Chapter 1203
"Hehehe, Mr. Xiao, you can tell at a glance that you have never managed an orchard!"

"In this orchard, whether the fruit bears well or not depends on how well it is taken care of!"

"The so-called care here, of course, is not just as simple as watering and fertilizing, the most important thing is pruning!"

"For example, a fruit tree looks luxuriant, but in fact, such fruit trees basically don't bear much fruit."

"Even if it bears fruit, it's sour, astringent and very small. Therefore, there is a job in the orchard, which is called pruning!"

"This pruning is to cut off those relatively long branches one by one!"

"Why do you do this? Because these branches are useless in themselves. Their existence is useless except to absorb the nutrients of the fruit tree."

"Therefore, after these branches are cut off, there is no place to consume the nutrients of the fruit tree, and the fruit produced is big, red, and very sweet!"

Jun Wuyou shook his head, used Orchard as an example, and said with a smile.

"Oh, in this way, these people are just useless branches in the eyes of Lord Jun?"

Xiao He is not a fool, he draws inferences from one instance, and instantly understands what Jun Wuyou means.

However, the more he understood, the angrier he became.

If their rebels today, how many of these people died, he would not care, because in wars, dead people are normal.

In the age of war, there are never innocent people. Living in this age, you have no innocent people.

But now their identities are different. The rebels can do whatever it takes, even bloodbath, but as the imperial court, how can they do so?

The imperial court is orthodox in the world, and what it should do is to try its best to keep the territory and protect the people, instead of killing each other.

Jun Wuyou's actions, in his opinion, were too vicious.

"Could it be that in Master Xiao's opinion, these people are not useless branches?"

Jun Wuyou shrugged and said indifferently.

Xiao He snorted coldly, and said: "Hmph, I really can't see what is going on with these so-called branches."

"Jun Wuyou, Jun Wuyou, you are harming the country and the people. Let me tell you, I, Xiao He, will never be at odds with you. After this matter is over, when His Majesty the Emperor comes, Xiao He will definitely have a copy with you!"

Jun Wuyou laughed loudly, and said: "Hahaha, okay, okay...Since Mr. Xiao has such thoughts, then Wuyou can't ask for it, can't ask for it!"

Saying that, Jun Wuyou got up slowly, waved his big hand in front of him, and said: "Lord Xiao, look at these people in front, look at their ugly appearance."

"One by one, they seem like bereaved dogs, running around, being slaughtered by others, with no power to fight back. Tell me, what's the use of keeping such people?"

"They kept it, not even a decoration. At the beginning, when His Majesty the Emperor sent troops to the Huns, it was you civil and military officials, and they, the so-called common people, who stopped it."

"Otherwise, this battlefield shouldn't be in Xianyang, and they don't have to suffer from the war. But now, because of your stubbornness and their stupidity, you get the retribution you deserve. Tell me, who is to blame for this?"

"I know that once today's matter is done, it will be difficult for me to have a place in this Great Qin Temple in the future."

"But even so, what's the matter? All of you are upright and upright, but as ministers, when have you ever thought about what the emperor needs?"

"You guys are noble and clean, picking yourselves clean one by one, like saints, and pushing all the blame to His Majesty the Emperor."

"His Majesty the Emperor accepts it, and you will bear the tyrant's and faint-hearted's infamy for the rest of your life, and you will be famous forever!"

"If His Majesty doesn't accept it, he can only be at your mercy. You think that there is no need to worry about harming the country and the people, but have you ever thought that you are deceiving the emperor!"

At the end, Jun Wuyou's voice suddenly became sharp, and his eyes became cold.

"Jun Wuyou, you are talking nonsense!"

Xiao He was furious, Jun Wuyou's words clearly meant that they were deceiving the emperor, they couldn't wear this hat, and they didn't want to wear it.


"Hehe, everyone knows whether I am talking nonsense or not. Come on, ask this virtuous Mr. Zhang next to you, does he dare to say that I am talking nonsense?"

Jun Wuyou sneered, pointed at Zhang Liang who was at the side, and said mercilessly.

Zhang Liang's face was already gloomy, but when he saw this, it became even more gloomy, turning black like the bottom of a pot.

He turned his head to the side and didn't speak, and he didn't know whether he was afraid to answer or didn't know how to answer.

"Master Zhang..."

Seeing this, Xiao He was a little silly. What does Zhang Liang's gesture mean?
"Did you see, this is your high morals. Zhang Liang, a counselor, how is it different from Wuyou? In the end, they all rely on their mouths to make a living!"

"But now, he can't even say a word of rebuttal. What does that mean?"

Jun Wuyou snorted coldly, and said: "Before there was the First Emperor, and later there was the Qin Wudi. The First Emperor dared to be the first in the world despite the obstruction of the world. As a result, when the First Emperor fell, you raised your troops to rebel, and kept shouting to overthrow the tyrant. Overthrow Tyranny."

"In the final analysis, the so-called tyrants, tyrants Qin, are just because they didn't do what you think and think!"

"Now, Emperor Wu of Qin declares war on the Xiongnu, and all civil and military officials knelt down to block it, causing countless people to cry. His Majesty the Emperor is willing to admit defeat and rush to Hudong, and you gather all the scholars to kneel outside the imperial city to block it! "

"This Zhuang Zhuang, one by one, tell Wuyou, when did you act according to His Majesty's wishes?"

Speaking of this, Jun Wuyou shook his head, and said coldly: "No, never. Relatively speaking, you have always been the masters of the emperor. Now tell me, who is the master in this world? "

"You shit and pee on the emperor's head, and these fools want to shit on the emperor's head too."

"Let me tell you, His Majesty the Emperor is kind and unwilling to understand you. But from today onwards, I, Jun Wuyou, will be living in the court. Whoever dares to disobey half of my emperor's wishes and deceive my emperor's kindness, Jun Wuyou will be the first one to kill you." I won't let him go!"

"Today, let's take these foolish people first. If the civil and military officials in the court have something to worry about, it's okay. My Jun Wuyou's knife doesn't mind making an appearance in the court!"

After saying these words, Xiao He's face turned pale, and Zhang Liang trembled all over.

"Jun Wuyou, you are crazy, you want to be an enemy of the world!"

Zhang Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head to look at Jun Wuyou, and said coldly.

"One dynasty, one courtier, eat the king's salary, and take care of the king's worries. Is this sentence, in the eyes of Mr. Zhang, so ridiculous? Don't forget that this world is the emperor's world, not the world of the people of the world. !"

Jun Wuyou sneered, the words have been said, and the matter has been done for this sake, he will beat these two people instead of the emperor today.

(End of this chapter)

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