Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1204 Worry-free Heart

Chapter 1204 Worry-free Heart
"Jun Wuyou, Jun Wuyou, do you think you understand the truth, but I, Zhang Liang, don't understand it?"

"But as a man, you can do something and not do something. People in the world and the world's affairs, you can't make a rash decision just because of your own thoughts!"

Zhang Liang shook his head, he found that Jun Wuyou at this moment was not just as simple as being dangerous, but simply crazy.

If his words spread, there would be no one in the world who would be able to tolerate him.

"Master Zhang, see what this is!"

"I know that Mr. Zhang is a great talent. If Wuyou can think of it, of course Mr. Zhang can think of it. Unfortunately, do you know why His Majesty the Emperor chose to give this token to Wuyou instead of Mr. Zhang? ?”

Jun Wuyou took out the Black Dragon Order, shook his head and sneered, and said, "Because Wuyou saw his position clearly, but Mr. Zhang couldn't adjust his posture. That's all for today's words, I hope Mr. Zhang can think about it carefully. !"

"The war is coming to an end, and it won't be long before the countries will be pacified. Today is the best chance to clean up the world. After today, Wuyou has nothing to do, so Wuyou must act."

"In addition, I hope that before His Majesty returns, the two adults can think clearly about where to place their positions, so that in the future, everyone will work together in the court, but they will not be able to concentrate. This is not a worry-free hope, nor is it Your Majesty. Willing to see!"

Saying that, Jun Wuyou turned around, came to a distance, calmed down alone indifferently, let the warm wind blow on his face, and watched lightly the flames of war and flames in the world, blood flowing like a river.

At this time, under the city head, the entire Nancheng District was in chaos, and many people died unexpectedly.Or fell under the knife of the rebels, or fell at the feet of the fleeing people.

The screams, the screams of fear, and the endless crying were heart-wrenching, but Jun Wuyou just watched silently.

After a long time, he murmured to himself: "Having suffered such a catastrophe, people in this world should know what unanimity is, right?"

Said, Jun Wuyou slowly closed his eyes, and sighed deeply.

From the very beginning, the war between the top three against Qin was unexpected.

Whether it's Jun Wuyou who started the war, or the emperor Yingshou who went to Hudong, according to their initial assumption, this war will last at least a year before Qin can slowly fight. Get a break and get overwhelmed!
It's a pity that whether it's Jun Wuyou or Ying Shou, they still underestimated the abilities of Zhang Liang and Wang Lin.

The war had not yet broken out, and the two had already prepared for it. In just half a year, they went to Yandi to defeat the Donghu, tossing and turning to destroy the Xiongnu.Although the two countries still have follow-up forces, the main force has already perished, and this follow-up force is nothing to fear.

Relatively speaking, the threat of Dark Qin is greater.However, Dark Qin's side has long been arranged to death.

Jun Wuyou knew very well that within a year at most, this war would not only end, but Daqin would wipe out Darkqin single-handedly, taking the Xiongnu, Donghu and Donghu into his pocket.So far the world is one.

It seems that this is very good, and Daqin has gained a lot.But Jun Wuyou knew very well that for him and Emperor Qin, Donghu, Xiongnu, and Anqin were not real gains in this battle.

What they really want to harvest, if they go on like this, they will never be able to get it.

So Jun Wuyou made a move. He discussed a set of coping plans with Zhang Liang, but when things came to an end, he used another set of plans.

When his plan was exposed, whether it was Zhang Liang or Xiao He, they all felt that it was too cruel.Maybe if he said it, people all over the world would point at his spine and curse him.

But in fact, who can understand his painstaking efforts.

Just as if the people in this world didn't understand the emperor's painstaking efforts, when he and the emperor came to the united front, they were destined not to be understood by the people in the world.

"Master Zhang, it seems that what you said is true. In the future, the court will never be peaceful again!"

Looking at the isolated Jun Wuyou in the distance, Xiao He sighed and looked at Zhang Liangdao who was beside him.

Zhang Liang glanced at Xiao He, shook his head and sighed, smiled wryly, but was speechless.

In fact, if possible, he agrees with Jun Wuyou's actions.It's one thing to agree, but another to be willing.

His choice was ultimately different from Jun Wuyou's, so at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Outside, the battle was still going on. Under the siege of a large number of rebels, no matter how fierce the royal army was, it was gradually besieged, so that in the end, they couldn't use their hands and feet at all, and were suppressed and beaten.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and as soon as the disadvantages appeared, the morale immediately began to collapse. Without morale, the defeat was even more complete.

The army of the royal family fell in pieces in pieces, quickly reduced their numbers, and gradually faced the end of annihilation.

The South Street was completely emptied, and countless people either turned into corpses on the ground or fled away, leaving a road leading to the imperial city.

Seeing that all the [-] royal troops fell to the ground, and only the last few thousand remnants were still resisting, the rebels finally turned their horses around and charged towards the imperial city.


"Conquer the imperial city, seize the artifact, and establish the world!"


Roaring and killing sounds resounded from all directions, and countless armies came straight to the direction of the imperial city.

"Dog thief, how dare you!"

With a loud roar, Duan Hu roared, holding a big iron rod, flying up, sweeping a large area, vertically and horizontally, no longer caring about the hundreds of soldiers who were besieged behind him, and went straight to the rebels In front of him, the three great generals left.

"General Duan, stop them!"

A slightly old voice came, followed by another loud shout. Gan Hong held a pair of moon-wheel knives in his hands, and followed the Yuan brothers and Zhang Biao to the front of the rebel army.

The two jumped between them, charged under the imperial city, and stood in front of the imperial city.

In Gan Hong's hand, he twirled and waved the moon wheel saber, staring coldly at the more than [-] troops in front of him, as well as the three generals, and shouted coldly: "The front is our Great Qin Imperial City, whoever dares to take a step forward, will be killed without mercy! "

Duan Hu threw the iron rod on the ground with a pestle, and said coldly: "If you want to die, come up!"

As soon as the words fell, an invisible momentum emerged spontaneously, as if one man was in charge of the gate and ten thousand men could not open it.

Duan Hu is a person who does not make choices lightly, but from the moment he chooses to stand by Daqin, no matter what, he will do his best to protect Daqin.

The same is true for Gan Hong, since this is the young master's decision, he will support it.

In his opinion, this is not protecting Qin, but protecting the Lord.

In Duan Hu's view, this is not to protect Qin, but to protect millions of people in Dian Kingdom from the scourge of rebels.

(End of this chapter)

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