Chapter 1205
"Who is the Qin general in front of you, who dares to block the way, quickly report his name, this general will not kill the nameless ghost!"

With a loud shout, Yuan Hong narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Duan Hu and Gan Hong standing in front of the imperial city.

"Arrogant, listen clearly. This general, Duan Hu, was ordered to guard Xianyang today. How dare you invade my Xianyang. If you are sensible, you immediately put down your weapons and surrender on your knees. Otherwise, I will surely wait for you to die without a place to die!"

Duan Hu snorted coldly, with a high-spirited aura.

"It's ridiculous, so you are Duan Hu from the Dian Palace. I heard that you are the God of War in the Southwest."

"But now, the entire army of your royal family is about to be annihilated, Xianyang has already fallen, and the end of Qin is just around the corner. Do you think you two have enough power to stop my army of tens of thousands?"

"Sensible ones, surrender immediately, my lord cherishes talents, and will definitely save your life!"

Zhang Biao said, he has heard of this tiger's reputation.

Moreover, in the just now battle, Duan Hu relied on his own strength to block the army. It can be said that one man is in charge of the other, and his strength is beyond doubt.

He didn't want to fight Duan Hu, this kind of talent, instead of being an enemy, it's better to take it for his own use.

"Save my life? It's really shameless!"

"If you are not afraid of death, you can take a step forward and try today!"

Duan Hu has a cold face, he has always been a loyal minister and not the second master, and today he seems to be fighting for Qin.

In fact, his allegiance will always be his brother.Whichever side his brother chose, he would naturally follow.

He can swear to defend Qin State to the death, but he never thinks that he has defected to Qin State. The so-called loyal ministers do not vote for two masters, even Qin State he is unwilling to follow, let alone a group of traitors.

"General Gan Hong, do you see that? These three are obviously the main generals of the rebel army. The one in the middle, with a pale face and weak breath, must be seriously injured. Later, this person will be handed over to you, and the other two will be handed over to me!"

"In today's battle, facing more than [-] enemy troops, the two of us always have astonishing power, and it is difficult to compete."

"The only chance is to kill these three people, otherwise Xianyang will fall, the imperial city will be shattered, and the Great Qin will fall, and our homeland will suffer unprecedented disasters!"

While speaking, Duan Hu pointed at Yuan Ling among the Yuan brothers, and whispered to Gan Hong beside him.

"Why, in General Duan's opinion, the old man is so useless, he wants to bully the weak and fear the hard?"

Gan Hong curled his lips and said with a sneer: "In the Central Plains, Lian Po is old and can still eat. Today, the old man has not reached the point where he can't use his strength. Since he wants to fight, how can he take advantage of it?"

"Let's fight, there's nothing to say to these people, let's strike first!"

After the words fell, before Zhang Biao and others continued to speak, Gan Hong moved, and a moon wheel knife in his right hand flew out, directly strangling towards Zhang Biao.


Zhang Biao was furious. He valued these two people as talents, and he wanted to take them for his own use, but he didn't expect that this old guy is not young, and he has a temper. Let alone look at how many people there are on my side.

Seeing that the moon wheel was coming towards him at high speed, it rushed in front of him in an instant, and strangled towards his neck. Zhang Biao, who was in the same shape, immediately turned over to avoid the moon wheel.

As soon as he flew up, he saw the moon wheel turning back from behind and strangling towards him again.

This boomerang is simply impossible to guard against.

Zhang Biao was startled, he swung the long spear in his hand suddenly, touched the moon knife, heard a "clang", and directly sent the moon knife flying.

At this time, Gan Hong's speed was already extremely fast. He rushed forward, flew up, and directly grabbed the moon wheel. At the moment when Zhang Biao's castration was attenuated and his new energy was not born, a pair of moon wheels were held in his hands, and they directly moved towards the moon. Zhang Biao's body was torn apart.

"court death!"

This Gan Hong's shots were linked one after another, and the speed was incomparably fast, making it impossible to guard against, and in an instant, he was closed to a dead end.

After reacting, Zhang Biao turned pale with shock, he never thought that he still underestimated the old man.

At this moment, his old power is gone, and new power is not born, it can be said that there is no way to hide, no way to escape, seeing the moment of life and death, the Yuan brothers are really watching with cold eyes, the corners of their mouths are slightly raised, they are desperate to save.

Obviously, the two brothers looked down on him, but now that the overall situation of Qin State is about to settle down, they all hope that he can die at this moment.


With no one to rescue and nowhere to hide, Zhang Biao's face was extremely gloomy, and he shouted: "Ha!"

The long spear that he had pointed out before swung out suddenly, and quickly pointed towards the ground.


With a clear sound, the moment the spear was inserted into the ground, his body fell rapidly, bending the barrel of the gun directly, and then, in an instant, the whole person flew into the air again.


It was too late to say all of this, and it was so fast at that time, everything happened in the blink of an eye. The moment he soared into the air, Gan Hong's pair of moon-wheel knives slashed down fiercely, and indeed left a mark on his clothes. The next cuts, the two slashes that must die, actually came to nothing.

Gan Hong landed on the ground, raised his head, and when he tried to take advantage of your illness to kill you, it was already too late.

In the air, Zhang Biao turned around and finally landed five meters away. With a flick of the spear in his hand, he pulled out blossoming gun flowers and pointed at him.

"Since you are so ignorant, let's bathe in blood with Xianyang today!"

"Everyone listens to the order and enters the imperial city immediately!"

Zhang Biao's eyes were cold. Since he had already chosen to do something, he had no choice but to do so at all costs.The so-called cherishing talents and loving talents is all nonsense at this moment.



The moment Zhang Biao's voice fell, even the last thousands of soldiers of the royal army were almost cleaned up in the boxes in the distance. Immediately, the 11 army, mighty and mighty, roared loudly like ants, and rushed towards the emperor. city.

Originally there was an army of 18, but after encountering the royal army, although they wiped out the [-] royal army, they were also massacred by the powerful royal army.

In the final comparison of casualties, the number of [-] troops was exchanged for the record of [-] royal troops.

The strength of this royal army can be imagined.

Of the 18 army, there are only 11 left at this moment, but even if it is only 11, it is still an overwhelming force for Xianyang today.

"No, traitors have attacked the imperial city!"

"Quick, stop the rebels, stop them!"

Seeing the mighty, countless rebels coming, the officials in the imperial city immediately panicked.

One by one, their eyes were red, and they shouted loudly: "Come on, stop the rebels for me, stop!"

The next moment, in the imperial city, tens of thousands of servants from various government offices rushed out at the same time, heading towards the oncoming rebels.


"Do not hesitate to die, protect my imperial city!"

These yamen servants also started to go crazy at this moment, their eyes were red, they all knew that the imperial city was the last barrier in Xianyang City, and it was also the last barrier of Great Qin, so it must not be damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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