each other, although it was not intentional, it also took countless lives.

As the fight started, the scene became even more chaotic.

The two armies collided together, killing you back and forth.

In street fighting, all alleys and streets are completely transformed into battlefields.

Many of those common people were implicated because of the expansion of the battlefield before they could escape.

For a moment, countless civilians fell in the midst of fighting again, turning into a member of a mountain of corpses, and their blood flowed into a drop in a river.

There is no doubt about the combat effectiveness of the royal army. If they were to fight on the plains, perhaps because they had just merged and their cooperation was not good enough, they would not be able to exert much power.

But this is street fighting. These soldiers come from the countries that used to be, and they can't cooperate with other people, but they can cooperate very well with their own brothers.

So, one group after another, they occupied their respective alleys and directly started a massacre-like battle.

(End of this chapter)

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